
1// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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16//! Exchange rate calculations between currencies.
18//! An exchange rate is the value of one asset versus that of another.
20use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
22use nautilus_model::enums::PriceType;
23use ustr::Ustr;
25/// Calculates the exchange rate between two currencies using provided bid and ask quotes.
27/// This function builds a graph of direct conversion rates from the quotes and uses a DFS to
28/// accumulate the conversion rate along a valid conversion path. While a full Floyd–Warshall
29/// algorithm could compute all-pairs conversion rates, the DFS approach here provides a quick
30/// solution for a single conversion query.
32/// # Errors
34/// This function returns an error if:
35/// - `price_type` is equal to `Last` or `Mark` (cannot calculate from quotes).
36/// - `quotes_bid` or `quotes_ask` is empty.
37/// - `quotes_bid` and `quotes_ask` lengths are not equal.
38/// - The bid or ask side of a pair is missing.
39pub fn get_exchange_rate(
40    from_currency: Ustr,
41    to_currency: Ustr,
42    price_type: PriceType,
43    quotes_bid: HashMap<String, f64>,
44    quotes_ask: HashMap<String, f64>,
45) -> anyhow::Result<Option<f64>> {
46    if from_currency == to_currency {
47        // When the source and target currencies are identical,
48        // no conversion is needed; return an exchange rate of 1.0.
49        return Ok(Some(1.0));
50    }
52    if quotes_bid.is_empty() || quotes_ask.is_empty() {
53        return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Quote maps must not be empty"));
54    }
55    if quotes_bid.len() != quotes_ask.len() {
56        return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Quote maps must have equal lengths"));
57    }
59    // Build effective quotes based on the requested price type
60    let effective_quotes: HashMap<String, f64> = match price_type {
61        PriceType::Bid => quotes_bid,
62        PriceType::Ask => quotes_ask,
63        PriceType::Mid => {
64            let mut mid_quotes = HashMap::new();
65            for (pair, bid) in &quotes_bid {
66                let ask = quotes_ask
67                    .get(pair)
68                    .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Missing ask quote for pair {pair}"))?;
69                mid_quotes.insert(pair.clone(), (bid + ask) / 2.0);
70            }
71            mid_quotes
72        }
73        _ => anyhow::bail!("Invalid `price_type`, was '{price_type}'"),
74    };
76    // Construct a graph: each currency maps to its neighbors and corresponding conversion rate
77    let mut graph: HashMap<Ustr, Vec<(Ustr, f64)>> = HashMap::new();
78    for (pair, rate) in effective_quotes {
79        let parts: Vec<&str> = pair.split('/').collect();
80        if parts.len() != 2 {
81            log::warn!("Skipping invalid pair string: {pair}");
82            continue;
83        }
84        let base = Ustr::from(parts[0]);
85        let quote = Ustr::from(parts[1]);
87        graph.entry(base).or_default().push((quote, rate));
88        graph.entry(quote).or_default().push((base, 1.0 / rate));
89    }
91    // DFS: search for a conversion path from `from_currency` to `to_currency`
92    let mut stack: Vec<(Ustr, f64)> = vec![(from_currency, 1.0)];
93    let mut visited: HashSet<Ustr> = HashSet::new();
94    visited.insert(from_currency);
96    while let Some((current, current_rate)) = stack.pop() {
97        if current == to_currency {
98            return Ok(Some(current_rate));
99        }
100        if let Some(neighbors) = graph.get(&current) {
101            for (neighbor, rate) in neighbors {
102                if visited.insert(*neighbor) {
103                    stack.push((*neighbor, current_rate * rate));
104                }
105            }
106        }
107    }
109    // No conversion path found
110    Ok(None)
114// Tests
117mod tests {
118    use std::collections::HashMap;
120    use rstest::rstest;
121    use ustr::Ustr;
123    use super::*;
125    fn setup_test_quotes() -> (HashMap<String, f64>, HashMap<String, f64>) {
126        let mut quotes_bid = HashMap::new();
127        let mut quotes_ask = HashMap::new();
129        // Direct pairs
130        quotes_bid.insert("EUR/USD".to_string(), 1.1000);
131        quotes_ask.insert("EUR/USD".to_string(), 1.1002);
133        quotes_bid.insert("GBP/USD".to_string(), 1.3000);
134        quotes_ask.insert("GBP/USD".to_string(), 1.3002);
136        quotes_bid.insert("USD/JPY".to_string(), 110.00);
137        quotes_ask.insert("USD/JPY".to_string(), 110.02);
139        quotes_bid.insert("AUD/USD".to_string(), 0.7500);
140        quotes_ask.insert("AUD/USD".to_string(), 0.7502);
142        (quotes_bid, quotes_ask)
143    }
145    #[rstest]
146    fn test_invalid_pair_string() {
147        let mut quotes_bid = HashMap::new();
148        let mut quotes_ask = HashMap::new();
149        // Invalid pair string (missing '/')
150        quotes_bid.insert("EURUSD".to_string(), 1.1000);
151        quotes_ask.insert("EURUSD".to_string(), 1.1002);
152        // Valid pair string
153        quotes_bid.insert("EUR/USD".to_string(), 1.1000);
154        quotes_ask.insert("EUR/USD".to_string(), 1.1002);
156        let rate = get_exchange_rate(
157            Ustr::from("EUR"),
158            Ustr::from("USD"),
159            PriceType::Mid,
160            quotes_bid,
161            quotes_ask,
162        )
163        .unwrap();
165        let expected = (1.1000 + 1.1002) / 2.0;
166        assert!((rate.unwrap() - expected).abs() < 0.0001);
167    }
169    #[rstest]
170    fn test_same_currency() {
171        let (quotes_bid, quotes_ask) = setup_test_quotes();
172        let rate = get_exchange_rate(
173            Ustr::from("USD"),
174            Ustr::from("USD"),
175            PriceType::Mid,
176            quotes_bid,
177            quotes_ask,
178        )
179        .unwrap();
180        assert_eq!(rate, Some(1.0));
181    }
183    #[rstest(
184        price_type, expected,
185        case(PriceType::Bid, 1.1000),
186        case(PriceType::Ask, 1.1002),
187        case(PriceType::Mid, (1.1000 + 1.1002) / 2.0)
188    )]
189    fn test_direct_pair(price_type: PriceType, expected: f64) {
190        let (quotes_bid, quotes_ask) = setup_test_quotes();
192        let rate = get_exchange_rate(
193            Ustr::from("EUR"),
194            Ustr::from("USD"),
195            price_type,
196            quotes_bid,
197            quotes_ask,
198        )
199        .unwrap();
201        let rate = rate.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Expected a conversion rate for {price_type}"));
202        assert!((rate - expected).abs() < 0.0001);
203    }
205    #[rstest]
206    fn test_inverse_pair() {
207        let (quotes_bid, quotes_ask) = setup_test_quotes();
209        let rate_eur_usd = get_exchange_rate(
210            Ustr::from("EUR"),
211            Ustr::from("USD"),
212            PriceType::Mid,
213            quotes_bid.clone(),
214            quotes_ask.clone(),
215        )
216        .unwrap();
217        let rate_usd_eur = get_exchange_rate(
218            Ustr::from("USD"),
219            Ustr::from("EUR"),
220            PriceType::Mid,
221            quotes_bid,
222            quotes_ask,
223        )
224        .unwrap();
225        if let (Some(eur_usd), Some(usd_eur)) = (rate_eur_usd, rate_usd_eur) {
226            assert!(eur_usd.mul_add(usd_eur, -1.0).abs() < 0.0001);
227        } else {
228            panic!("Expected valid conversion rates for inverse conversion");
229        }
230    }
232    #[rstest]
233    fn test_cross_pair_through_usd() {
234        let (quotes_bid, quotes_ask) = setup_test_quotes();
235        let rate = get_exchange_rate(
236            Ustr::from("EUR"),
237            Ustr::from("JPY"),
238            PriceType::Mid,
239            quotes_bid,
240            quotes_ask,
241        )
242        .unwrap();
243        // Expected rate: (EUR/USD mid) * (USD/JPY mid)
244        let mid_eur_usd = (1.1000 + 1.1002) / 2.0;
245        let mid_usd_jpy = (110.00 + 110.02) / 2.0;
246        let expected = mid_eur_usd * mid_usd_jpy;
247        if let Some(val) = rate {
248            assert!((val - expected).abs() < 0.1);
249        } else {
250            panic!("Expected conversion rate through USD but got None");
251        }
252    }
254    #[rstest]
255    fn test_no_conversion_path() {
256        let mut quotes_bid = HashMap::new();
257        let mut quotes_ask = HashMap::new();
259        // Only one pair provided
260        quotes_bid.insert("EUR/USD".to_string(), 1.1000);
261        quotes_ask.insert("EUR/USD".to_string(), 1.1002);
263        // Attempt conversion from EUR to JPY should yield None
264        let rate = get_exchange_rate(
265            Ustr::from("EUR"),
266            Ustr::from("JPY"),
267            PriceType::Mid,
268            quotes_bid,
269            quotes_ask,
270        )
271        .unwrap();
272        assert_eq!(rate, None);
273    }
275    #[rstest]
276    fn test_empty_quotes() {
277        let quotes_bid: HashMap<String, f64> = HashMap::new();
278        let quotes_ask: HashMap<String, f64> = HashMap::new();
279        let result = get_exchange_rate(
280            Ustr::from("EUR"),
281            Ustr::from("USD"),
282            PriceType::Mid,
283            quotes_bid,
284            quotes_ask,
285        );
286        assert!(result.is_err());
287    }
289    #[rstest]
290    fn test_unequal_quotes_length() {
291        let mut quotes_bid = HashMap::new();
292        let mut quotes_ask = HashMap::new();
294        quotes_bid.insert("EUR/USD".to_string(), 1.1000);
295        quotes_bid.insert("GBP/USD".to_string(), 1.3000);
296        quotes_ask.insert("EUR/USD".to_string(), 1.1002);
297        // Missing GBP/USD in ask quotes.
299        let result = get_exchange_rate(
300            Ustr::from("EUR"),
301            Ustr::from("USD"),
302            PriceType::Mid,
303            quotes_bid,
304            quotes_ask,
305        );
306        assert!(result.is_err());
307    }
309    #[rstest]
310    fn test_invalid_price_type() {
311        let (quotes_bid, quotes_ask) = setup_test_quotes();
312        // Using an invalid price type variant (assume PriceType::Last is unsupported)
313        let result = get_exchange_rate(
314            Ustr::from("EUR"),
315            Ustr::from("USD"),
316            PriceType::Last,
317            quotes_bid,
318            quotes_ask,
319        );
320        assert!(result.is_err());
321    }
323    #[rstest]
324    fn test_cycle_handling() {
325        let mut quotes_bid = HashMap::new();
326        let mut quotes_ask = HashMap::new();
327        // Create a cycle by including both EUR/USD and USD/EUR quotes
328        quotes_bid.insert("EUR/USD".to_string(), 1.1);
329        quotes_ask.insert("EUR/USD".to_string(), 1.1002);
330        quotes_bid.insert("USD/EUR".to_string(), 0.909);
331        quotes_ask.insert("USD/EUR".to_string(), 0.9091);
333        let rate = get_exchange_rate(
334            Ustr::from("EUR"),
335            Ustr::from("USD"),
336            PriceType::Mid,
337            quotes_bid,
338            quotes_ask,
339        )
340        .unwrap();
342        // Expect the direct EUR/USD mid rate
343        let expected = (1.1 + 1.1002) / 2.0;
344        assert!((rate.unwrap() - expected).abs() < 0.0001);
345    }
347    #[rstest]
348    fn test_multiple_paths() {
349        let mut quotes_bid = HashMap::new();
350        let mut quotes_ask = HashMap::new();
351        // Direct conversion
352        quotes_bid.insert("EUR/USD".to_string(), 1.1000);
353        quotes_ask.insert("EUR/USD".to_string(), 1.1002);
354        // Indirect path via GBP: EUR/GBP and GBP/USD
355        quotes_bid.insert("EUR/GBP".to_string(), 0.8461);
356        quotes_ask.insert("EUR/GBP".to_string(), 0.8463);
357        quotes_bid.insert("GBP/USD".to_string(), 1.3000);
358        quotes_ask.insert("GBP/USD".to_string(), 1.3002);
360        let rate = get_exchange_rate(
361            Ustr::from("EUR"),
362            Ustr::from("USD"),
363            PriceType::Mid,
364            quotes_bid,
365            quotes_ask,
366        )
367        .unwrap();
369        // Both paths should be consistent:
370        let direct: f64 = (1.1000_f64 + 1.1002_f64) / 2.0;
371        let indirect: f64 = ((0.8461_f64 + 0.8463_f64) / 2.0) * ((1.3000_f64 + 1.3002_f64) / 2.0);
372        assert!((direct - indirect).abs() < 0.0001_f64);
373        assert!((rate.unwrap() - direct).abs() < 0.0001_f64);
374    }