The execution subpackage groups components relating to the execution stack for the platform.
The layered architecture of the execution stack somewhat mirrors the data stack with a central engine, cache layer beneath, database layer beneath, with alternative implementations able to be written on top.
Due to the high-performance, the core components are reusable between both backtest and live implementations - helping to ensure consistent logic for trading operations.
class ExecAlgorithm
Bases: Actor
ExecAlgorithm(config: ExecAlgorithmConfig | None = None) The base class for all execution algorithms.
This class allows traders to implement their own customized execution algorithms.
- Parameters: config (ExecAlgorithmConfig , optional) – The execution algorithm configuration.
- Raises: TypeError – If config is not of type ExecAlgorithmConfig.
This class should not be used directly, but through a concrete subclass.
active_task_ids(self) → list
Return the active task identifiers.
- Return type: list[TaskId]
add_synthetic(self, SyntheticInstrument synthetic) → void
Add the created synthetic instrument to the cache.
- Parameters: synthetic (SyntheticInstrument) – The synthetic instrument to add to the cache.
- Raises: KeyError – If synthetic is already in the cache.
The read-only cache for the actor.
- Returns: CacheFacade
cancel_all_tasks(self) → void
Cancel all queued and active tasks.
cancel_order(self, Order order, ClientId client_id=None) → void
Cancel the given order with optional routing instructions.
A CancelOrder command will be created and then sent to either the OrderEmulator or the ExecutionEngine (depending on whether the order is emulated).
Logs an error if no VenueOrderId has been assigned to the order.
- Parameters:
cancel_task(self, task_id: TaskId) → void
Cancel the task with the given task_id (if queued or active).
If the task is not found then a warning is logged.
- Parameters: task_id (TaskId) – The task identifier.
The actors clock.
- Returns: Clock
The actors configuration.
- Returns: NautilusConfig
degrade(self) → void
Degrade the component.
While executing on_degrade() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a DEGRADING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
deregister_warning_event(self, type event) → void
Deregister the given event type from warning log levels.
- Parameters: event (type) – The event class to deregister.
dispose(self) → void
Dispose of the component.
While executing on_dispose() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a DISPOSING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
execute(self, TradingCommand command) → void
Handle the given trading command by processing it with the execution algorithm.
- Parameters: command (SubmitOrder) – The command to handle.
- Raises: ValueError – If command.exec_algorithm_id is not equal to self.id.
fault(self) → void
Fault the component.
Calling this method multiple times has the same effect as calling it once (it is idempotent). Once called, it cannot be reversed, and no other methods should be called on this instance.
While executing on_fault() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a FAULTING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
classmethod fully_qualified_name(cls) → str
Return the fully qualified name for the components class.
- Return type: str
The read-only greeks calculator for the actor.
- Returns: GreeksCalculator
handle_bar(self, Bar bar) → void
Handle the given bar data.
If state is RUNNING
then passes to on_bar.
- Parameters: bar (Bar) – The bar received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_bars(self, list bars) → void
Handle the given historical bar data by handling each bar individually.
- Parameters: bars (list [Bar ]) – The bars to handle.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_data(self, Data data) → void
Handle the given data.
If state is RUNNING
then passes to on_data.
- Parameters: data (Data) – The data received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_event(self, Event event) → void
Handle the given event.
If state is RUNNING
then passes to on_event.
- Parameters: event (Event) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_historical_data(self, data) → void
Handle the given historical data.
- Parameters: data (Data) – The historical data received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_instrument(self, Instrument instrument) → void
Handle the given instrument.
Passes to on_instrument if state is RUNNING
- Parameters: instrument (Instrument) – The instrument received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_instrument_close(self, InstrumentClose update) → void
Handle the given instrument close update.
If state is RUNNING
then passes to on_instrument_close.
- Parameters: update (InstrumentClose) – The update received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_instrument_status(self, InstrumentStatus data) → void
Handle the given instrument status update.
If state is RUNNING
then passes to on_instrument_status.
- Parameters: data (InstrumentStatus) – The status update received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_instruments(self, list instruments) → void
Handle the given instruments data by handling each instrument individually.
- Parameters: instruments (list [Instrument ]) – The instruments received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_order_book(self, OrderBook order_book) → void
Handle the given order book.
Passes to on_order_book if state is RUNNING
- Parameters: order_book (OrderBook) – The order book received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_order_book_deltas(self, deltas) → void
Handle the given order book deltas.
Passes to on_order_book_deltas if state is RUNNING
The deltas will be nautilus_pyo3.OrderBookDeltas if the
pyo3_conversion flag was set for the subscription.
- Parameters: deltas (OrderBookDeltas or nautilus_pyo3.OrderBookDeltas) – The order book deltas received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_quote_tick(self, QuoteTick tick) → void
Handle the given quote tick.
If state is RUNNING
then passes to on_quote_tick.
- Parameters: tick (QuoteTick) – The tick received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_quote_ticks(self, list ticks) → void
Handle the given historical quote tick data by handling each tick individually.
- Parameters: ticks (list [QuoteTick ]) – The ticks received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_signal(self, Data signal) → void
Handle the given signal.
If state is RUNNING
then passes to on_signal.
- Parameters: signal (Data) – The signal received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_trade_tick(self, TradeTick tick) → void
Handle the given trade tick.
If state is RUNNING
then passes to on_trade_tick.
- Parameters: tick (TradeTick) – The tick received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_trade_ticks(self, list ticks) → void
Handle the given historical trade tick data by handling each tick individually.
- Parameters: ticks (list [TradeTick ]) – The ticks received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
has_active_tasks(self) → bool
Return a value indicating whether there are any active tasks.
- Return type: bool
has_any_tasks(self) → bool
Return a value indicating whether there are any queued or active tasks.
- Return type: bool
has_pending_requests(self) → bool
Return whether the actor is pending processing for any requests.
- Returns: True if any requests are pending, else False.
- Return type: bool
has_queued_tasks(self) → bool
Return a value indicating whether there are any queued tasks.
- Return type: bool
The components ID.
- Returns: ComponentId
indicators_initialized(self) → bool
Return a value indicating whether all indicators are initialized.
- Returns: True if all initialized, else False
- Return type: bool
Return whether the current component state is DEGRADED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_degraded
Return whether the current component state is DISPOSED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_disposed
Return whether the current component state is FAULTED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_faulted
Return whether the component has been initialized (component.state >= INITIALIZED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_initialized
is_pending_request(self, UUID4 request_id) → bool
Return whether the request for the given identifier is pending processing.
- Parameters: request_id (UUID4) – The request ID to check.
- Returns: True if request is pending, else False.
- Return type: bool
Return whether the current component state is RUNNING
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_running
Return whether the current component state is STOPPED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_stopped
load(self, dict state) → void
Load the actor/strategy state from the give state dictionary.
Calls on_load and passes the state.
- Parameters: state (dict *[*str , bytes ]) – The strategy state to load.
- Raises: RuntimeError – If actor/strategy is not registered with a trader.
Exceptions raised will be caught, logged, and reraised.
The actors logger.
- Returns: Logger
modify_order(self, Order order, Quantity quantity=None, Price price=None, Price trigger_price=None, ClientId client_id=None) → void
Modify the given order with optional parameters and routing instructions.
An ModifyOrder command will be created and then sent to the RiskEngine.
At least one value must differ from the original order for the command to be valid.
Will use an Order Cancel/Replace Request (a.k.a Order Modification) for FIX protocols, otherwise if order update is not available for the API, then will cancel and replace with a new order using the original ClientOrderId.
- Parameters:
- order (Order) – The order to update.
- quantity (Quantity , optional) – The updated quantity for the given order.
- price (Price , optional) – The updated price for the given order (if applicable).
- trigger_price (Price , optional) – The updated trigger price for the given order (if applicable).
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID.
- Raises:
- ValueError – If price is not
and order does not have a price. - ValueError – If trigger is not
and order does not have a trigger_price.
- ValueError – If price is not
If the order is already closed or at PENDING_CANCEL status then the command will not be generated, and a warning will be logged.
modify_order_in_place(self, Order order, Quantity quantity=None, Price price=None, Price trigger_price=None) → void
Modify the given INITIALIZED
order in place (immediately) with optional parameters.
At least one value must differ from the original order for the command to be valid.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
- ValueError – If order.status is not
. - ValueError – If price is not
and order does not have a price. - ValueError – If trigger is not
and order does not have a trigger_price.
- ValueError – If order.status is not
If the order is already closed or at PENDING_CANCEL status then the command will not be generated, and a warning will be logged.
The message bus for the actor (if registered).
- Returns:
MessageBus or
on_bar(self, Bar bar) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives a bar.
- Parameters: bar (Bar) – The bar received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_data(self, data) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives data.
- Parameters: data (Data) – The data received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_degrade(self) → void
Actions to be performed on degrade.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
Should be overridden in the actor implementation.
on_dispose(self) → void
Actions to be performed on dispose.
Cleanup/release any resources used here.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_event(self, Event event) → void
Actions to be performed running and receives an event.
- Parameters: event (Event) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_fault(self) → void
Actions to be performed on fault.
Cleanup any resources used by the actor here.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
Should be overridden in the actor implementation.
on_historical_data(self, data) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives historical data.
- Parameters: data (Data) – The historical data received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_instrument(self, Instrument instrument) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an instrument.
- Parameters: instrument (Instrument) – The instrument received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_instrument_close(self, InstrumentClose update) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an instrument close update.
- Parameters: update (InstrumentClose) – The instrument close received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_instrument_status(self, InstrumentStatus data) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an instrument status update.
- Parameters: data (InstrumentStatus) – The instrument status update received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_load(self, dict state) → void
Actions to be performed when the actor state is loaded.
Saved state values will be contained in the give state dictionary.
- Parameters: state (dict *[*str , bytes ]) – The strategy state to load.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order(self, Order order) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order.
- Parameters: order (Order) – The order to be handled.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_accepted(self, OrderAccepted event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order accepted event.
- Parameters: event (OrderAccepted) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_book(self, OrderBook order_book) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order book.
- Parameters: order_book (OrderBook) – The order book received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_book_deltas(self, deltas) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives order book deltas.
- Parameters: deltas (OrderBookDeltas or nautilus_pyo3.OrderBookDeltas) – The order book deltas received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_cancel_rejected(self, OrderCancelRejected event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order cancel rejected event.
- Parameters: event (OrderCancelRejected) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_canceled(self, OrderCanceled event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order canceled event.
- Parameters: event (OrderCanceled) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_denied(self, OrderDenied event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order denied event.
- Parameters: event (OrderDenied) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_emulated(self, OrderEmulated event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order initialized event.
- Parameters: event (OrderEmulated) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_event(self, OrderEvent event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order event.
- Parameters: event (OrderEvent) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_expired(self, OrderExpired event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order expired event.
- Parameters: event (OrderExpired) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_filled(self, OrderFilled event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order filled event.
- Parameters: event (OrderFilled) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_initialized(self, OrderInitialized event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order initialized event.
- Parameters: event (OrderInitialized) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_list(self, OrderList order_list) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order list.
- Parameters: order_list (OrderList) – The order list to be handled.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_modify_rejected(self, OrderModifyRejected event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order modify rejected event.
- Parameters: event (OrderModifyRejected) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_pending_cancel(self, OrderPendingCancel event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order pending cancel event.
- Parameters: event (OrderPendingCancel) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_pending_update(self, OrderPendingUpdate event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order pending update event.
- Parameters: event (OrderPendingUpdate) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_rejected(self, OrderRejected event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order rejected event.
- Parameters: event (OrderRejected) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_released(self, OrderReleased event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order released event.
- Parameters: event (OrderReleased) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_submitted(self, OrderSubmitted event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order submitted event.
- Parameters: event (OrderSubmitted) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_triggered(self, OrderTriggered event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order triggered event.
- Parameters: event (OrderTriggered) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_updated(self, OrderUpdated event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order updated event.
- Parameters: event (OrderUpdated) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_position_changed(self, PositionChanged event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives a position changed event.
- Parameters: event (PositionChanged) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_position_closed(self, PositionClosed event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives a position closed event.
- Parameters: event (PositionClosed) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_position_event(self, PositionEvent event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives a position event.
- Parameters: event (PositionEvent) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_position_opened(self, PositionOpened event) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives a position opened event.
- Parameters: event (PositionOpened) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_quote_tick(self, QuoteTick tick) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives a quote tick.
- Parameters: tick (QuoteTick) – The tick received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_reset(self) → void
Actions to be performed on reset.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
Should be overridden in a user implementation.
on_resume(self) → void
Actions to be performed on resume.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_save(self) → dict
Actions to be performed when the actor state is saved.
Create and return a state dictionary of values to be saved.
- Returns: The strategy state to save.
- Return type: dict[str, bytes]
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_signal(self, signal) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives signal data.
- Parameters: signal (Data) – The signal received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_start(self) → void
Actions to be performed on start.
The intent is that this method is called once per trading ‘run’, when initially starting.
It is recommended to subscribe/request for data here.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
Should be overridden in a user implementation.
on_stop(self) → void
Actions to be performed on stop.
The intent is that this method is called to pause, or when done for day.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
Should be overridden in a user implementation.
on_trade_tick(self, TradeTick tick) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives a trade tick.
- Parameters: tick (TradeTick) – The tick received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
pending_requests(self) → set
Return the request IDs which are currently pending processing.
- Return type: set[UUID4]
The read-only portfolio for the actor.
- Returns: PortfolioFacade
publish_data(self, DataType data_type, Data data) → void
Publish the given data to the message bus.
- Parameters:
publish_signal(self, str name, value, uint64_t ts_event=0) → void
Publish the given value as a signal to the message bus.
- Parameters:
- name (str) – The name of the signal being published. The signal name will be converted to title case, with each word capitalized (e.g., ‘example’ becomes ‘SignalExample’).
- value (object) – The signal data to publish.
- ts_event (uint64_t , optional) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the signal event occurred.
then will timestamp current time.
queue_for_executor(self, func: Callable[..., Any], tuple args=None, dict kwargs=None)
Queues the callable func to be executed as fn(*args, **kwargs) sequentially.
- Parameters:
- func (Callable) – The function to be executed.
- args (positional arguments) – The positional arguments for the call to func.
- kwargs (arbitrary keyword arguments) – The keyword arguments for the call to func.
- Raises: TypeError – If func is not of type Callable.
queued_task_ids(self) → list
Return the queued task identifiers.
- Return type: list[TaskId]
register(self, TraderId trader_id, PortfolioFacade portfolio, MessageBus msgbus, CacheFacade cache, Clock clock) → void
Register the execution algorithm with a trader.
- Parameters:
- trader_id (TraderId) – The trader ID for the execution algorithm.
- portfolio (PortfolioFacade) – The read-only portfolio for the execution algorithm.
- msgbus (MessageBus) – The message bus for the execution algorithm.
- cache (CacheFacade) – The read-only cache for the execution algorithm.
- clock (Clock) – The clock for the execution algorithm.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
register_base(self, PortfolioFacade portfolio, MessageBus msgbus, CacheFacade cache, Clock clock) → void
Register with a trader.
- Parameters:
- portfolio (PortfolioFacade) – The read-only portfolio for the actor.
- msgbus (MessageBus) – The message bus for the actor.
- cache (CacheFacade) – The read-only cache for the actor.
- clock (Clock) – The clock for the actor.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
register_executor(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, executor: Executor) → void
Register the given Executor for the actor.
- Parameters:
- loop (asyncio.AsbtractEventLoop) – The event loop of the application.
- executor (concurrent.futures.Executor) – The executor to register.
- Raises: TypeError – If executor is not of type concurrent.futures.Executor
register_indicator_for_bars(self, BarType bar_type, Indicator indicator) → void
Register the given indicator with the actor/strategy to receive bar data for the given bar type.
- Parameters:
register_indicator_for_quote_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, Indicator indicator) → void
Register the given indicator with the actor/strategy to receive quote tick data for the given instrument ID.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for tick updates.
- indicator (Indicator) – The indicator to register.
register_indicator_for_trade_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, Indicator indicator) → void
Register the given indicator with the actor/strategy to receive trade tick data for the given instrument ID.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for tick updates.
- indicator (indicator) – The indicator to register.
register_warning_event(self, type event) → void
Register the given event type for warning log levels.
- Parameters: event (type) – The event class to register.
Return the registered indicators for the strategy.
- Return type: list[Indicator]
request_aggregated_bars(self, list bar_types, datetime start=None, datetime end=None, ClientId client_id=None, callback: Callable[[UUID4], None] | None = None, bool include_external_data=False, bool update_subscriptions=False, bool update_catalog=False, dict params=None) → UUID4
Request historical aggregated Bar data for multiple bar types. The first bar is used to determine which market data type will be queried. This can either be quotes, trades or bars. If bars are queried, the first bar type needs to have a composite bar that is external (i.e. not internal/aggregated). This external bar type will be queried.
If end is None
then will request up to the most recent data.
Once the response is received, the bar data is forwarded from the message bus to the on_historical_data handler. Any tick data used for aggregation is also forwarded to the on_historical_data handler.
If the request fails, then an error is logged.
- Parameters:
- bar_types (list [BarType ]) – The list of bar types for the request. Composite bars can also be used and need to figure in the list after a BarType on which it depends.
- start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
- end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - callback (Callable [ [UUID4 ] , None ] , optional) – The registered callback, to be called with the request ID when the response has completed processing.
- include_external_data (bool , default False) – If True, includes the queried external data in the response.
- update_subscriptions (bool , default False) – If True, updates the aggregators of any existing or future subscription with the queried external data.
- update_catalog (bool , default False) – If True then updates the catalog with new data received from a client.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- Returns: The request_id for the request.
- Return type: UUID4
- Raises:
- ValueError – If start is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If end is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If start and end are not None and start is >= end.
- ValueError – If bar_types is empty.
- TypeError – If callback is not None and not of type Callable.
- TypeError – If bar_types is empty or contains elements not of type BarType.
request_bars(self, BarType bar_type, datetime start=None, datetime end=None, ClientId client_id=None, callback: Callable[[UUID4], None] | None = None, bool update_catalog=False, dict params=None) → UUID4
Request historical Bar data.
If end is None
then will request up to the most recent data.
Once the response is received, the bar data is forwarded from the message bus to the on_historical_data handler.
If the request fails, then an error is logged.
- Parameters:
- bar_type (BarType) – The bar type for the request.
- start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
- end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - callback (Callable [ [UUID4 ] , None ] , optional) – The registered callback, to be called with the request ID when the response has completed processing.
- update_catalog (bool , default False) – If True then updates the catalog with new data received from a client.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- Returns: The request_id for the request.
- Return type: UUID4
- Raises:
- ValueError – If start is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If end is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If start and end are not None and start is >= end.
- TypeError – If callback is not None and not of type Callable.
request_data(self, DataType data_type, ClientId client_id, callback: Callable[[UUID4], None] | None = None, bool update_catalog=False, dict params=None) → UUID4
Request custom data for the given data type from the given data client.
Once the response is received, the data is forwarded from the message bus to the on_historical_data handler.
If the request fails, then an error is logged.
- Parameters:
- data_type (DataType) – The data type for the request.
- client_id (ClientId) – The data client ID.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- callback (Callable [ [UUID4 ] , None ] , optional) – The registered callback, to be called with the request ID when the response has completed processing.
- Returns: The request_id for the request.
- Return type: UUID4
- Raises: TypeError – If callback is not None and not of type Callable.
request_instrument(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, datetime start=None, datetime end=None, ClientId client_id=None, callback: Callable[[UUID4], None] | None = None, bool update_catalog=False, dict params=None) → UUID4
Request Instrument data for the given instrument ID.
If end is None
then will request up to the most recent data.
Once the response is received, the instrument data is forwarded from the message bus to the on_instrument handler.
If the request fails, then an error is logged.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the request.
- start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
- end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - callback (Callable [ [UUID4 ] , None ] , optional) – The registered callback, to be called with the request ID when the response has completed processing.
- update_catalog (bool , default False) – If True then updates the catalog with new data received from a client.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- Returns: The request_id for the request.
- Return type: UUID4
- Raises:
- ValueError – If start is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If end is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If start and end are not None and start is >= end.
- TypeError – If callback is not None and not of type Callable.
request_instruments(self, Venue venue, datetime start=None, datetime end=None, ClientId client_id=None, callback: Callable[[UUID4], None] | None = None, bool update_catalog=False, dict params=None) → UUID4
Request all Instrument data for the given venue.
If end is None
then will request up to the most recent data.
Once the response is received, the instrument data is forwarded from the message bus to the on_instrument handler.
If the request fails, then an error is logged.
- Parameters:
- venue (Venue) – The venue for the request.
- start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
- end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - callback (Callable [ [UUID4 ] , None ] , optional) – The registered callback, to be called with the request ID when the response has completed processing.
- update_catalog (bool , default False) – If True then updates the catalog with new data received from a client.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- Returns: The request_id for the request.
- Return type: UUID4
- Raises:
- ValueError – If start is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If end is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If start and end are not None and start is >= end.
- TypeError – If callback is not None and not of type Callable.
request_order_book_snapshot(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, int limit, ClientId client_id=None, callback: Callable[[UUID4], None] | None = None, dict params=None) → UUID4
Request an order book snapshot.
Once the response is received, the order book data is forwarded from the message bus to the on_historical_data handler.
If the request fails, then an error is logged.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the order book snapshot request.
- limit (int , optional) – The limit on the depth of the order book snapshot (default is None).
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command. If None, it will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID.
- callback (Callable [ [UUID4 ] , None ] , optional) – The registered callback, to be called with the request ID when the response has completed processing.
- update_catalog (bool , default False) – If True then updates the catalog with new data received from a client.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- Returns: The request_id for the request.
- Return type: UUID4
- Raises:
- ValueError – If the instrument_id is None.
- TypeError – If callback is not None and not of type Callable.
request_quote_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, datetime start=None, datetime end=None, ClientId client_id=None, callback: Callable[[UUID4], None] | None = None, bool update_catalog=False, dict params=None) → UUID4
Request historical QuoteTick data.
If end is None
then will request up to the most recent data.
Once the response is received, the quote tick data is forwarded from the message bus to the on_historical_data handler.
If the request fails, then an error is logged.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument ID for the request.
- start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
- end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - callback (Callable [ [UUID4 ] , None ] , optional) – The registered callback, to be called with the request ID when the response has completed processing.
- update_catalog (bool , default False) – If True then updates the catalog with new data received from a client.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- Returns: The request_id for the request.
- Return type: UUID4
- Raises:
- ValueError – If start is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If end is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If start and end are not None and start is >= end.
- TypeError – If callback is not None and not of type Callable.
request_trade_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, datetime start=None, datetime end=None, ClientId client_id=None, callback: Callable[[UUID4], None] | None = None, bool update_catalog=False, dict params=None) → UUID4
Request historical TradeTick data.
If end is None
then will request up to the most recent data.
Once the response is received, the trade tick data is forwarded from the message bus to the on_historical_data handler.
If the request fails, then an error is logged.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument ID for the request.
- start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
- end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - callback (Callable [ [UUID4 ] , None ] , optional) – The registered callback, to be called with the request ID when the response has completed processing.
- update_catalog (bool , default False) – If True then updates the catalog with new data received from a client.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- Returns: The request_id for the request.
- Return type: UUID4
- Raises:
- ValueError – If start is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If end is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If start and end are not None and start is >= end.
- TypeError – If callback is not None and not of type Callable.
reset(self) → void
Reset the component.
All stateful fields are reset to their initial value.
While executing on_reset() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a RESETTING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
resume(self) → void
Resume the component.
While executing on_resume() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a RESUMING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
run_in_executor(self, func: Callable[..., Any], tuple args=None, dict kwargs=None)
Schedules the callable func to be executed as fn(*args, **kwargs).
- Parameters:
- func (Callable) – The function to be executed.
- args (positional arguments) – The positional arguments for the call to func.
- kwargs (arbitrary keyword arguments) – The keyword arguments for the call to func.
- Returns: The unique task identifier for the execution. This also corresponds to any future objects memory address.
- Return type: TaskId
- Raises: TypeError – If func is not of type Callable.
save(self) → dict
Return the actor/strategy state dictionary to be saved.
Calls on_save.
- Returns: The strategy state to save.
- Return type: dict[str, bytes]
- Raises: RuntimeError – If actor/strategy is not registered with a trader.
Exceptions raised will be caught, logged, and reraised.
shutdown_system(self, str reason=None) → void
Initiate a system-wide shutdown by generating and publishing a ShutdownSystem command.
The command is handled by the system’s NautilusKernel, which will invoke either stop (synchronously) or stop_async (asynchronously) depending on the execution context and the presence of an active event loop.
- Parameters: reason (str , optional) – The reason for issuing the shutdown command.
spawn_limit(self, Order primary, Quantity quantity, Price price, TimeInForce time_in_force=TimeInForce.GTC, datetime expire_time=None, bool post_only=False, bool reduce_only=False, Quantity display_qty=None, TriggerType emulation_trigger=TriggerType.NO_TRIGGER, list tags=None, bool reduce_primary=True) → LimitOrder
Spawn a new LIMIT
order from the given primary order.
- Parameters:
- primary (Order) – The primary order from which this order will spawn.
- quantity (Quantity) – The spawned orders quantity (> 0). Must be less than primary.quantity.
- price (Price) – The spawned orders price.
- time_in_force (TimeInForce {
}, defaultGTC
) – The spawned orders time in force. - expire_time (datetime , optional) – The spawned order expiration (for
orders). - post_only (bool , default False) – If the spawned order will only provide liquidity (make a market).
- reduce_only (bool , default False) – If the spawned order carries the ‘reduce-only’ execution instruction.
- display_qty (Quantity , optional) – The quantity of the spawned order to display on the public book (iceberg).
- emulation_trigger (TriggerType, default
) – The spawned orders emulation trigger. - tags (list *[*str ] , optional) – The custom user tags for the order.
- reduce_primary (bool , default True) – If the primary order quantity should be reduced by the given quantity.
- Return type: LimitOrder
- Raises:
- ValueError – If primary.exec_algorithm_id is not equal to self.id.
- ValueError – If quantity is not positive (> 0).
- ValueError – If time_in_force is
and expire_time <= UNIX epoch. - ValueError – If display_qty is negative (< 0) or greater than quantity.
spawn_market(self, Order primary, Quantity quantity, TimeInForce time_in_force=TimeInForce.GTC, bool reduce_only=False, list tags=None, bool reduce_primary=True) → MarketOrder
Spawn a new MARKET
order from the given primary order.
- Parameters:
- primary (Order) – The primary order from which this order will spawn.
- quantity (Quantity) – The spawned orders quantity (> 0).
- time_in_force (TimeInForce {
}, defaultGTC
) – The spawned orders time in force. Often not applicable for market orders. - reduce_only (bool , default False) – If the spawned order carries the ‘reduce-only’ execution instruction.
- tags (list *[*str ] , optional) – The custom user tags for the order.
- reduce_primary (bool , default True) – If the primary order quantity should be reduced by the given quantity.
- Return type: MarketOrder
- Raises:
- ValueError – If primary.exec_algorithm_id is not equal to self.id.
- ValueError – If quantity is not positive (> 0).
- ValueError – If time_in_force is
spawn_market_to_limit(self, Order primary, Quantity quantity, TimeInForce time_in_force=TimeInForce.GTC, datetime expire_time=None, bool reduce_only=False, Quantity display_qty=None, TriggerType emulation_trigger=TriggerType.NO_TRIGGER, list tags=None, bool reduce_primary=True) → MarketToLimitOrder
order from the given primary order.
- Parameters:
- primary (Order) – The primary order from which this order will spawn.
- quantity (Quantity) – The spawned orders quantity (> 0). Must be less than primary.quantity.
- time_in_force (TimeInForce {
}, defaultGTC
) – The spawned orders time in force. - expire_time (datetime , optional) – The spawned order expiration (for
orders). - reduce_only (bool , default False) – If the spawned order carries the ‘reduce-only’ execution instruction.
- display_qty (Quantity , optional) – The quantity of the spawned order to display on the public book (iceberg).
- emulation_trigger (TriggerType, default
) – The spawned orders emulation trigger. - tags (list *[*str ] , optional) – The custom user tags for the order.
- reduce_primary (bool , default True) – If the primary order quantity should be reduced by the given quantity.
- Return type: MarketToLimitOrder
- Raises:
- ValueError – If primary.exec_algorithm_id is not equal to self.id.
- ValueError – If quantity is not positive (> 0).
- ValueError – If time_in_force is
and expire_time <= UNIX epoch. - ValueError – If display_qty is negative (< 0) or greater than quantity.
start(self) → void
Start the component.
While executing on_start() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a STARTING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
ComponentState Return the components current state.
- Return type: ComponentState
- Type: Component.state
stop(self) → void
Stop the component.
While executing on_stop() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a STOPPING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
submit_order(self, Order order) → void
Submit the given order (may be the primary or spawned order).
A SubmitOrder command will be created and sent to the RiskEngine.
If the client order ID is duplicate, then the order will be denied.
- Parameters:
- order (Order) – The order to submit.
- parent_order_id (ClientOrderId , optional) – The parent client order identifier. If provided then will be considered a child order of the parent.
- Raises:
- ValueError – If order.status is not
. - ValueError – If order.emulation_trigger is not
- ValueError – If order.status is not
If a position_id is passed and a position does not yet exist, then any position opened by the order will have this position ID assigned. This may not be what you intended.
Emulated orders cannot be sent from execution algorithms (intentionally constraining complexity).
subscribe_bars(self, BarType bar_type, ClientId client_id=None, bool await_partial=False, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to streaming Bar data for the given bar type.
Once subscribed, any matching bar data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_bar handler.
- Parameters:
- bar_type (BarType) – The bar type to subscribe to.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - await_partial (bool , default False) – If the bar aggregator should await the arrival of a historical partial bar prior to actively aggregating new bars.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
subscribe_data(self, DataType data_type, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to data of the given data type.
Once subscribed, any matching data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_data handler.
- Parameters:
subscribe_instrument(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to update Instrument data for the given instrument ID.
Once subscribed, any matching instrument data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_instrument handler.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the subscription.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
subscribe_instrument_close(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to close updates for the given instrument ID.
Once subscribed, any matching instrument close data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_instrument_close handler.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument to subscribe to status updates for.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
subscribe_instrument_status(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to status updates for the given instrument ID.
Once subscribed, any matching instrument status data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_instrument_status handler.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument to subscribe to status updates for.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
subscribe_instruments(self, Venue venue, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to update Instrument data for the given venue.
Once subscribed, any matching instrument data published on the message bus is forwarded the on_instrument handler.
- Parameters:
subscribe_order_book_at_interval(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, BookType book_type=BookType.L2_MBP, int depth=0, int interval_ms=1000, ClientId client_id=None, bool managed=True, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to an OrderBook at a specified interval for the given instrument ID.
Once subscribed, any matching order book updates published on the message bus are forwarded to the on_order_book handler.
The DataEngine will only maintain one order book for each instrument. Because of this - the level, depth and params for the stream will be set as per the last subscription request (this will also affect all subscribers).
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The order book instrument ID to subscribe to.
- book_type (BookType {
}) – The order book type. - depth (int , optional) – The maximum depth for the order book. A depth of 0 is maximum depth.
- interval_ms (int) – The order book snapshot interval in milliseconds (must be positive).
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - managed (bool , default True) – If an order book should be managed by the data engine based on the subscribed feed.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- Raises:
- ValueError – If depth is negative (< 0).
- ValueError – If interval_ms is not positive (> 0).
Consider subscribing to order book deltas if you need intervals less than 100 milliseconds.
subscribe_order_book_deltas(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, BookType book_type=BookType.L2_MBP, int depth=0, ClientId client_id=None, bool managed=True, bool pyo3_conversion=False, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to the order book data stream, being a snapshot then deltas for the given instrument ID.
Once subscribed, any matching order book data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_order_book_deltas handler.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The order book instrument ID to subscribe to.
- book_type (BookType {
}) – The order book type. - depth (int , optional) – The maximum depth for the order book. A depth of 0 is maximum depth.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - managed (bool , default True) – If an order book should be managed by the data engine based on the subscribed feed.
- pyo3_conversion (bool , default False) – If received deltas should be converted to nautilus_pyo3.OrderBookDeltas prior to being passed to the on_order_book_deltas handler.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
subscribe_quote_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to streaming QuoteTick data for the given instrument ID.
Once subscribed, any matching quote tick data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_quote_tick handler.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to subscribe to.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
subscribe_signal(self, str name='') → void
Subscribe to a specific signal by name, or to all signals if no name is provided.
Once subscribed, any matching signal data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_signal handler.
- Parameters: name (str , optional) – The name of the signal to subscribe to. If not provided or an empty string is passed, the subscription will include all signals. The signal name is case-insensitive and will be capitalized (e.g., ‘example’ becomes ‘SignalExample*’).
subscribe_trade_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to streaming TradeTick data for the given instrument ID.
Once subscribed, any matching trade tick data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_trade_tick handler.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to subscribe to.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
to_importable_config(self) → ImportableExecAlgorithmConfig
Returns an importable configuration for this execution algorithm.
- Return type: ImportableExecAlgorithmConfig
The trader ID associated with the component.
- Returns: TraderId
The components type.
- Returns: type
unsubscribe_bars(self, BarType bar_type, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe from streaming Bar data for the given bar type.
- Parameters:
unsubscribe_data(self, DataType data_type, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe from data of the given data type.
- Parameters:
unsubscribe_instrument(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe from update Instrument data for the given instrument ID.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument to unsubscribe from.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
unsubscribe_instrument_status(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe to status updates of the given venue.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument to unsubscribe to status updates for.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
unsubscribe_instruments(self, Venue venue, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe from update Instrument data for the given venue.
- Parameters:
unsubscribe_order_book_at_interval(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, int interval_ms=1000, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe from an OrderBook at a specified interval for the given instrument ID.
The interval must match the previously subscribed interval.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The order book instrument to subscribe to.
- interval_ms (int) – The order book snapshot interval in milliseconds.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
unsubscribe_order_book_deltas(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe the order book deltas stream for the given instrument ID.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The order book instrument to subscribe to.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
unsubscribe_quote_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe from streaming QuoteTick data for the given instrument ID.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to unsubscribe from.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
unsubscribe_trade_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe from streaming TradeTick data for the given instrument ID.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument ID to unsubscribe from.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
update_synthetic(self, SyntheticInstrument synthetic) → void
Update the synthetic instrument in the cache.
- Parameters: synthetic (SyntheticInstrument) – The synthetic instrument to update in the cache.
- Raises: KeyError – If synthetic does not already exist in the cache.
class ExecutionClient
Bases: Component
ExecutionClient(ClientId client_id, Venue venue: Venue | None, OmsType oms_type, AccountType account_type, Currency base_currency: Currency | None, MessageBus msgbus, Cache cache, Clock clock, config: NautilusConfig | None = None) The base class for all execution clients.
- Parameters:
- client_id (ClientId) – The client ID.
- venue (Venue or
) – The client venue. If multi-venue then can beNone
. - oms_type (OmsType) – The venues order management system type.
- account_type (AccountType) – The account type for the client.
- base_currency (Currency or
) – The account base currency. UseNone
for multi-currency accounts. - msgbus (MessageBus) – The message bus for the client.
- cache (Cache) – The cache for the client.
- clock (Clock) – The clock for the client.
- config (NautilusConfig , optional) – The configuration for the instance.
- Raises:
- ValueError – If client_id is not equal to account_id.get_issuer().
- ValueError – If oms_type is
(must be specified).
This class should not be used directly, but through a concrete subclass.
The clients account ID.
- Returns:
AccountId or
The clients account type.
- Returns: AccountType
The clients account base currency (None for multi-currency accounts).
- Returns:
Currency or
batch_cancel_orders(self, BatchCancelOrders command) → void
Batch cancel orders for the instrument ID contained in the given command.
- Parameters: command (BatchCancelOrders) – The command to execute.
cancel_all_orders(self, CancelAllOrders command) → void
Cancel all orders for the instrument ID contained in the given command.
- Parameters: command (CancelAllOrders) – The command to execute.
cancel_order(self, CancelOrder command) → void
Cancel the order with the client order ID contained in the given command.
- Parameters: command (CancelOrder) – The command to execute.
degrade(self) → void
Degrade the component.
While executing on_degrade() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a DEGRADING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
dispose(self) → void
Dispose of the component.
While executing on_dispose() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a DISPOSING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
fault(self) → void
Fault the component.
Calling this method multiple times has the same effect as calling it once (it is idempotent). Once called, it cannot be reversed, and no other methods should be called on this instance.
While executing on_fault() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a FAULTING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
classmethod fully_qualified_name(cls) → str
Return the fully qualified name for the components class.
- Return type: str
generate_account_state(self, list balances, list margins, bool reported, uint64_t ts_event, dict info=None) → void
Generate an AccountState event and publish on the message bus.
- Parameters:
- balances (list [AccountBalance ]) – The account balances.
- margins (list [MarginBalance ]) – The margin balances.
- reported (bool) – If the balances are reported directly from the exchange.
- ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the account state event occurred.
- info (dict *[*str , object ]) – The additional implementation specific account information.
generate_order_accepted(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, uint64_t ts_event) → void
Generate an OrderAccepted event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.
- Parameters:
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
- client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
- venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
- ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order accepted event occurred.
generate_order_cancel_rejected(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, str reason, uint64_t ts_event) → void
Generate an OrderCancelRejected event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.
- Parameters:
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
- client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
- venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
- reason (str) – The order cancel rejected reason.
- ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order cancel rejected event occurred.
generate_order_canceled(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, uint64_t ts_event) → void
Generate an OrderCanceled event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.
- Parameters:
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
- client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
- venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
- ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when order canceled event occurred.
generate_order_expired(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, uint64_t ts_event) → void
Generate an OrderExpired event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.
- Parameters:
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
- client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
- venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
- ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order expired event occurred.
generate_order_filled(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, PositionId venue_position_id: PositionId | None, TradeId trade_id, OrderSide order_side, OrderType order_type, Quantity last_qty, Price last_px, Currency quote_currency, Money commission, LiquiditySide liquidity_side, uint64_t ts_event, dict info=None) → void
Generate an OrderFilled event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.
- Parameters:
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
- client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
- venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
- trade_id (TradeId) – The trade ID.
- venue_position_id (PositionId or
) – The venue position ID associated with the order. If the trading venue has assigned a position ID / ticket then pass that here, otherwise passNone
and the execution engine OMS will handle position ID resolution. - order_side (OrderSide {
}) – The execution order side. - order_type (OrderType) – The execution order type.
- last_qty (Quantity) – The fill quantity for this execution.
- last_px (Price) – The fill price for this execution (not average price).
- quote_currency (Currency) – The currency of the price.
- commission (Money) – The fill commission.
- liquidity_side (LiquiditySide {
}) – The execution liquidity side. - ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order filled event occurred.
- info (dict *[*str , object ] , optional) – The additional fill information.
generate_order_modify_rejected(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, str reason, uint64_t ts_event) → void
Generate an OrderModifyRejected event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.
- Parameters:
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
- client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
- venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
- reason (str) – The order update rejected reason.
- ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order update rejection event occurred.
generate_order_rejected(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, str reason, uint64_t ts_event) → void
Generate an OrderRejected event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.
- Parameters:
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
- client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
- reason (datetime) – The order rejected reason.
- ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order rejected event occurred.
generate_order_submitted(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, uint64_t ts_event) → void
Generate an OrderSubmitted event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.
- Parameters:
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
- client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
- ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order submitted event occurred.
generate_order_triggered(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, uint64_t ts_event) → void
Generate an OrderTriggered event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.
- Parameters:
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
- client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
- venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
- ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order triggered event occurred.
generate_order_updated(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, Quantity quantity, Price price, Price trigger_price, uint64_t ts_event, bool venue_order_id_modified=False) → void
Generate an OrderUpdated event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.
- Parameters:
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
- client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
- venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
- quantity (Quantity) – The orders current quantity.
- price (Price) – The orders current price.
- trigger_price (Price or
) – The orders current trigger price. - ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order update event occurred.
- venue_order_id_modified (bool) – If the ID was modified for this event.
get_account(self) → Account
Return the account for the client (if registered).
- Return type:
Account or
The components ID.
- Returns: ComponentId
If the client is connected.
- Returns: bool
Return whether the current component state is DEGRADED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_degraded
Return whether the current component state is DISPOSED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_disposed
Return whether the current component state is FAULTED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_faulted
Return whether the component has been initialized (component.state >= INITIALIZED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_initialized
Return whether the current component state is RUNNING
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_running
Return whether the current component state is STOPPED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_stopped
modify_order(self, ModifyOrder command) → void
Modify the order with parameters contained in the command.
- Parameters: command (ModifyOrder) – The command to execute.
The venues order management system type.
- Returns: OmsType
query_order(self, QueryOrder command) → void
Initiate a reconciliation for the queried order which will generate an OrderStatusReport.
- Parameters: command (QueryOrder) – The command to execute.
reset(self) → void
Reset the component.
All stateful fields are reset to their initial value.
While executing on_reset() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a RESETTING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
resume(self) → void
Resume the component.
While executing on_resume() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a RESUMING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
shutdown_system(self, str reason=None) → void
Initiate a system-wide shutdown by generating and publishing a ShutdownSystem command.
The command is handled by the system’s NautilusKernel, which will invoke either stop (synchronously) or stop_async (asynchronously) depending on the execution context and the presence of an active event loop.
- Parameters: reason (str , optional) – The reason for issuing the shutdown command.
start(self) → void
Start the component.
While executing on_start() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a STARTING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
ComponentState Return the components current state.
- Return type: ComponentState
- Type: Component.state
stop(self) → void
Stop the component.
While executing on_stop() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a STOPPING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
submit_order(self, SubmitOrder command) → void
Submit the order contained in the given command for execution.
- Parameters: command (SubmitOrder) – The command to execute.
submit_order_list(self, SubmitOrderList command) → void
Submit the order list contained in the given command for execution.
- Parameters: command (SubmitOrderList) – The command to execute.
The trader ID associated with the component.
- Returns: TraderId
The components type.
- Returns: type
The clients venue ID (if not a routing client).
- Returns:
Venue or
class OrderEmulator
Bases: Actor
OrderEmulator(PortfolioFacade portfolio, MessageBus msgbus, Cache cache, Clock clock, config: OrderEmulatorConfig | None = None) Provides order emulation for specified trigger types.
- Parameters:
- portfolio (PortfolioFacade) – The read-only portfolio for the order emulator.
- msgbus (MessageBus) – The message bus for the order emulator.
- cache (Cache) – The cache for the order emulator.
- clock (Clock) – The clock for the order emulator.
- config (OrderEmulatorConfig , optional) – The configuration for the order emulator.
active_task_ids(self) → list
Return the active task identifiers.
- Return type: list[TaskId]
add_synthetic(self, SyntheticInstrument synthetic) → void
Add the created synthetic instrument to the cache.
- Parameters: synthetic (SyntheticInstrument) – The synthetic instrument to add to the cache.
- Raises: KeyError – If synthetic is already in the cache.
The read-only cache for the actor.
- Returns: CacheFacade
cancel_all_tasks(self) → void
Cancel all queued and active tasks.
cancel_task(self, task_id: TaskId) → void
Cancel the task with the given task_id (if queued or active).
If the task is not found then a warning is logged.
- Parameters: task_id (TaskId) – The task identifier.
The actors clock.
- Returns: Clock
The total count of commands received by the emulator.
- Returns: int
The actors configuration.
- Returns: NautilusConfig
create_matching_core(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, Price price_increment) → MatchingCore
Create an internal matching core for the given instrument.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the matching core.
- price_increment (Price) – The minimum price increment (tick size) for the matching core.
- Return type: MatchingCore
- Raises: KeyError – If a matching core for the given instrument_id already exists.
If debug mode is active (will provide extra debug logging).
- Returns: bool
degrade(self) → void
Degrade the component.
While executing on_degrade() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a DEGRADING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
deregister_warning_event(self, type event) → void
Deregister the given event type from warning log levels.
- Parameters: event (type) – The event class to deregister.
dispose(self) → void
Dispose of the component.
While executing on_dispose() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a DISPOSING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
The total count of events received by the emulator.
- Returns: int
execute(self, TradingCommand command) → void
Execute the given command.
- Parameters: command (TradingCommand) – The command to execute.
fault(self) → void
Fault the component.
Calling this method multiple times has the same effect as calling it once (it is idempotent). Once called, it cannot be reversed, and no other methods should be called on this instance.
While executing on_fault() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a FAULTING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
classmethod fully_qualified_name(cls) → str
Return the fully qualified name for the components class.
- Return type: str
get_matching_core(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → MatchingCore | None
Return the emulators matching core for the given instrument ID.
- Return type:
MatchingCore or
get_submit_order_commands(self) → dict[ClientOrderId, SubmitOrder]
Return the emulators cached submit order commands.
- Return type: dict[ClientOrderId, SubmitOrder]
The read-only greeks calculator for the actor.
- Returns: GreeksCalculator
handle_bar(self, Bar bar) → void
Handle the given bar data.
If state is RUNNING
then passes to on_bar.
- Parameters: bar (Bar) – The bar received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_bars(self, list bars) → void
Handle the given historical bar data by handling each bar individually.
- Parameters: bars (list [Bar ]) – The bars to handle.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_data(self, Data data) → void
Handle the given data.
If state is RUNNING
then passes to on_data.
- Parameters: data (Data) – The data received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_event(self, Event event) → void
Handle the given event.
If state is RUNNING
then passes to on_event.
- Parameters: event (Event) – The event received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_historical_data(self, data) → void
Handle the given historical data.
- Parameters: data (Data) – The historical data received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_instrument(self, Instrument instrument) → void
Handle the given instrument.
Passes to on_instrument if state is RUNNING
- Parameters: instrument (Instrument) – The instrument received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_instrument_close(self, InstrumentClose update) → void
Handle the given instrument close update.
If state is RUNNING
then passes to on_instrument_close.
- Parameters: update (InstrumentClose) – The update received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_instrument_status(self, InstrumentStatus data) → void
Handle the given instrument status update.
If state is RUNNING
then passes to on_instrument_status.
- Parameters: data (InstrumentStatus) – The status update received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_instruments(self, list instruments) → void
Handle the given instruments data by handling each instrument individually.
- Parameters: instruments (list [Instrument ]) – The instruments received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_order_book(self, OrderBook order_book) → void
Handle the given order book.
Passes to on_order_book if state is RUNNING
- Parameters: order_book (OrderBook) – The order book received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_order_book_deltas(self, deltas) → void
Handle the given order book deltas.
Passes to on_order_book_deltas if state is RUNNING
The deltas will be nautilus_pyo3.OrderBookDeltas if the
pyo3_conversion flag was set for the subscription.
- Parameters: deltas (OrderBookDeltas or nautilus_pyo3.OrderBookDeltas) – The order book deltas received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_quote_tick(self, QuoteTick tick) → void
Handle the given quote tick.
If state is RUNNING
then passes to on_quote_tick.
- Parameters: tick (QuoteTick) – The tick received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_quote_ticks(self, list ticks) → void
Handle the given historical quote tick data by handling each tick individually.
- Parameters: ticks (list [QuoteTick ]) – The ticks received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_signal(self, Data signal) → void
Handle the given signal.
If state is RUNNING
then passes to on_signal.
- Parameters: signal (Data) – The signal received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_trade_tick(self, TradeTick tick) → void
Handle the given trade tick.
If state is RUNNING
then passes to on_trade_tick.
- Parameters: tick (TradeTick) – The tick received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
handle_trade_ticks(self, list ticks) → void
Handle the given historical trade tick data by handling each tick individually.
- Parameters: ticks (list [TradeTick ]) – The ticks received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
has_active_tasks(self) → bool
Return a value indicating whether there are any active tasks.
- Return type: bool
has_any_tasks(self) → bool
Return a value indicating whether there are any queued or active tasks.
- Return type: bool
has_pending_requests(self) → bool
Return whether the actor is pending processing for any requests.
- Returns: True if any requests are pending, else False.
- Return type: bool
has_queued_tasks(self) → bool
Return a value indicating whether there are any queued tasks.
- Return type: bool
The components ID.
- Returns: ComponentId
indicators_initialized(self) → bool
Return a value indicating whether all indicators are initialized.
- Returns: True if all initialized, else False
- Return type: bool
Return whether the current component state is DEGRADED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_degraded
Return whether the current component state is DISPOSED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_disposed
Return whether the current component state is FAULTED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_faulted
Return whether the component has been initialized (component.state >= INITIALIZED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_initialized
is_pending_request(self, UUID4 request_id) → bool
Return whether the request for the given identifier is pending processing.
- Parameters: request_id (UUID4) – The request ID to check.
- Returns: True if request is pending, else False.
- Return type: bool
Return whether the current component state is RUNNING
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_running
Return whether the current component state is STOPPED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_stopped
load(self, dict state) → void
Load the actor/strategy state from the give state dictionary.
Calls on_load and passes the state.
- Parameters: state (dict *[*str , bytes ]) – The strategy state to load.
- Raises: RuntimeError – If actor/strategy is not registered with a trader.
Exceptions raised will be caught, logged, and reraised.
The actors logger.
- Returns: Logger
The message bus for the actor (if registered).
- Returns:
MessageBus or
on_bar(self, Bar bar) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives a bar.
- Parameters: bar (Bar) – The bar received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_data(self, data) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives data.
- Parameters: data (Data) – The data received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_degrade(self) → void
Actions to be performed on degrade.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
Should be overridden in the actor implementation.
on_dispose(self) → void
on_event(self, Event event) → void
Handle the given event.
- Parameters: event (Event) – The received event to handle.
on_fault(self) → void
Actions to be performed on fault.
Cleanup any resources used by the actor here.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
Should be overridden in the actor implementation.
on_historical_data(self, data) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives historical data.
- Parameters: data (Data) – The historical data received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_instrument(self, Instrument instrument) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an instrument.
- Parameters: instrument (Instrument) – The instrument received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_instrument_close(self, InstrumentClose update) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an instrument close update.
- Parameters: update (InstrumentClose) – The instrument close received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_instrument_status(self, InstrumentStatus data) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an instrument status update.
- Parameters: data (InstrumentStatus) – The instrument status update received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_load(self, dict state) → void
Actions to be performed when the actor state is loaded.
Saved state values will be contained in the give state dictionary.
- Parameters: state (dict *[*str , bytes ]) – The strategy state to load.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_book(self, OrderBook order_book) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives an order book.
- Parameters: order_book (OrderBook) – The order book received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_order_book_deltas(self, deltas) → void
on_quote_tick(self, QuoteTick tick) → void
on_reset(self) → void
on_resume(self) → void
Actions to be performed on resume.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_save(self) → dict
Actions to be performed when the actor state is saved.
Create and return a state dictionary of values to be saved.
- Returns: The strategy state to save.
- Return type: dict[str, bytes]
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_signal(self, signal) → void
Actions to be performed when running and receives signal data.
- Parameters: signal (Data) – The signal received.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
on_start(self) → void
on_stop(self) → void
on_trade_tick(self, TradeTick tick) → void
pending_requests(self) → set
Return the request IDs which are currently pending processing.
- Return type: set[UUID4]
The read-only portfolio for the actor.
- Returns: PortfolioFacade
publish_data(self, DataType data_type, Data data) → void
Publish the given data to the message bus.
- Parameters:
publish_signal(self, str name, value, uint64_t ts_event=0) → void
Publish the given value as a signal to the message bus.
- Parameters:
- name (str) – The name of the signal being published. The signal name will be converted to title case, with each word capitalized (e.g., ‘example’ becomes ‘SignalExample’).
- value (object) – The signal data to publish.
- ts_event (uint64_t , optional) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the signal event occurred.
then will timestamp current time.
queue_for_executor(self, func: Callable[..., Any], tuple args=None, dict kwargs=None)
Queues the callable func to be executed as fn(*args, **kwargs) sequentially.
- Parameters:
- func (Callable) – The function to be executed.
- args (positional arguments) – The positional arguments for the call to func.
- kwargs (arbitrary keyword arguments) – The keyword arguments for the call to func.
- Raises: TypeError – If func is not of type Callable.
queued_task_ids(self) → list
Return the queued task identifiers.
- Return type: list[TaskId]
register_base(self, PortfolioFacade portfolio, MessageBus msgbus, CacheFacade cache, Clock clock) → void
Register with a trader.
- Parameters:
- portfolio (PortfolioFacade) – The read-only portfolio for the actor.
- msgbus (MessageBus) – The message bus for the actor.
- cache (CacheFacade) – The read-only cache for the actor.
- clock (Clock) – The clock for the actor.
System method (not intended to be called by user code).
register_executor(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, executor: Executor) → void
Register the given Executor for the actor.
- Parameters:
- loop (asyncio.AsbtractEventLoop) – The event loop of the application.
- executor (concurrent.futures.Executor) – The executor to register.
- Raises: TypeError – If executor is not of type concurrent.futures.Executor
register_indicator_for_bars(self, BarType bar_type, Indicator indicator) → void
Register the given indicator with the actor/strategy to receive bar data for the given bar type.
- Parameters:
register_indicator_for_quote_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, Indicator indicator) → void
Register the given indicator with the actor/strategy to receive quote tick data for the given instrument ID.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for tick updates.
- indicator (Indicator) – The indicator to register.
register_indicator_for_trade_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, Indicator indicator) → void
Register the given indicator with the actor/strategy to receive trade tick data for the given instrument ID.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for tick updates.
- indicator (indicator) – The indicator to register.
register_warning_event(self, type event) → void
Register the given event type for warning log levels.
- Parameters: event (type) – The event class to register.
Return the registered indicators for the strategy.
- Return type: list[Indicator]
request_aggregated_bars(self, list bar_types, datetime start=None, datetime end=None, ClientId client_id=None, callback: Callable[[UUID4], None] | None = None, bool include_external_data=False, bool update_subscriptions=False, bool update_catalog=False, dict params=None) → UUID4
Request historical aggregated Bar data for multiple bar types. The first bar is used to determine which market data type will be queried. This can either be quotes, trades or bars. If bars are queried, the first bar type needs to have a composite bar that is external (i.e. not internal/aggregated). This external bar type will be queried.
If end is None
then will request up to the most recent data.
Once the response is received, the bar data is forwarded from the message bus to the on_historical_data handler. Any tick data used for aggregation is also forwarded to the on_historical_data handler.
If the request fails, then an error is logged.
- Parameters:
- bar_types (list [BarType ]) – The list of bar types for the request. Composite bars can also be used and need to figure in the list after a BarType on which it depends.
- start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
- end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - callback (Callable [ [UUID4 ] , None ] , optional) – The registered callback, to be called with the request ID when the response has completed processing.
- include_external_data (bool , default False) – If True, includes the queried external data in the response.
- update_subscriptions (bool , default False) – If True, updates the aggregators of any existing or future subscription with the queried external data.
- update_catalog (bool , default False) – If True then updates the catalog with new data received from a client.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- Returns: The request_id for the request.
- Return type: UUID4
- Raises:
- ValueError – If start is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If end is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If start and end are not None and start is >= end.
- ValueError – If bar_types is empty.
- TypeError – If callback is not None and not of type Callable.
- TypeError – If bar_types is empty or contains elements not of type BarType.
request_bars(self, BarType bar_type, datetime start=None, datetime end=None, ClientId client_id=None, callback: Callable[[UUID4], None] | None = None, bool update_catalog=False, dict params=None) → UUID4
Request historical Bar data.
If end is None
then will request up to the most recent data.
Once the response is received, the bar data is forwarded from the message bus to the on_historical_data handler.
If the request fails, then an error is logged.
- Parameters:
- bar_type (BarType) – The bar type for the request.
- start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
- end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - callback (Callable [ [UUID4 ] , None ] , optional) – The registered callback, to be called with the request ID when the response has completed processing.
- update_catalog (bool , default False) – If True then updates the catalog with new data received from a client.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- Returns: The request_id for the request.
- Return type: UUID4
- Raises:
- ValueError – If start is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If end is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If start and end are not None and start is >= end.
- TypeError – If callback is not None and not of type Callable.
request_data(self, DataType data_type, ClientId client_id, callback: Callable[[UUID4], None] | None = None, bool update_catalog=False, dict params=None) → UUID4
Request custom data for the given data type from the given data client.
Once the response is received, the data is forwarded from the message bus to the on_historical_data handler.
If the request fails, then an error is logged.
- Parameters:
- data_type (DataType) – The data type for the request.
- client_id (ClientId) – The data client ID.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- callback (Callable [ [UUID4 ] , None ] , optional) – The registered callback, to be called with the request ID when the response has completed processing.
- Returns: The request_id for the request.
- Return type: UUID4
- Raises: TypeError – If callback is not None and not of type Callable.
request_instrument(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, datetime start=None, datetime end=None, ClientId client_id=None, callback: Callable[[UUID4], None] | None = None, bool update_catalog=False, dict params=None) → UUID4
Request Instrument data for the given instrument ID.
If end is None
then will request up to the most recent data.
Once the response is received, the instrument data is forwarded from the message bus to the on_instrument handler.
If the request fails, then an error is logged.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the request.
- start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
- end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - callback (Callable [ [UUID4 ] , None ] , optional) – The registered callback, to be called with the request ID when the response has completed processing.
- update_catalog (bool , default False) – If True then updates the catalog with new data received from a client.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- Returns: The request_id for the request.
- Return type: UUID4
- Raises:
- ValueError – If start is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If end is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If start and end are not None and start is >= end.
- TypeError – If callback is not None and not of type Callable.
request_instruments(self, Venue venue, datetime start=None, datetime end=None, ClientId client_id=None, callback: Callable[[UUID4], None] | None = None, bool update_catalog=False, dict params=None) → UUID4
Request all Instrument data for the given venue.
If end is None
then will request up to the most recent data.
Once the response is received, the instrument data is forwarded from the message bus to the on_instrument handler.
If the request fails, then an error is logged.
- Parameters:
- venue (Venue) – The venue for the request.
- start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
- end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - callback (Callable [ [UUID4 ] , None ] , optional) – The registered callback, to be called with the request ID when the response has completed processing.
- update_catalog (bool , default False) – If True then updates the catalog with new data received from a client.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- Returns: The request_id for the request.
- Return type: UUID4
- Raises:
- ValueError – If start is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If end is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If start and end are not None and start is >= end.
- TypeError – If callback is not None and not of type Callable.
request_order_book_snapshot(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, int limit, ClientId client_id=None, callback: Callable[[UUID4], None] | None = None, dict params=None) → UUID4
Request an order book snapshot.
Once the response is received, the order book data is forwarded from the message bus to the on_historical_data handler.
If the request fails, then an error is logged.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the order book snapshot request.
- limit (int , optional) – The limit on the depth of the order book snapshot (default is None).
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command. If None, it will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID.
- callback (Callable [ [UUID4 ] , None ] , optional) – The registered callback, to be called with the request ID when the response has completed processing.
- update_catalog (bool , default False) – If True then updates the catalog with new data received from a client.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- Returns: The request_id for the request.
- Return type: UUID4
- Raises:
- ValueError – If the instrument_id is None.
- TypeError – If callback is not None and not of type Callable.
request_quote_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, datetime start=None, datetime end=None, ClientId client_id=None, callback: Callable[[UUID4], None] | None = None, bool update_catalog=False, dict params=None) → UUID4
Request historical QuoteTick data.
If end is None
then will request up to the most recent data.
Once the response is received, the quote tick data is forwarded from the message bus to the on_historical_data handler.
If the request fails, then an error is logged.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument ID for the request.
- start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
- end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - callback (Callable [ [UUID4 ] , None ] , optional) – The registered callback, to be called with the request ID when the response has completed processing.
- update_catalog (bool , default False) – If True then updates the catalog with new data received from a client.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- Returns: The request_id for the request.
- Return type: UUID4
- Raises:
- ValueError – If start is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If end is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If start and end are not None and start is >= end.
- TypeError – If callback is not None and not of type Callable.
request_trade_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, datetime start=None, datetime end=None, ClientId client_id=None, callback: Callable[[UUID4], None] | None = None, bool update_catalog=False, dict params=None) → UUID4
Request historical TradeTick data.
If end is None
then will request up to the most recent data.
Once the response is received, the trade tick data is forwarded from the message bus to the on_historical_data handler.
If the request fails, then an error is logged.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument ID for the request.
- start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
- end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - callback (Callable [ [UUID4 ] , None ] , optional) – The registered callback, to be called with the request ID when the response has completed processing.
- update_catalog (bool , default False) – If True then updates the catalog with new data received from a client.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- Returns: The request_id for the request.
- Return type: UUID4
- Raises:
- ValueError – If start is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If end is not None and > current timestamp (now).
- ValueError – If start and end are not None and start is >= end.
- TypeError – If callback is not None and not of type Callable.
reset(self) → void
Reset the component.
All stateful fields are reset to their initial value.
While executing on_reset() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a RESETTING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
resume(self) → void
Resume the component.
While executing on_resume() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a RESUMING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
run_in_executor(self, func: Callable[..., Any], tuple args=None, dict kwargs=None)
Schedules the callable func to be executed as fn(*args, **kwargs).
- Parameters:
- func (Callable) – The function to be executed.
- args (positional arguments) – The positional arguments for the call to func.
- kwargs (arbitrary keyword arguments) – The keyword arguments for the call to func.
- Returns: The unique task identifier for the execution. This also corresponds to any future objects memory address.
- Return type: TaskId
- Raises: TypeError – If func is not of type Callable.
save(self) → dict
Return the actor/strategy state dictionary to be saved.
Calls on_save.
- Returns: The strategy state to save.
- Return type: dict[str, bytes]
- Raises: RuntimeError – If actor/strategy is not registered with a trader.
Exceptions raised will be caught, logged, and reraised.
shutdown_system(self, str reason=None) → void
Initiate a system-wide shutdown by generating and publishing a ShutdownSystem command.
The command is handled by the system’s NautilusKernel, which will invoke either stop (synchronously) or stop_async (asynchronously) depending on the execution context and the presence of an active event loop.
- Parameters: reason (str , optional) – The reason for issuing the shutdown command.
start(self) → void
Start the component.
While executing on_start() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a STARTING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
ComponentState Return the components current state.
- Return type: ComponentState
- Type: Component.state
stop(self) → void
Stop the component.
While executing on_stop() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a STOPPING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
subscribe_bars(self, BarType bar_type, ClientId client_id=None, bool await_partial=False, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to streaming Bar data for the given bar type.
Once subscribed, any matching bar data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_bar handler.
- Parameters:
- bar_type (BarType) – The bar type to subscribe to.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - await_partial (bool , default False) – If the bar aggregator should await the arrival of a historical partial bar prior to actively aggregating new bars.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
subscribe_data(self, DataType data_type, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to data of the given data type.
Once subscribed, any matching data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_data handler.
- Parameters:
subscribe_instrument(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to update Instrument data for the given instrument ID.
Once subscribed, any matching instrument data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_instrument handler.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the subscription.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
subscribe_instrument_close(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to close updates for the given instrument ID.
Once subscribed, any matching instrument close data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_instrument_close handler.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument to subscribe to status updates for.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
subscribe_instrument_status(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to status updates for the given instrument ID.
Once subscribed, any matching instrument status data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_instrument_status handler.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument to subscribe to status updates for.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
subscribe_instruments(self, Venue venue, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to update Instrument data for the given venue.
Once subscribed, any matching instrument data published on the message bus is forwarded the on_instrument handler.
- Parameters:
subscribe_order_book_at_interval(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, BookType book_type=BookType.L2_MBP, int depth=0, int interval_ms=1000, ClientId client_id=None, bool managed=True, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to an OrderBook at a specified interval for the given instrument ID.
Once subscribed, any matching order book updates published on the message bus are forwarded to the on_order_book handler.
The DataEngine will only maintain one order book for each instrument. Because of this - the level, depth and params for the stream will be set as per the last subscription request (this will also affect all subscribers).
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The order book instrument ID to subscribe to.
- book_type (BookType {
}) – The order book type. - depth (int , optional) – The maximum depth for the order book. A depth of 0 is maximum depth.
- interval_ms (int) – The order book snapshot interval in milliseconds (must be positive).
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - managed (bool , default True) – If an order book should be managed by the data engine based on the subscribed feed.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
- Raises:
- ValueError – If depth is negative (< 0).
- ValueError – If interval_ms is not positive (> 0).
Consider subscribing to order book deltas if you need intervals less than 100 milliseconds.
subscribe_order_book_deltas(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, BookType book_type=BookType.L2_MBP, int depth=0, ClientId client_id=None, bool managed=True, bool pyo3_conversion=False, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to the order book data stream, being a snapshot then deltas for the given instrument ID.
Once subscribed, any matching order book data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_order_book_deltas handler.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The order book instrument ID to subscribe to.
- book_type (BookType {
}) – The order book type. - depth (int , optional) – The maximum depth for the order book. A depth of 0 is maximum depth.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - managed (bool , default True) – If an order book should be managed by the data engine based on the subscribed feed.
- pyo3_conversion (bool , default False) – If received deltas should be converted to nautilus_pyo3.OrderBookDeltas prior to being passed to the on_order_book_deltas handler.
- params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
subscribe_quote_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to streaming QuoteTick data for the given instrument ID.
Once subscribed, any matching quote tick data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_quote_tick handler.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to subscribe to.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
subscribe_signal(self, str name='') → void
Subscribe to a specific signal by name, or to all signals if no name is provided.
Once subscribed, any matching signal data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_signal handler.
- Parameters: name (str , optional) – The name of the signal to subscribe to. If not provided or an empty string is passed, the subscription will include all signals. The signal name is case-insensitive and will be capitalized (e.g., ‘example’ becomes ‘SignalExample*’).
subscribe_trade_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Subscribe to streaming TradeTick data for the given instrument ID.
Once subscribed, any matching trade tick data published on the message bus is forwarded to the on_trade_tick handler.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to subscribe to.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
list[InstrumentId] Return the subscribed quote feeds for the emulator.
- Return type: list[InstrumentId]
- Type: OrderEmulator.subscribed_quotes
list[InstrumentId] Return the subscribed trade feeds for the emulator.
- Return type: list[InstrumentId]
- Type: OrderEmulator.subscribed_trades
to_importable_config(self) → ImportableActorConfig
Returns an importable configuration for this actor.
- Return type: ImportableActorConfig
The trader ID associated with the component.
- Returns: TraderId
The components type.
- Returns: type
unsubscribe_bars(self, BarType bar_type, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe from streaming Bar data for the given bar type.
- Parameters:
unsubscribe_data(self, DataType data_type, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe from data of the given data type.
- Parameters:
unsubscribe_instrument(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe from update Instrument data for the given instrument ID.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument to unsubscribe from.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
unsubscribe_instrument_status(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe to status updates of the given venue.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument to unsubscribe to status updates for.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
unsubscribe_instruments(self, Venue venue, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe from update Instrument data for the given venue.
- Parameters:
unsubscribe_order_book_at_interval(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, int interval_ms=1000, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe from an OrderBook at a specified interval for the given instrument ID.
The interval must match the previously subscribed interval.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The order book instrument to subscribe to.
- interval_ms (int) – The order book snapshot interval in milliseconds.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
unsubscribe_order_book_deltas(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe the order book deltas stream for the given instrument ID.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The order book instrument to subscribe to.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
unsubscribe_quote_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe from streaming QuoteTick data for the given instrument ID.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to unsubscribe from.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
unsubscribe_trade_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientId client_id=None, dict params=None) → void
Unsubscribe from streaming TradeTick data for the given instrument ID.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument ID to unsubscribe from.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The specific client ID for the command.
then will be inferred from the venue in the instrument ID. - params (dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – Additional parameters potentially used by a specific client.
update_synthetic(self, SyntheticInstrument synthetic) → void
Update the synthetic instrument in the cache.
- Parameters: synthetic (SyntheticInstrument) – The synthetic instrument to update in the cache.
- Raises: KeyError – If synthetic does not already exist in the cache.
The ExecutionEngine is the central component of the entire execution stack.
The execution engines primary responsibility is to orchestrate interactions between the ExecutionClient instances, and the rest of the platform. This includes sending commands to, and receiving events from, the trading venue endpoints via its registered execution clients.
The engine employs a simple fan-in fan-out messaging pattern to execute TradingCommand messages, and process AccountState or OrderEvent type messages.
Alternative implementations can be written on top of the generic engine - which just need to override the execute and process methods.
class ExecutionEngine
Bases: Component
ExecutionEngine(MessageBus msgbus, Cache cache, Clock clock, config: ExecEngineConfig | None = None) -> None Provides a high-performance execution engine for the management of many ExecutionClient instances, and the asynchronous ingest and distribution of trading commands and events.
- Parameters:
- msgbus (MessageBus) – The message bus for the engine.
- cache (Cache) – The cache for the engine.
- clock (Clock) – The clock for the engine.
- config (ExecEngineConfig , optional) – The configuration for the instance.
- Raises: TypeError – If config is not of type ExecEngineConfig.
check_connected(self) → bool
Check all of the engines clients are connected.
- Returns: True if all clients connected, else False.
- Return type: bool
check_disconnected(self) → bool
Check all of the engines clients are disconnected.
- Returns: True if all clients disconnected, else False.
- Return type: bool
check_integrity(self) → bool
Check integrity of data within the cache and clients.
- Returns: True if checks pass, else False.
- Return type: bool
check_residuals(self) → bool
Check for any residual open state and log warnings if found.
‘Open state’ is considered to be open orders and open positions.
- Returns: True if residuals exist, else False.
- Return type: bool
The total count of commands received by the engine.
- Returns: int
connect(self) → None
Connect the engine by calling connect on all registered clients.
If debug mode is active (will provide extra debug logging).
- Returns: bool
ClientId | None Return the default execution client registered with the engine.
- Return type:
ClientId or
- Type: ExecutionEngine.default_client
degrade(self) → void
Degrade the component.
While executing on_degrade() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a DEGRADING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
deregister_client(self, ExecutionClient client) → void
Deregister the given execution client from the execution engine.
- Parameters: client (ExecutionClient) – The execution client to deregister.
- Raises: ValueError – If client is not registered with the execution engine.
disconnect(self) → None
Disconnect the engine by calling disconnect on all registered clients.
dispose(self) → void
Dispose of the component.
While executing on_dispose() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a DISPOSING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
The total count of events received by the engine.
- Returns: int
execute(self, TradingCommand command) → void
Execute the given command.
- Parameters: command (TradingCommand) – The command to execute.
fault(self) → void
Fault the component.
Calling this method multiple times has the same effect as calling it once (it is idempotent). Once called, it cannot be reversed, and no other methods should be called on this instance.
While executing on_fault() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a FAULTING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
flush_db(self) → void
Flush the execution database which permanently removes all persisted data.
Permanent data loss.
classmethod fully_qualified_name(cls) → str
Return the fully qualified name for the components class.
- Return type: str
get_clients_for_orders(self, list orders) → set
Get all execution clients for the given orders.
- Parameters: order (list [Order ]) – The orders for the execution clients.
- Return type: list[ExecutionClient]
get_external_order_claim(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → StrategyId
Get any external order claim for the given instrument ID.
- Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the claim.
- Return type:
StrategyId or
get_external_order_claims_instruments(self) → set
Get all external order claims instrument IDs.
- Return type: set[InstrumentId]
The components ID.
- Returns: ComponentId
Return whether the current component state is DEGRADED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_degraded
Return whether the current component state is DISPOSED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_disposed
Return whether the current component state is FAULTED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_faulted
Return whether the component has been initialized (component.state >= INITIALIZED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_initialized
Return whether the current component state is RUNNING
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_running
Return whether the current component state is STOPPED
- Return type: bool
- Type: Component.is_stopped
load_cache(self) → void
Load the cache up from the execution database.
position_id_count(self, StrategyId strategy_id) → int
The position ID count for the given strategy ID.
- Parameters: strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID for the position count.
- Return type: int
process(self, OrderEvent event) → void
Process the given order event.
- Parameters: event (OrderEvent) – The order event to process.
reconcile_mass_status(self, report: ExecutionMassStatus) → None
Reconcile the given execution mass status report.
- Parameters: report (ExecutionMassStatus) – The execution mass status report to reconcile.
reconcile_report(self, report: ExecutionReport) → bool
Check the given execution report.
- Parameters: report (ExecutionReport) – The execution report to check.
- Returns: True if reconciliation successful, else False.
- Return type: bool
async reconcile_state(self, double timeout_secs: float = 10.0) → bool
Reconcile the internal execution state with all execution clients (external state).
- Parameters: timeout_secs (double , default 10.0) – The timeout (seconds) for reconciliation to complete.
- Returns: True if states reconcile within timeout, else False.
- Return type: bool
- Raises: ValueError – If timeout_secs is not positive (> 0).
bool Return whether the reconciliation process will be run on start.
- Return type: bool
- Type: ExecutionEngine.reconciliation
register_client(self, ExecutionClient client) → void
Register the given execution client with the execution engine.
If the client.venue is None
and a default routing client has not
been previously registered then will be registered as such.
- Parameters: client (ExecutionClient) – The execution client to register.
- Raises: ValueError – If client is already registered with the execution engine.
register_default_client(self, ExecutionClient client) → void
Register the given client as the default routing client (when a specific venue routing cannot be found).
Any existing default routing client will be overwritten.
- Parameters: client (ExecutionClient) – The client to register.
register_external_order_claims(self, Strategy strategy) → void
Register the given strategies external order claim instrument IDs (if any)
- Parameters: strategy (Strategy) – The strategy for the registration.
- Raises: InvalidConfiguration – If a strategy is already registered to claim external orders for an instrument ID.
register_oms_type(self, Strategy strategy) → void
Register the given trading strategies OMS (Order Management System) type.
- Parameters: strategy (Strategy) – The strategy for the registration.
register_venue_routing(self, ExecutionClient client, Venue venue) → void
Register the given client to route orders to the given venue.
Any existing client in the routing map for the given venue will be overwritten.
- Parameters:
- venue (Venue) – The venue to route orders to.
- client (ExecutionClient) – The client for the venue routing.
list[ClientId] Return the execution clients registered with the engine.
- Return type: list[ClientId]
- Type: ExecutionEngine.registered_clients
‘int’ The total count of reports received by the engine.
- Returns: int
- Type: report_count
reset(self) → void
Reset the component.
All stateful fields are reset to their initial value.
While executing on_reset() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a RESETTING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
resume(self) → void
Resume the component.
While executing on_resume() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a RESUMING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
shutdown_system(self, str reason=None) → void
Initiate a system-wide shutdown by generating and publishing a ShutdownSystem command.
The command is handled by the system’s NautilusKernel, which will invoke either stop (synchronously) or stop_async (asynchronously) depending on the execution context and the presence of an active event loop.
- Parameters: reason (str , optional) – The reason for issuing the shutdown command.
If order state snapshots should be persisted.
- Returns: bool
If position state snapshots should be persisted.
- Returns: bool
The interval (seconds) at which additional position state snapshots are persisted.
- Returns: double
start(self) → void
Start the component.
While executing on_start() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a STARTING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
ComponentState Return the components current state.
- Return type: ComponentState
- Type: Component.state
stop(self) → void
Stop the component.
While executing on_stop() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component
will remain in a STOPPING
Do not override.
If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.
stop_clients(self) → void
Stop the registered clients.
The trader ID associated with the component.
- Returns: TraderId
The components type.
- Returns: type
class OrderManager
Bases: object
OrderManager(Clock clock, MessageBus msgbus, Cache cache, str component_name, bool active_local, submit_order_handler: Callable[[SubmitOrder], None] = None, cancel_order_handler: Callable[[Order], None] = None, modify_order_handler: Callable[[Order, Quantity], None] = None, bool debug=False, bool log_events=True, bool log_commands=True) Provides a generic order execution manager.
- Parameters:
- clock (Clock) – The clock for the order manager.
- msgbus (MessageBus) – The message bus for the order manager.
- cache (Cache) – The cache for the order manager.
- component_name (str) – The component name for the order manager.
- active_local (str) – If the manager is for active local orders.
- submit_order_handler (Callable [ [SubmitOrder ] , None ] , optional) – The handler to call when submitting orders.
- cancel_order_handler (Callable [ [Order ] , None ] , optional) – The handler to call when canceling orders.
- modify_order_handler (Callable [ [Order , Quantity ] , None ] , optional) – The handler to call when modifying orders (limited to modifying quantity).
- debug (bool , default False) – If debug mode is active (will provide extra debug logging).
- Raises:
- TypeError – If submit_order_handler is not
and not of type Callable. - TypeError – If cancel_order_handler is not
and not of type Callable. - TypeError – If modify_order_handler is not
and not of type Callable.
- TypeError – If submit_order_handler is not
cache_submit_order_command(self, SubmitOrder command) → void
Cache the given submit order command with the manager.
- Parameters: command (SubmitOrder) – The submit order command to cache.
cancel_order(self, Order order) → void
Cancel the given order with the manager.
- Parameters: order (Order) – The order to cancel.
create_new_submit_order(self, Order order, PositionId position_id=None, ClientId client_id=None) → void
Create a new submit order command for the given order.
- Parameters:
- order (Order) – The order for the command.
- position_id (PositionId , optional) – The position ID for the command.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The client ID for the command.
get_submit_order_commands(self) → dict
Return the managers cached submit order commands.
- Return type: dict[ClientOrderId, SubmitOrder]
handle_contingencies(self, Order order) → void
handle_contingencies_update(self, Order order) → void
handle_event(self, Event event) → void
Handle the given event.
If a handler for the given event is not implemented then this will simply be a no-op.
- Parameters: event (Event) – The event to handle
handle_order_canceled(self, OrderCanceled canceled) → void
handle_order_expired(self, OrderExpired expired) → void
handle_order_filled(self, OrderFilled filled) → void
handle_order_rejected(self, OrderRejected rejected) → void
handle_order_updated(self, OrderUpdated updated) → void
handle_position_event(self, PositionEvent event) → void
modify_order_quantity(self, Order order, Quantity new_quantity) → void
Modify the given order with the manager.
- Parameters: order (Order) – The order to modify.
pop_submit_order_command(self, ClientOrderId client_order_id) → SubmitOrder
Pop the submit order command for the given client_order_id out of the managers cache (if found).
- Parameters: client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID for the command to pop.
- Return type:
SubmitOrder or
reset(self) → void
Reset the manager, clearing all stateful values.
send_algo_command(self, TradingCommand command, ExecAlgorithmId exec_algorithm_id) → void
send_emulator_command(self, TradingCommand command) → void
send_exec_command(self, TradingCommand command) → void
send_exec_event(self, OrderEvent event) → void
send_risk_command(self, TradingCommand command) → void
send_risk_event(self, OrderEvent event) → void
should_manage_order(self, Order order) → bool
Check if the given order should be managed.
- Parameters: order (Order) – The order to check.
- Returns: True if the order should be managed, else False.
- Return type: bool
class MatchingCore
Bases: object
MatchingCore(InstrumentId instrument_id, Price price_increment, trigger_stop_order: Callable, fill_market_order: Callable, fill_limit_order: Callable) Provides a generic order matching core.
- Parameters:
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the matching core.
- price_increment (Price) – The minimum price increment (tick size) for the matching core.
- trigger_stop_order (Callable [ [Order ] , None ]) – The callable when a stop order is triggered.
- fill_market_order (Callable [ [Order ] , None ]) – The callable when a market order is filled.
- fill_limit_order (Callable [ [Order ] , None ]) – The callable when a limit order is filled.
add_order(self, Order order) → void
Price | None Return the current ask price for the matching core.
- Return type:
Price or
- Type: MatchingCore.ask
Price | None Return the current bid price for the matching core.
- Return type:
Price or
- Type: MatchingCore.bid
delete_order(self, Order order) → void
get_order(self, ClientOrderId client_order_id) → Order
get_orders(self) → list
get_orders_ask(self) → list
get_orders_bid(self) → list
InstrumentId Return the instrument ID for the matching core.
- Return type: InstrumentId
- Type: MatchingCore.instrument_id
is_limit_matched(self, OrderSide side, Price price) → bool
is_stop_triggered(self, OrderSide side, Price trigger_price) → bool
is_touch_triggered(self, OrderSide side, Price trigger_price) → bool
iterate(self, uint64_t timestamp_ns) → void
Price | None Return the current last price for the matching core.
- Return type:
Price or
- Type: MatchingCore.last
match_limit_if_touched_order(self, Order order, bool initial) → void
match_limit_order(self, Order order) → void
match_market_if_touched_order(self, Order order) → void
match_order(self, Order order, bool initial=False) → void
Match the given order.
- Parameters:
- order (Order) – The order to match.
- initial (bool , default False) – If this is an initial match.
- Raises: TypeError – If the order.order_type is an invalid type for the core (e.g. MARKET).
match_stop_limit_order(self, Order order, bool initial) → void
match_stop_market_order(self, Order order) → void
order_exists(self, ClientOrderId client_order_id) → bool
Price Return the instruments minimum price increment (tick size) for the matching core.
- Return type: Price
- Type: MatchingCore.price_increment
int Return the instruments price precision for the matching core.
- Return type: int
- Type: MatchingCore.price_precision
reset(self) → void
class BatchCancelOrders
Bases: TradingCommand
BatchCancelOrders(TraderId trader_id, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, list cancels, UUID4 command_id, uint64_t ts_init, ClientId client_id=None, dict params: dict | None = None) Represents a command to batch cancel orders working on a venue for an instrument.
- Parameters:
- trader_id (TraderId) – The trader ID for the command.
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID for the command.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the command.
- cancels (list [CancelOrder ]) – The inner list of cancel order commands.
- command_id (UUID4) – The command ID.
- ts_init (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The execution client ID for the command.
- params (dict *[*str , object ] , optional) – Additional parameters for the command.
- Raises:
- ValueError – If cancels is empty.
- ValueError – If cancels contains a type other than CancelOrder.
The execution client ID for the command.
- Returns:
ClientId or
static from_dict(dict values) → BatchCancelOrders
Return a batch cancel order command from the given dict values.
- Parameters: values (dict *[*str , object ]) – The values for initialization.
- Return type: BatchCancelOrders
The command message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
The instrument ID associated with the command.
- Returns: InstrumentId
Additional specific parameters for the command.
- Returns:
dict[str, object] or
The strategy ID associated with the command.
- Returns: StrategyId
static to_dict(BatchCancelOrders obj)
Return a dictionary representation of this object.
- Return type: dict[str, object]
The trader ID associated with the command.
- Returns: TraderId
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t
class CancelAllOrders
Bases: TradingCommand
CancelAllOrders(TraderId trader_id, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, OrderSide order_side, UUID4 command_id, uint64_t ts_init, ClientId client_id=None, dict params: dict | None = None) Represents a command to cancel all orders for an instrument.
- Parameters:
- trader_id (TraderId) – The trader ID for the command.
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID for the command.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the command.
- order_side (OrderSide) – The order side for the command.
- command_id (UUID4) – The command ID.
- ts_init (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The execution client ID for the command.
- params (dict *[*str , object ] , optional) – Additional parameters for the command.
The execution client ID for the command.
- Returns:
ClientId or
static from_dict(dict values) → CancelAllOrders
Return a cancel order command from the given dict values.
- Parameters: values (dict *[*str , object ]) – The values for initialization.
- Return type: CancelAllOrders
The command message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
The instrument ID associated with the command.
- Returns: InstrumentId
The order side for the command.
- Returns: OrderSide
Additional specific parameters for the command.
- Returns:
dict[str, object] or
The strategy ID associated with the command.
- Returns: StrategyId
static to_dict(CancelAllOrders obj)
Return a dictionary representation of this object.
- Return type: dict[str, object]
The trader ID associated with the command.
- Returns: TraderId
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t
class CancelOrder
Bases: TradingCommand
CancelOrder(TraderId trader_id, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id: VenueOrderId | None, UUID4 command_id, uint64_t ts_init, ClientId client_id=None, dict params: dict | None = None) Represents a command to cancel an order.
- Parameters:
- trader_id (TraderId) – The trader ID for the command.
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID for the command.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the command.
- client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID to cancel.
- venue_order_id (VenueOrderId or
) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue) to cancel. - command_id (UUID4) – The command ID.
- ts_init (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The execution client ID for the command.
- params (dict *[*str , object ] , optional) – Additional parameters for the command.
The execution client ID for the command.
- Returns:
ClientId or
The client order ID associated with the command.
- Returns: ClientOrderId
static from_dict(dict values) → CancelOrder
Return a cancel order command from the given dict values.
- Parameters: values (dict *[*str , object ]) – The values for initialization.
- Return type: CancelOrder
The command message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
The instrument ID associated with the command.
- Returns: InstrumentId
Additional specific parameters for the command.
- Returns:
dict[str, object] or
The strategy ID associated with the command.
- Returns: StrategyId
static to_dict(CancelOrder obj)
Return a dictionary representation of this object.
- Return type: dict[str, object]
The trader ID associated with the command.
- Returns: TraderId
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t
The venue order ID associated with the command.
- Returns:
VenueOrderId or
class ModifyOrder
Bases: TradingCommand
ModifyOrder(TraderId trader_id, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id: VenueOrderId | None, Quantity quantity: Quantity | None, Price price: Price | None, Price trigger_price: Price | None, UUID4 command_id, uint64_t ts_init, ClientId client_id=None, dict params: dict | None = None) Represents a command to modify the properties of an existing order.
- Parameters:
- trader_id (TraderId) – The trader ID for the command.
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID for the command.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the command.
- client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID to update.
- venue_order_id (VenueOrderId or
) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue) to update. - quantity (Quantity or
) – The quantity for the order update. - price (Price or
) – The price for the order update. - trigger_price (Price or
) – The trigger price for the order update. - command_id (UUID4) – The command ID.
- ts_init (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The execution client ID for the command.
- params (dict *[*str , object ] , optional) – Additional parameters for the command.
The execution client ID for the command.
- Returns:
ClientId or
The client order ID associated with the command.
- Returns: ClientOrderId
static from_dict(dict values) → ModifyOrder
Return a modify order command from the given dict values.
- Parameters: values (dict *[*str , object ]) – The values for initialization.
- Return type: ModifyOrder
The command message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
The instrument ID associated with the command.
- Returns: InstrumentId
Additional specific parameters for the command.
- Returns:
dict[str, object] or
The updated price for the command.
- Returns:
Price or
The updated quantity for the command.
- Returns:
Quantity or
The strategy ID associated with the command.
- Returns: StrategyId
static to_dict(ModifyOrder obj)
Return a dictionary representation of this object.
- Return type: dict[str, object]
The trader ID associated with the command.
- Returns: TraderId
The updated trigger price for the command.
- Returns:
Price or
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t
The venue order ID associated with the command.
- Returns:
VenueOrderId or
class QueryOrder
Bases: TradingCommand
QueryOrder(TraderId trader_id, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id: VenueOrderId | None, UUID4 command_id, uint64_t ts_init, ClientId client_id=None, dict params: dict | None = None) Represents a command to query an order.
- Parameters:
- trader_id (TraderId) – The trader ID for the command.
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID for the command.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the command.
- client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID for the order to query.
- venue_order_id (VenueOrderId or
) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue) to query. - command_id (UUID4) – The command ID.
- ts_init (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The execution client ID for the command.
- params (dict *[*str , object ] , optional) – Additional parameters for the command.
The execution client ID for the command.
- Returns:
ClientId or
The client order ID for the order to query.
- Returns: ClientOrderId
static from_dict(dict values) → QueryOrder
Return a query order command from the given dict values.
- Parameters: values (dict *[*str , object ]) – The values for initialization.
- Return type: QueryOrder
The command message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
The instrument ID associated with the command.
- Returns: InstrumentId
Additional specific parameters for the command.
- Returns:
dict[str, object] or
The strategy ID associated with the command.
- Returns: StrategyId
static to_dict(QueryOrder obj)
Return a dictionary representation of this object.
- Return type: dict[str, object]
The trader ID associated with the command.
- Returns: TraderId
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t
The venue order ID for the order to query.
- Returns:
VenueOrderId or
class SubmitOrder
Bases: TradingCommand
SubmitOrder(TraderId trader_id, StrategyId strategy_id, Order order, UUID4 command_id, uint64_t ts_init, PositionId position_id: PositionId | None = None, ClientId client_id=None, dict params: dict | None = None) Represents a command to submit the given order.
- Parameters:
- trader_id (TraderId) – The trader ID for the command.
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID for the command.
- order (Order) – The order to submit.
- command_id (UUID4) – The commands ID.
- ts_init (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- position_id (PositionId , optional) – The position ID for the command.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The execution client ID for the command.
- params (dict *[*str , object ] , optional) – Additional parameters for the command.
The execution client ID for the command.
- Returns:
ClientId or
The execution algorithm ID for the order.
- Returns:
ExecAlgorithmId or
static from_dict(dict values) → SubmitOrder
Return a submit order command from the given dict values.
- Parameters: values (dict *[*str , object ]) – The values for initialization.
- Return type: SubmitOrder
The command message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
The instrument ID associated with the command.
- Returns: InstrumentId
The order to submit.
- Returns: Order
Additional specific parameters for the command.
- Returns:
dict[str, object] or
The position ID to associate with the order.
- Returns:
PositionId or
The strategy ID associated with the command.
- Returns: StrategyId
static to_dict(SubmitOrder obj)
Return a dictionary representation of this object.
- Return type: dict[str, object]
The trader ID associated with the command.
- Returns: TraderId
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t
class SubmitOrderList
Bases: TradingCommand
SubmitOrderList(TraderId trader_id, StrategyId strategy_id, OrderList order_list, UUID4 command_id, uint64_t ts_init, PositionId position_id: PositionId | None = None, ClientId client_id=None, dict params: dict | None = None) Represents a command to submit an order list consisting of an order batch/bulk of related parent-child contingent orders.
This command can correspond to a NewOrderList
- Parameters:
- trader_id (TraderId) – The trader ID for the command.
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID for the command.
- order_list (OrderList) – The order list to submit.
- command_id (UUID4) – The command ID.
- ts_init (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- position_id (PositionId , optional) – The position ID for the command.
- client_id (ClientId , optional) – The execution client ID for the command.
- params (dict *[*str , object ] , optional) – Additional parameters for the command.
The execution client ID for the command.
- Returns:
ClientId or
The execution algorithm ID for the order list.
- Returns:
ExecAlgorithmId or
static from_dict(dict values) → SubmitOrderList
Return a submit order list command from the given dict values.
- Parameters: values (dict *[*str , object ]) – The values for initialization.
- Return type: SubmitOrderList
If the contained order_list holds at least one emulated order.
- Returns: bool
The command message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
The instrument ID associated with the command.
- Returns: InstrumentId
The order list to submit.
- Returns: OrderList
Additional specific parameters for the command.
- Returns:
dict[str, object] or
The position ID to associate with the orders.
- Returns:
PositionId or
The strategy ID associated with the command.
- Returns: StrategyId
static to_dict(SubmitOrderList obj)
Return a dictionary representation of this object.
- Return type: dict[str, object]
The trader ID associated with the command.
- Returns: TraderId
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t
class TradingCommand
Bases: Command
TradingCommand(ClientId client_id: ClientId | None, TraderId trader_id, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, UUID4 command_id, uint64_t ts_init, dict params: dict | None = None) The base class for all trading related commands.
- Parameters:
- client_id (ClientId or
) – The execution client ID for the command. - trader_id (TraderId) – The trader ID for the command.
- strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID for the command.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the command.
- command_id (UUID4) – The commands ID.
- ts_init (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- params (dict *[*str , object ] , optional) – Additional parameters for the command.
- client_id (ClientId or
This class should not be used directly, but through a concrete subclass.
The execution client ID for the command.
- Returns:
ClientId or
The command message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
The instrument ID associated with the command.
- Returns: InstrumentId
Additional specific parameters for the command.
- Returns:
dict[str, object] or
The strategy ID associated with the command.
- Returns: StrategyId
The trader ID associated with the command.
- Returns: TraderId
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t
class ExecutionReport
Bases: Document
The base class for all execution reports.
The document message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t
class OrderStatusReport
Bases: ExecutionReport
Represents an order status at a point in time.
- Parameters:
- account_id (AccountId) – The account ID for the report.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the report.
- venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The reported order ID (assigned by the venue).
- order_side (OrderSide {
}) – The reported order side. - order_type (OrderType) – The reported order type.
- time_in_force (TimeInForce {
}) – The reported order time in force. - order_status (OrderStatus) – The reported order status at the exchange.
- quantity (Quantity) – The reported order original quantity.
- filled_qty (Quantity) – The reported filled quantity at the exchange.
- report_id (UUID4) – The report ID.
- ts_accepted (int) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the reported order was accepted.
- ts_last (int) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) of the last order status change.
- ts_init (int) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- client_order_id (ClientOrderId , optional) – The reported client order ID.
- order_list_id (OrderListId , optional) – The reported order list ID associated with the order.
- venue_position_id (PositionId , optional) – The reported venue position ID for the order. If the trading venue has
associated a position ID / ticket with the order then pass that here,
otherwise pass
and the execution engine OMS will handle position ID resolution. - contingency_type (ContingencyType, default
) – The reported order contingency type. - expire_time (datetime , optional) – The order expiration.
- price (Price , optional) – The reported order price (LIMIT).
- trigger_price (Price , optional) – The reported order trigger price (STOP).
- trigger_type (TriggerType, default
) – The reported order trigger type. - limit_offset (Decimal , optional) – The trailing offset for the order price (LIMIT).
- trailing_offset (Decimal , optional) – The trailing offset for the trigger price (STOP).
- trailing_offset_type (TrailingOffsetType, default
) – The order trailing offset type. - avg_px (Decimal , optional) – The reported order average fill price.
- display_qty (Quantity , optional) – The reported order quantity displayed on the public book (iceberg).
- post_only (bool , default False) – If the reported order will only provide liquidity (make a market).
- reduce_only (bool , default False) – If the reported order carries the ‘reduce-only ’ execution instruction.
- cancel_reason (str , optional) – The reported reason for order cancellation.
- ts_triggered (int , optional) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Raises:
- ValueError – If quantity is not positive (> 0).
- ValueError – If filled_qty is negative (< 0).
- ValueError – If trigger_price is not
and trigger_price is equal toNO_TRIGGER
. - ValueError – If limit_offset or trailing_offset is not
and trailing_offset_type is equal toNO_TRAILING_OFFSET
property is_open : bool
Return whether the reported order status is ‘open’.
- Return type: bool
The document message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t
class FillReport
Bases: ExecutionReport
Represents a report of a single order fill.
- Parameters:
- account_id (AccountId) – The account ID for the report.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The reported instrument ID for the trade.
- venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The reported venue order ID (assigned by the venue) for the trade.
- trade_id (TradeId) – The reported trade match ID (assigned by the venue).
- order_side (OrderSide {
}) – The reported order side for the trade. - last_qty (Quantity) – The reported quantity of the trade.
- last_px (Price) – The reported price of the trade.
- commission (Money) – The reported commission for the trade. If no commission then use a zero Money amount of the commission currency.
- liquidity_side (LiquiditySide {
}) – The reported liquidity side for the trade. - report_id (UUID4) – The report ID.
- ts_event (int) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the trade occurred.
- ts_init (int) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- client_order_id (ClientOrderId , optional) – The reported client order ID for the trade.
- venue_position_id (PositionId , optional) – The reported venue position ID for the trade. If the trading venue has
assigned a position ID / ticket for the trade then pass that here,
otherwise pass
and the execution engine OMS will handle position ID resolution.
- Raises: ValueError – If last_qty is not positive (> 0).
The document message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t
class PositionStatusReport
Bases: ExecutionReport
Represents a position status at a point in time.
- Parameters:
- account_id (AccountId) – The account ID for the report.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The reported instrument ID for the position.
- position_side (PositionSide {
}) – The reported position side at the exchange. - quantity (Quantity) – The reported position quantity at the exchange.
- report_id (UUID4) – The report ID.
- ts_last (int) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) of the last position change.
- ts_init (int) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- venue_position_id (PositionId , optional) – The reported venue position ID (assigned by the venue). If the trading
venue has assigned a position ID / ticket for the trade then pass that
here, otherwise pass
and the execution engine OMS will handle position ID resolution.
The document message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t
class ExecutionMassStatus
Bases: Document
Represents an execution mass status report for an execution client - including status of all orders, trades for those orders and open positions.
- Parameters:
property order_reports : dict[VenueOrderId, OrderStatusReport]
The order status reports.
- Return type: dict[VenueOrderId, OrderStatusReport]
property fill_reports : dict[VenueOrderId, list[FillReport]]
The fill reports.
- Return type: dict[VenueOrderId, list[FillReport]
property position_reports : dict[InstrumentId, list[PositionStatusReport]]
The position status reports.
- Return type: dict[InstrumentId, list[PositionStatusReport]]
add_order_reports(reports: list[OrderStatusReport]) → None
Add the order reports to the mass status.
- Parameters: reports (list [OrderStatusReport ]) – The list of reports to add.
- Raises: TypeError – If reports contains a type other than FillReport.
add_fill_reports(reports: list[FillReport]) → None
Add the fill reports to the mass status.
- Parameters: reports (list [FillReport ]) – The list of reports to add.
- Raises: TypeError – If reports contains a type other than FillReport.
add_position_reports(reports: list[PositionStatusReport]) → None
Add the position status reports to the mass status.
- Parameters: reports (list [PositionStatusReport ]) – The reports to add.
The document message ID.
- Returns: UUID4
UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.
- Returns: uint64_t