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Version: nightly


The Rust programming language is an ideal fit for implementing the mission-critical core of the platform and systems. This is because Rust will ensure that it is free of memory errors and data race conditions, being 'correct by construction' through its formal specification of types, ownership and lifetimes at compile time.

Furthermore, due to the absence of a built-in runtime and garbage collector, along with the language's ability to access the lowest-level primitives, we can anticipate that future implementations will be highly performant. This combination of accuracy and performance is highly valued for a high-frequency trading (HFT) platform.

Python Binding

Interoperating from Python calling Rust can be achieved by binding a Rust C-ABI compatible interface generated using cbindgen with Cython. This approach is to aid a smooth transition to greater amounts of Rust in the codebase, and reducing amounts of Cython (which will eventually be eliminated). We want to avoid a need for Rust to call Python using the FFI. In the future PyO3 will be used.

Unsafe Rust

It will be necessary to write unsafe Rust code to be able to achieve the value of interoperating between Python and Rust. The ability to step outside the boundaries of safe Rust is what makes it possible to implement many of the most fundamental features of the Rust language itself, just as C and C++ are used to implement their own standard libraries.

Great care will be taken with the use of Rusts unsafe facility - which just enables a small set of additional language features, thereby changing the contract between the interface and caller, shifting some responsibility for guaranteeing correctness from the Rust compiler, and onto us. The goal is to realize the advantages of the unsafe facility, whilst avoiding any undefined behavior. The definition for what the Rust language designers consider undefined behavior can be found in the language reference.

Safety Policy

To maintain the high standards of correctness the project strives for, it's necessary to specify a reasonable policy to adhere to when implementing unsafe Rust.

  • If a function is unsafe to call, there must be a Safety section in the documentation explaining why the function is unsafe and covering the invariants which the function expects the callers to uphold, and how to meet their obligations in that contract.
  • All unsafe code blocks must be completely covered by unit tests within the same source file.
