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Version: latest


NautilusTrader is tested and officially supported for Python 3.11 and 3.12 for the following 64-bit platforms:

Operating SystemSupported VersionsCPU Architecture
Linux (Ubuntu)22.04 and laterx86_64
macOS14.7 and laterARM64
Windows Server2022 and laterx86_64

NautilusTrader may work on other platforms, but only those listed above are regularly used by developers and tested in CI.


We recommend using the latest supported version of Python and setting up nautilus_trader in a virtual environment to isolate dependencies.

From PyPI

To install the latest nautilus_trader binary wheel (or sdist package) from PyPI using Pythons pip package manager:

pip install -U nautilus_trader


Install optional dependencies as 'extras' for specific integrations:

  • betfair: Betfair adapter (integration) dependencies.
  • docker: Needed for Docker when using the IB gateway (with the Interactive Brokers adapter).
  • dydx: dYdX adapter (integration) dependencies.
  • ib: Interactive Brokers adapter (integration) dependencies.
  • polymarket: Polymarket adapter (integration) dependencies.

To install with specific extras using pip:

pip install -U "nautilus_trader[docker,ib]"

From Source

Installation from source requires the Python.h header file, which is included in development releases such as python-dev. You'll also need the latest stable rustc and cargo to compile the Rust libraries.

For MacBook Pro M1/M2, make sure your Python installed using pyenv is configured with --enable-shared:

PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-shared" pyenv install <python_version>

See the PyO3 user guide for more details.

It's possible to install from source using pip if you first install the build dependencies as specified in the pyproject.toml. We highly recommend installing using poetry as below.

  1. Install rustup (the Rust toolchain installer):

    • Linux and macOS:
      curl -sSf | sh
    • Windows:
    • Verify (any system): from a terminal session run: rustc --version
  2. Enable cargo in the current shell:

    • Linux and macOS:
      source $HOME/.cargo/env
    • Windows:
      • Start a new PowerShell
  3. Install clang (a C language frontend for LLVM):

    • Linux:
      sudo apt-get install clang
    • Windows:
      1. Add Clang to your Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019:
        • Start | Visual Studio Installer | Modify | C++ Clang tools for Windows (12.0.0 - x64…) = checked | Modify
      2. Enable clang in the current shell:
        [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('path', "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\Tools\Llvm\x64\bin\;" + $env:Path,"User")
    • Verify (any system): from a terminal session run: clang --version
  4. Install poetry (or follow the installation guide on their site):

    curl -sSL | python3 -
  5. Clone the source with git, and install from the projects root directory:

    git clone
    cd nautilus_trader
    poetry install --only main --all-extras

From GitHub Release

To install a binary wheel from GitHub, first navigate to the latest release. Download the appropriate .whl for your operating system and Python version, then run:

pip install <file-name>.whl

Nightly wheels

Nightly binary wheels for nautilus_trader are built and published daily from the nightly branch using the version format dev.{date} (e.g., 1.208.0.dev20241212 for December 12, 2024). These wheels allow testing of the latest features and fixes that have not yet been included in a stable PyPI release.

To install the latest nightly build:

pip install -U --index-url= nautilus_trader

To install a specific nightly build (e.g., 1.208.0.dev20241212 for December 12, 2024):

pip install -U --index-url= nautilus_trader==1.208.0.dev20241212


  • The develop branch is merged into nightly daily at 14:00 UTC (if there are changes).
  • A 3-day lookback window is maintained, retaining only the last 3 nightly builds.

Versioning and releases

NautilusTrader aims for a weekly release schedule. The introduction of experimental or larger features may delay a release by several weeks.

The API is becoming more stable, but breaking changes may still occur between releases. We strive to document these changes in the release notes on a best-effort basis.


Using Redis with NautilusTrader is optional and only required if configured as the backend for a cache database or message bus.


The minimum supported Redis version is 6.2 or higher (required for streams functionality).

For a quick setup, we recommend using a Redis Docker container. You can find an example setup in the .docker directory, or run the following command to start a container:

docker run -d --name redis -p 6379:6379 redis:latest

This command will:

  • Pull the latest version of Redis from Docker Hub if it's not already downloaded.
  • Run the container in detached mode (-d).
  • Name the container redis for easy reference.
  • Expose Redis on the default port 6379, making it accessible to NautilusTrader on your machine.

To manage the Redis container:

  • Start it with docker start redis
  • Stop it with docker stop redis

We recommend using Redis Insight as a GUI to visualize and debug Redis data efficiently.