The core subpackage groups core constants, functions and low-level components used throughout the framework.
The main focus here is on efficiency and re-usability as this forms the base layer of the entire framework. Message passing is a core design philosophy and the base massage types are contained here.
A generic FiniteStateMachine operates with C-level enums, ensuring correct state transitions for both domain entities and more complex components.
This module provides efficient functions for performing standard datetime related operations.
Functions include awareness/tz checks and conversions, as well as ISO 8601 conversion.
as_utc_index(data: pd.DataFrame)
Ensure the given data has a DateTimeIndex which is tz-aware UTC.
- Parameters: data (pd.Series or pd.DataFrame.) – The object to ensure is UTC.
- Return type:
pd.Series, pd.DataFrame or
as_utc_timestamp(datetime dt) → datetime
Ensure the given timestamp is tz-aware UTC.
- Parameters: dt (datetime) – The timestamp to check.
- Return type: datetime
dt_to_unix_nanos(dt: pd.Timestamp)
Return the UNIX time (nanoseconds) from the given datetime (UTC).
- Parameters: dt (pd.Timestamp) – The datetime to convert.
- Return type: uint64_t
This function expects a pandas Timestamp as standard Python datetime objects are only accurate to 1 microsecond (μs).
format_iso8601(datetime dt) → unicode
Format the given datetime to a millisecond accurate ISO 8601 specification string.
- Parameters: dt (datetime) – The input datetime to format.
- Returns: The formatted string.
- Return type: str
is_datetime_utc(datetime dt) → bool
Return a value indicating whether the given timestamp is timezone aware UTC.
- Parameters: dt (datetime) – The datetime to check.
- Returns: True if timezone aware UTC, else False.
- Return type: bool
is_tz_aware(time_object) → bool
Return a value indicating whether the given object is timezone aware.
- Parameters: time_object (datetime , pd.Timestamp , pd.Series , pd.DataFrame) – The time object to check.
- Returns: True if timezone aware, else False.
- Return type: bool
is_tz_naive(time_object) → bool
Return a value indicating whether the given object is timezone naive.
- Parameters: time_object (datetime , pd.Timestamp , pd.DataFrame) – The time object to check.
- Returns: True if object timezone naive, else False.
- Return type: bool
maybe_dt_to_unix_nanos(dt: pd.Timestamp)
Return the UNIX time (nanoseconds) from the given datetime, or None
If dt is None
, then will return None
- Parameters: dt (pd.Timestamp , optional) – The datetime to convert.
- Return type:
int64 or
If the input is not None
then this function expects a pandas Timestamp
as standard Python datetime objects are only accurate to 1 microsecond (μs).
Return the datetime (UTC) from the given UNIX time (nanoseconds), or None
If nanos is None
, then will return None
- Parameters: nanos (int , optional) – The UNIX time (nanoseconds) to convert.
- Return type:
pd.Timestamp or
unix_nanos_to_dt(uint64_t nanos)
Return the datetime (UTC) from the given UNIX time (nanoseconds).
- Parameters: nanos (uint64_t) – The UNIX time (nanoseconds) to convert.
- Return type: pd.Timestamp
Finite-State Machine (FSM)
Defines a generic Finite-State Machine (FSM).
The FSM operates with a state-transition table of tuples and C-level enums. The intended use case is to ensure correct state transitions, as well as holding a deterministic state value.
class FiniteStateMachine
Bases: object
FiniteStateMachine(dict state_transition_table, int initial_state, trigger_parser: Callable[[int], str] = str, state_parser: Callable[[int], str] = str)
Provides a generic finite state machine.
- Parameters:
- state_transition_table (dict of tuples and states) – The state-transition table for the FSM consisting of a tuple of starting state and trigger as keys, and resulting states as values.
- initial_state (int / C Enum) – The initial state for the FSM.
- trigger_parser (Callable [ *[*int ] , str ] , optional) – The trigger parser needed to convert C Enum ints into strings.
then will just print the integer. - state_parser (Callable [ *[*int ] , str ] , optional) – The state parser needed to convert C Enum ints into strings.
then will just print the integer.
- Raises:
- ValueError – If state_transition_table is empty.
- ValueError – If state_transition_table key not tuple.
- ValueError – If trigger_parser not of type Callable or
. - ValueError – If state_parser not of type Callable or
The current state of the FSM.
- Returns: int / C Enum
Return the current state as a string.
- Return type: str
- Type: FiniteStateMachine.state_string
trigger(self, int trigger) → void
Process the FSM with the given trigger. The trigger must be valid for the FSMs current state.
- Parameters: trigger (int / C Enum) – The trigger to combine with the current state providing the key for the transition table lookup.
- Raises: InvalidStateTrigger – If the state and trigger combination is not found in the transition table.
exception InvalidStateTrigger
Bases: Exception
Represents an invalid trigger for the current state.
Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self._traceback_ to tb and return self.
class Command
Bases: object
Command(UUID4 command_id, uint64_t ts_init)
The base class for all command messages.
- Parameters:
- command_id (UUID4) – The command ID.
- ts_init (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
This class should not be used directly, but through a concrete subclass.
The command message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t
class Document
Bases: object
Document(UUID4 document_id, uint64_t ts_init)
The base class for all document messages.
- Parameters:
- document_id (UUID4) – The command ID.
- ts_init (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
This class should not be used directly, but through a concrete subclass.
The document message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t
class Event
Bases: object
The abstract base class for all event messages.
This class should not be used directly, but through a concrete subclass.
The event message identifier.
- Return type: UUID4
- Type:
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the event occurred.
- Return type: int
- Type: Event.ts_event
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Return type: int
- Type: Event.ts_init
class Request
Bases: object
Request(callback: Callable[[Any], None], UUID4 request_id, uint64_t ts_init)
The base class for all request messages.
- Parameters:
- callback (Callable [ *[*Any ] , None ]) – The delegate to call with the response.
- request_id (UUID4) – The request ID.
- ts_init (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
This class should not be used directly, but through a concrete subclass.
The callback for the response.
- Returns: Callable
The request message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t
class Response
Bases: object
Response(UUID4 correlation_id, UUID4 response_id, uint64_t ts_init)
The base class for all response messages.
- Parameters:
This class should not be used directly, but through a concrete subclass.
The response correlation ID.
- Returns: UUID4
The response message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t
basis_points_as_percentage(double basis_points) → double
Return the given basis points expressed as a percentage where 100% = 1.0.
- Parameters: basis_points (double) – The basis points to convert to percentage.
- Return type: double
fast_mad(ndarray values) → double
Return the mean absolute deviation from the given values.
- Parameters: values (numpy.ndarray) – The array for the calculation.
- Return type: double
fast_mad_with_mean(ndarray values, double mean) → double
Return the mean absolute deviation from the given values and mean.
- Parameters:
- values (numpy.ndarray) – The array for the calculation.
- mean (double) – The pre-calculated mean of the given values.
- Return type: double
fast_mean(ndarray values) → double
Return the average value for numpy.ndarray values.
- Parameters: values (numpy.ndarray) – The array to evaluate.
- Return type: double
fast_mean_iterated(ndarray values, double next_value, double current_value, int expected_length, bool drop_left=True) → double
Return the calculated average from the given inputs.
- Parameters:
- values (list *[*double ]) – The values for the calculation.
- next_value (double) – The next input value for the average.
- current_value (double) – The current value for the average.
- expected_length (int) – The expected length of the inputs.
- drop_left (bool) – If the value to be dropped should be from the left side of the inputs (index 0).
- Return type: double
fast_std(ndarray values) → double
Return the standard deviation from the given values.
- Parameters: values (numpy.ndarray) – The array for the calculation.
- Return type: double
fast_std_with_mean(ndarray values, double mean) → double
Return the standard deviation from the given values and mean.
- Parameters:
- values (numpy.ndarray) – The array for the calculation.
- mean (double) – The pre-calculated mean of the given values.
- Return type: double
class UUID4
Bases: object
UUID4(unicode value=None)
Represents a pseudo-random UUID (universally unique identifier) version 4 based on a 128-bit label as specified in RFC 4122.
- Parameters:
value (str , optional) – The UUID value. If
then a value will be generated.
- Panics at runtime if value is not
and not a valid UUID.
- Type: UUID4.value