Defines fundamental value objects for the trading domain.
class AccountBalance
Bases: object
AccountBalance(Money total, Money locked, Money free) -> None Represents an account balance denominated in a particular currency.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
- ValueError – If money currencies are not equal.
- ValueError – If any money is negative (< 0).
- ValueError – If total - locked != free.
The currency of the account.
- Returns: Currency
The account balance free for trading.
- Returns: Money
static from_dict(dict values) → AccountBalance
Return an account balance from the given dict values.
- Parameters: values (dict *[*str , object ]) – The values for initialization.
- Return type: AccountBalance
The account balance locked (assigned to pending orders).
- Returns: Money
to_dict(self) → dict
Return a dictionary representation of this object.
- Return type: dict[str, object]
The total account balance.
- Returns: Money
class Currency
Bases: object
Currency(str code, uint8_t precision, uint16_t iso4217, str name, CurrencyType currency_type) -> None Represents a medium of exchange in a specified denomination with a fixed decimal precision.
Handles up to 16 decimals of precision (in high-precision mode).
- Parameters:
- code (str) – The currency code.
- precision (uint8_t) – The currency decimal precision.
- iso4217 (uint16) – The currency ISO 4217 code.
- name (str) – The currency name.
- currency_type (CurrencyType) – The currency type.
- Raises:
- ValueError – If code is not a valid string.
- OverflowError – If precision is negative (< 0).
- ValueError – If precision greater than 16.
- ValueError – If name is not a valid string.
str Return the currency code.
- Return type: str
- Type: Currency.code
CurrencyType Return the currency type.
- Return type: CurrencyType
- Type: Currency.currency_type
static from_internal_map(str code)
Return the currency with the given code from the built-in internal map (if found).
- Parameters: code (str) – The code of the currency.
- Return type:
Currency or
static from_str(str code, bool strict=False)
Parse a currency from the given string (if found).
- Parameters:
- code (str) – The code of the currency.
- strict (bool , default False) – If not strict mode then an unknown currency will very likely be a Cryptocurrency, so for robustness will then return a new Currency object using the given code with a default precision of 8.
- Return type:
Currency or
static is_crypto(str code)
Return whether a currency with the given code is CRYPTO
- Parameters: code (str) – The code of the currency.
- Returns:
True if
, else False. - Return type: bool
- Raises: ValueError – If code is not a valid string.
static is_fiat(str code)
Return whether a currency with the given code is FIAT
- Parameters: code (str) – The code of the currency.
- Returns:
True if
, else False. - Return type: bool
- Raises: ValueError – If code is not a valid string.
int Return the currency ISO 4217 code.
- Return type: str
- Type: Currency.iso4217
str Return the currency name.
- Return type: str
- Type: Currency.name
int Return the currency decimal precision.
- Return type: uint8
- Type: Currency.precision
static register(Currency currency, bool overwrite=False)
Register the given currency.
Will override the internal currency map.
- Parameters:
- currency (Currency) – The currency to register
- overwrite (bool) – If the currency in the internal currency map should be overwritten.
class MarginBalance
Bases: object
MarginBalance(Money initial, Money maintenance, InstrumentId instrument_id=None) -> None Represents a margin balance optionally associated with a particular instrument.
- Parameters:
- initial (Money) – The initial (order) margin requirement for the instrument.
- maintenance (Money) – The maintenance (position) margin requirement for the instrument.
- instrument_id (InstrumentId , optional) – The instrument ID associated with the margin.
- Raises:
- ValueError – If margin_init currency does not equal currency.
- ValueError – If margin_maint currency does not equal currency.
- ValueError – If any margin is negative (< 0).
The currency of the margin.
- Returns: Currency
static from_dict(dict values) → MarginBalance
Return a margin balance from the given dict values.
- Parameters: values (dict *[*str , object ]) – The values for initialization.
- Return type: MarginAccountBalance
The initial margin requirement.
- Returns: Money
The instrument ID associated with the margin.
- Returns:
InstrumentId or
The maintenance margin requirement.
- Returns: Money
to_dict(self) → dict
Return a dictionary representation of this object.
- Return type: dict[str, object]
class Money
Bases: object
Money(value, Currency currency) -> None Represents an amount of money in a specified currency denomination.
= 17_014_118_346_046MONEY_MIN
= -17_014_118_346_046
- Parameters:
- value (integer , float , string or Decimal) – The amount of money in the currency denomination.
- currency (Currency) – The currency of the money.
- Raises:
- ValueError – If value is greater than 17_014_118_346_046.
- ValueError – If value is less than -17_014_118_346_046.
Return the value as a built-in Decimal.
- Return type: Decimal
as_double(self) → double
Return the value as a double.
- Return type: double
Currency Return the currency for the money.
- Return type: Currency
- Type: Money.currency
static from_raw(int raw: int, Currency currency) → Money
Return money from the given raw fixed-point integer and currency.
- Parameters:
- raw (int) – The raw fixed-point money amount.
- currency (Currency) – The currency of the money.
- Return type: Money
Small raw values can produce a zero money amount depending on the precision of the currency.
static from_str(str value) → Money
Return money parsed from the given string.
Must be correctly formatted with a value and currency separated by a whitespace delimiter.
Example: “1000000.00 USD”.
- Parameters: value (str) – The value to parse.
- Return type: Money
- Raises:
- ValueError – If inferred currency precision is greater than 16.
- OverflowError – If inferred currency precision is negative (< 0).
MoneyRaw Return the raw memory representation of the money amount.
- Return type: int
- Type: Money.raw
to_formatted_str(self) → str
Return the formatted string representation of the money.
- Return type: str
class Price
Bases: object
Price(double value, uint8_t precision) -> None Represents a price in a market.
The number of decimal places may vary. For certain asset classes, prices may have negative values. For example, prices for options instruments can be negative under certain conditions.
Handles up to 16 decimals of precision (in high-precision mode).
= 17_014_118_346_046PRICE_MIN
= -17_014_118_346_046
- Parameters:
- value (integer , float , string or Decimal) – The value of the price.
- precision (uint8_t) – The precision for the price. Use a precision of 0 for whole numbers (no fractional units).
- Raises:
- ValueError – If value is greater than 17_014_118_346_046.
- ValueError – If value is less than -17_014_118_346_046.
- ValueError – If precision is greater than 16.
- OverflowError – If precision is negative (< 0).
Return the value as a built-in Decimal.
- Return type: Decimal
as_double(self) → double
Return the value as a double.
- Return type: double
static from_int(int value: int) → Price
Return a price from the given integer value.
A precision of zero will be inferred.
- Parameters: value (int) – The value for the price.
- Return type: Price
static from_raw(int raw: int, uint8_t precision) → Price
Return a price from the given raw fixed-point integer and precision.
Handles up to 16 decimals of precision (in high-precision mode).
- Parameters:
- raw (int) – The raw fixed-point price value.
- precision (uint8_t) – The precision for the price. Use a precision of 0 for whole numbers (no fractional units).
- Return type: Price
- Raises:
- ValueError – If precision is greater than 16.
- OverflowError – If precision is negative (< 0).
Small raw values can produce a zero price depending on the precision.
static from_str(str value) → Price
Return a price parsed from the given string.
Handles up to 16 decimals of precision (in high-precision mode).
- Parameters: value (str) – The value to parse.
- Return type: Price
The decimal precision will be inferred from the number of digits following the ‘.’ point (if no point then precision zero).
- Raises:
- ValueError – If inferred precision is greater than 16.
- OverflowError – If inferred precision is negative (< 0).
int Return the precision for the price.
- Return type: uint8_t
- Type: Price.precision
PriceRaw Return the raw memory representation of the price value.
- Return type: int
- Type: Price.raw
to_formatted_str(self) → str
Return the formatted string representation of the price.
- Return type: str
class Quantity
Bases: object
Quantity(double value, uint8_t precision) -> None Represents a quantity with a non-negative value.
Capable of storing either a whole number (no decimal places) of ‘contracts’ or ‘shares’ (instruments denominated in whole units) or a decimal value containing decimal places for instruments denominated in fractional units.
Handles up to 16 decimals of precision (in high-precision mode).
= 34_028_236_692_093QUANTITY_MIN
= 0
- Parameters:
- value (integer , float , string , Decimal) – The value of the quantity.
- precision (uint8_t) – The precision for the quantity. Use a precision of 0 for whole numbers (no fractional units).
- Raises:
- ValueError – If value is greater than 34_028_236_692_093.
- ValueError – If value is negative (< 0).
- ValueError – If precision is greater than 16.
- OverflowError – If precision is negative (< 0).
Return the value as a built-in Decimal.
- Return type: Decimal
as_double(self) → double
Return the value as a double.
- Return type: double
static from_int(int value: int) → Quantity
Return a quantity from the given integer value.
A precision of zero will be inferred.
- Parameters: value (int) – The value for the quantity.
- Return type: Quantity
static from_raw(int raw: int, uint8_t precision) → Quantity
Return a quantity from the given raw fixed-point integer and precision.
Handles up to 16 decimals of precision (in high-precision mode).
- Parameters:
- raw (int) – The raw fixed-point quantity value.
- precision (uint8_t) – The precision for the quantity. Use a precision of 0 for whole numbers (no fractional units).
- Return type: Quantity
- Raises:
- ValueError – If precision is greater than 16.
- OverflowError – If precision is negative (< 0).
Small raw values can produce a zero quantity depending on the precision.
static from_str(str value) → Quantity
Return a quantity parsed from the given string.
Handles up to 16 decimals of precision (in high-precision mode).
- Parameters: value (str) – The value to parse.
- Return type: Quantity
- Raises:
- ValueError – If inferred precision is greater than 16.
- OverflowError – If inferred precision is negative (< 0).
The decimal precision will be inferred from the number of digits following the ‘.’ point (if no point then precision zero).
int Return the precision for the quantity.
- Return type: uint8_t
- Type: Quantity.precision
QuantityRaw Return the raw memory representation of the quantity value.
- Return type: int
- Type: Quantity.raw
static raw_to_f64(raw) → float
to_formatted_str(self) → str
Return the formatted string representation of the quantity.
- Return type: str
static zero(uint8_t precision=0) → Quantity
Return a quantity with a value of zero.
precision : The precision for the quantity.
- Return type: Quantity
- Raises:
- ValueError – If precision is greater than 16.
- OverflowError – If precision is negative (< 0).
The default precision is zero.