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Version: nightly


The risk subpackage groups all risk specific components and tooling.

Included is a PositionSizer component which can be used by trading strategies to help with risk management through position sizing.

class RiskEngine

Bases: Component

RiskEngine(PortfolioFacade portfolio, MessageBus msgbus, Cache cache, Clock clock, config: RiskEngineConfig | None = None)

Provides a high-performance risk engine.

The RiskEngine is responsible for global strategy and portfolio risk within the platform. This includes both pre-trade risk checks and post-trade risk monitoring.

Possible trading states: : - ACTIVE (trading is enabled).

  • REDUCING (only new orders or updates which reduce an open position are allowed).
  • HALTED (all trading commands except cancels are denied).
  • Parameters:
    • portfolio (PortfolioFacade) – The portfolio for the engine.
    • msgbus (MessageBus) – The message bus for the engine.
    • cache (Cache) – The cache for the engine.
    • clock (Clock) – The clock for the engine.
    • config (RiskEngineConfig , optional) – The configuration for the instance.
  • Raises: TypeError – If config is not of type RiskEngineConfig.


The total count of commands received by the engine.

  • Returns: int


If debug mode is active (will provide extra debug logging).

  • Returns: bool

degrade(self) → void

Degrade the component.

While executing on_degrade() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a DEGRADING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

dispose(self) → void

Dispose of the component.

While executing on_dispose() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a DISPOSING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.


The total count of events received by the engine.

  • Returns: int

execute(self, Command command) → void

Execute the given command.

  • Parameters: command (Command) – The command to execute.

fault(self) → void

Fault the component.

Calling this method multiple times has the same effect as calling it once (it is idempotent). Once called, it cannot be reversed, and no other methods should be called on this instance.

While executing on_fault() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a FAULTING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

classmethod fully_qualified_name(cls) → str

Return the fully qualified name for the components class.

  • Return type: str


The components ID.

  • Returns: ComponentId


If the risk engine is completely bypassed.

  • Returns: bool



Return whether the current component state is DEGRADED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_degraded



Return whether the current component state is DISPOSED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_disposed



Return whether the current component state is FAULTED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_faulted



Return whether the component has been initialized (component.state >= INITIALIZED).

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_initialized



Return whether the current component state is RUNNING.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_running



Return whether the current component state is STOPPED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_stopped

max_notional_per_order(self, InstrumentId instrument_id)

Return the current maximum notional per order for the given instrument ID.

  • Return type: Decimal or None

max_notionals_per_order(self) → dict

Return the current maximum notionals per order settings.

max_order_modify_rate(self) → tuple

Return the current maximum order modify rate limit setting.

  • Returns: The limit per timedelta interval.
  • Return type: (int, timedelta)

max_order_submit_rate(self) → tuple

Return the current maximum order submit rate limit setting.

  • Returns: The limit per timedelta interval.
  • Return type: (int, timedelta)

process(self, Event event) → void

Process the given event.

  • Parameters: event (Event) – The event to process.

reset(self) → void

Reset the component.

All stateful fields are reset to their initial value.

While executing on_reset() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a RESETTING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

resume(self) → void

Resume the component.

While executing on_resume() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a RESUMING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

set_max_notional_per_order(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, new_value) → void

Set the maximum notional value per order for the given instrument ID.

Passing a new_value of None will disable the pre-trade risk max notional check.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the max notional.
    • new_value (integer , float , string or Decimal) – The max notional value to set.
  • Raises:
    • decimal.InvalidOperation – If new_value not a valid input for decimal.Decimal.
    • ValueError – If new_value is not None and not positive.

set_trading_state(self, TradingState state) → void

Set the trading state for the engine.

  • Parameters: state (TradingState) – The state to set.

start(self) → void

Start the component.

While executing on_start() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a STARTING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.



Return the components current state.

  • Return type: ComponentState
  • Type: Component.state

stop(self) → void

Stop the component.

While executing on_stop() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a STOPPING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.


The trader ID associated with the component.

  • Returns: TraderId


The current trading state for the engine.

  • Returns: TradingState


The components type.

  • Returns: type

class FixedRiskSizer

Bases: PositionSizer

FixedRiskSizer(Instrument instrument)

Provides position sizing calculations based on a given risk.

  • Parameters: instrument (Instrument) – The instrument for position sizing.

calculate(self, Price entry, Price stop_loss, Money equity, risk: Decimal, commission_rate: Decimal = Decimal(0), exchange_rate: Decimal = Decimal(1), hard_limit: Decimal | None = None, unit_batch_size: Decimal = Decimal(1), int units=1) → Quantity

Calculate the position size quantity.

  • Parameters:
    • entry (Price) – The entry price.
    • stop_loss (Price) – The stop loss price.
    • equity (Money) – The account equity.
    • risk (Decimal) – The risk percentage.
    • exchange_rate (Decimal) – The exchange rate for the instrument quote currency vs account currency.
    • commission_rate (Decimal) – The commission rate (>= 0).
    • hard_limit (Decimal , optional) – The hard limit for the total quantity (>= 0).
    • unit_batch_size (Decimal) – The unit batch size (> 0).
    • units (int) – The number of units to batch the position into (> 0).
  • Raises:
    • ValueError – If risk_bp is not positive (> 0).
    • ValueError – If xrate is not positive (> 0).
    • ValueError – If commission_rate is negative (< 0).
    • ValueError – If hard_limit is not None and is not positive (> 0).
    • ValueError – If unit_batch_size is not positive (> 0).
    • ValueError – If units is not positive (> 0).
  • Return type: Quantity


The instrument for position sizing.

  • Returns: Instrument

update_instrument(self, Instrument instrument) → void

Update the internal instrument with the given instrument.

  • Parameters: instrument (Instrument) – The instrument for the update.
  • Raises: ValueError – If instrument does not equal the currently held instrument.

class PositionSizer

Bases: object

PositionSizer(Instrument instrument)

The base class for all position sizers.

  • Parameters: instrument (Instrument) – The instrument for position sizing.


This class should not be used directly, but through a concrete subclass.

calculate(self, Price entry, Price stop_loss, Money equity, risk: Decimal, commission_rate: Decimal = Decimal(0), exchange_rate: Decimal = Decimal(1), hard_limit: Decimal | None = None, unit_batch_size: Decimal = Decimal(1), int units=1) → Quantity

Abstract method (implement in subclass).


The instrument for position sizing.

  • Returns: Instrument

update_instrument(self, Instrument instrument) → void

Update the internal instrument with the given instrument.

  • Parameters: instrument (Instrument) – The instrument for the update.
  • Raises: ValueError – If instrument does not equal the currently held instrument.