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Version: nightly


Provides an API integration for the Binance Crypto exchange.


class BinanceDataClientConfig

Bases: LiveDataClientConfig

Configuration for BinanceDataClient instances.

  • Parameters:
    • venue (Venue , default BINANCE_VENUE) – The venue for the client.
    • api_key (str , optional) – The Binance API public key. If None then will source the BINANCE_API_KEY or BINANCE_TESTNET_API_KEY environment variables.
    • api_secret (str , optional) – The Binance API public key. If None then will source the BINANCE_API_SECRET or BINANCE_TESTNET_API_SECRET environment variables.
    • key_type (BinanceKeyType , default 'HMAC') – The private key cryptographic algorithm type.
    • account_type (BinanceAccountType , default BinanceAccountType.SPOT) – The account type for the client.
    • base_url_http (str , optional) – The HTTP client custom endpoint override.
    • base_url_ws (str , optional) – The WebSocket client custom endpoint override.
    • us (bool , default False) – If client is connecting to Binance US.
    • testnet (bool , default False) – If the client is connecting to a Binance testnet.
    • use_agg_trade_ticks (bool , default False) – Whether to use aggregated trade tick endpoints instead of raw trade ticks. TradeId of ticks will be the Aggregate tradeId returned by Binance.

venue : Venue

api_key : str | None

api_secret : str | None

key_type : BinanceKeyType

account_type : BinanceAccountType

base_url_http : str | None

base_url_ws : str | None

us : bool

testnet : bool

use_agg_trade_ticks : bool

dict() → dict[str, Any]

Return a dictionary representation of the configuration.

  • Return type: dict[str, Any]

classmethod fully_qualified_name() → str

Return the fully qualified name for the NautilusConfig class.

  • Return type: str

handle_revised_bars : bool

property id : str

Return the hashed identifier for the configuration.

  • Return type: str

instrument_provider : InstrumentProviderConfig

json() → bytes

Return serialized JSON encoded bytes.

  • Return type: bytes

json_primitives() → dict[str, Any]

Return a dictionary representation of the configuration with JSON primitive types as values.

  • Return type: dict[str, Any]

classmethod parse(raw: bytes | str) → Any

Return a decoded object of the given cls.

  • Parameters:
    • cls (type) – The type to decode to.
    • raw (bytes or str) – The raw bytes or JSON string to decode.
  • Return type: Any

routing : RoutingConfig

validate() → bool

Return whether the configuration can be represented as valid JSON.

  • Return type: bool

class BinanceExecClientConfig

Bases: LiveExecClientConfig

Configuration for BinanceExecutionClient instances.

  • Parameters:
    • venue (Venue , default BINANCE_VENUE) – The venue for the client.
    • api_key (str , optional) – The Binance API public key. If None then will source the BINANCE_API_KEY or BINANCE_TESTNET_API_KEY environment variables.
    • api_secret (str , optional) – The Binance API public key. If None then will source the BINANCE_API_KEY or BINANCE_TESTNET_API_KEY environment variables.
    • key_type (BinanceKeyType , default 'HMAC') – The private key cryptographic algorithm type.
    • account_type (BinanceAccountType , default BinanceAccountType.SPOT) – The account type for the client.
    • base_url_http (str , optional) – The HTTP client custom endpoint override.
    • base_url_ws (str , optional) – The WebSocket client custom endpoint override.
    • us (bool , default False) – If client is connecting to Binance US.
    • testnet (bool , default False) – If the client is connecting to a Binance testnet.
    • use_gtd (bool , default True) – If GTD orders will use the Binance GTD TIF option. If False then GTD time in force will be remapped to GTC (this is useful if managing GTD orders locally).
    • use_reduce_only (bool , default True) – If the reduce_only execution instruction on orders is sent through to the exchange. If True then will assign the value on orders sent to the exchange, otherwise will always be False.
    • use_position_ids (bool , default True) – If Binance Futures hedging position IDs should be used. If False then order event position_id`(s) from the execution client will be `None, which allows virtual positions with OmsType.HEDGING.
    • treat_expired_as_canceled (bool , default False) – If the EXPIRED execution type is semantically treated as CANCELED. Binance treats cancels with certain combinations of order type and time in force as expired events. This config option allows you to treat these uniformally as cancels.
    • recv_window_ms (PositiveInt , default 5000) – The receive window (milliseconds) for Binance HTTP requests.
    • max_retries (PositiveInt , optional) – The maximum number of times a submit, cancel or modify order request will be retried.
    • retry_delay (PositiveFloat , optional) – The delay (seconds) between retries. Short delays with frequent retries may result in account bans.


A short retry_delay with frequent retries may result in account bans.

venue : Venue

api_key : str | None

api_secret : str | None

key_type : BinanceKeyType

account_type : BinanceAccountType

base_url_http : str | None

base_url_ws : str | None

us : bool

testnet : bool

use_gtd : bool

use_reduce_only : bool

use_position_ids : bool

treat_expired_as_canceled : bool

recv_window_ms : Annotated[int, msgspec.Meta(gt=0)]

max_retries : Annotated[int, msgspec.Meta(gt=0)] | None

retry_delay : Annotated[float, msgspec.Meta(gt=0.0)] | None

dict() → dict[str, Any]

Return a dictionary representation of the configuration.

  • Return type: dict[str, Any]

classmethod fully_qualified_name() → str

Return the fully qualified name for the NautilusConfig class.

  • Return type: str

property id : str

Return the hashed identifier for the configuration.

  • Return type: str

instrument_provider : InstrumentProviderConfig

json() → bytes

Return serialized JSON encoded bytes.

  • Return type: bytes

json_primitives() → dict[str, Any]

Return a dictionary representation of the configuration with JSON primitive types as values.

  • Return type: dict[str, Any]

classmethod parse(raw: bytes | str) → Any

Return a decoded object of the given cls.

  • Parameters:
    • cls (type) – The type to decode to.
    • raw (bytes or str) – The raw bytes or JSON string to decode.
  • Return type: Any

routing : RoutingConfig

validate() → bool

Return whether the configuration can be represented as valid JSON.

  • Return type: bool


get_cached_binance_http_client(clock: LiveClock, account_type: BinanceAccountType, api_key: str | None = None, api_secret: str | None = None, key_type: BinanceKeyType = BinanceKeyType.HMAC, base_url: str | None = None, is_testnet: bool = False, is_us: bool = False) → BinanceHttpClient

Cache and return a Binance HTTP client with the given key and secret.

If a cached client with matching key and secret already exists, then that cached client will be returned.

  • Parameters:
    • clock (LiveClock) – The clock for the client.
    • account_type (BinanceAccountType) – The account type for the client.
    • api_key (str , optional) – The API key for the client.
    • api_secret (str , optional) – The API secret for the client.
    • key_type (BinanceKeyType , default 'HMAC') – The private key cryptographic algorithm type.
    • base_url (str , optional) – The base URL for the API endpoints.
    • is_testnet (bool , default False) – If the client is connecting to the testnet API.
    • is_us (bool , default False) – If the client is connecting to Binance US.
  • Return type: BinanceHttpClient

get_cached_binance_spot_instrument_provider(client: BinanceHttpClient, clock: LiveClock, account_type: BinanceAccountType, is_testnet: bool, config: InstrumentProviderConfig, venue: Venue) → BinanceSpotInstrumentProvider

Cache and return an instrument provider for the Binance Spot/Margin exchange.

If a cached provider already exists, then that provider will be returned.

  • Parameters:
    • client (BinanceHttpClient) – The client for the instrument provider.
    • clock (LiveClock) – The clock for the instrument provider.
    • account_type (BinanceAccountType) – The Binance account type for the instrument provider.
    • is_testnet (bool , default False) – If the provider is for the Spot testnet.
    • config (InstrumentProviderConfig) – The configuration for the instrument provider.
    • venue (Venue) – The venue for the instrument provider.
  • Return type: BinanceSpotInstrumentProvider

get_cached_binance_futures_instrument_provider(client: BinanceHttpClient, clock: LiveClock, account_type: BinanceAccountType, config: InstrumentProviderConfig, venue: Venue) → BinanceFuturesInstrumentProvider

Cache and return an instrument provider for the Binance Futures exchange.

If a cached provider already exists, then that provider will be returned.

class BinanceLiveDataClientFactory

Bases: LiveDataClientFactory

Provides a Binance live data client factory.

static create(loop: AbstractEventLoop, name: str, config: BinanceDataClientConfig, msgbus: MessageBus, cache: Cache, clock: LiveClock) → BinanceSpotDataClient | BinanceFuturesDataClient

Create a new Binance data client.

  • Parameters:
    • loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) – The event loop for the client.
    • name (str) – The custom client ID.
    • config (BinanceDataClientConfig) – The client configuration.
    • msgbus (MessageBus) – The message bus for the client.
    • cache (Cache) – The cache for the client.
    • clock (LiveClock) – The clock for the client.
  • Return type: BinanceSpotDataClient or BinanceFuturesDataClient
  • Raises: ValueError – If config.account_type is not a valid BinanceAccountType.

class BinanceLiveExecClientFactory

Bases: LiveExecClientFactory

Provides a Binance live execution client factory.

static create(loop: AbstractEventLoop, name: str, config: BinanceExecClientConfig, msgbus: MessageBus, cache: Cache, clock: LiveClock) → BinanceSpotExecutionClient | BinanceFuturesExecutionClient

Create a new Binance execution client.

  • Parameters:
    • loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) – The event loop for the client.
    • name (str) – The custom client ID.
    • config (BinanceExecClientConfig) – The configuration for the client.
    • msgbus (MessageBus) – The message bus for the client.
    • cache (Cache) – The cache for the client.
    • clock (LiveClock) – The clock for the client.
  • Return type: BinanceExecutionClient
  • Raises: ValueError – If config.account_type is not a valid BinanceAccountType.


Defines Binance common enums.

class BinanceKeyType

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance private key cryptographic algorithm type.



ED25519 = 'Ed25519'

class BinanceFuturesPositionSide

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance Futures position side.




class BinanceRateLimitType

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance rate limit type.




class BinanceRateLimitInterval

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance rate limit interval.




class BinanceKlineInterval

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance kline chart interval.

SECOND_1 = '1s'

MINUTE_1 = '1m'

MINUTE_3 = '3m'

MINUTE_5 = '5m'

MINUTE_15 = '15m'

MINUTE_30 = '30m'

HOUR_1 = '1h'

HOUR_2 = '2h'

HOUR_4 = '4h'

HOUR_6 = '6h'

HOUR_8 = '8h'

HOUR_12 = '12h'

DAY_1 = '1d'

DAY_3 = '3d'

WEEK_1 = '1w'

MONTH_1 = '1M'

class BinanceExchangeFilterType

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance exchange filter type.



class BinanceSymbolFilterType

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance symbol filter type.














class BinanceAccountType

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance account type.






property is_spot

property is_margin

property is_spot_or_margin

property is_futures : bool

class BinanceOrderSide

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance order side.



class BinanceExecutionType

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance execution type.









class BinanceOrderStatus

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance order status.











class BinanceTimeInForce

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance order time in force.







class BinanceOrderType

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance order type.













class BinanceSecurityType

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance endpoint security type.







class BinanceNewOrderRespType

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance newOrderRespType.




class BinanceErrorCode

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance error code (covers futures).

UNKNOWN = -1000





NO_SUCH_IP = -1005


TIMEOUT = -1007












NOT_FOUND = -1099








BAD_ASSET = -1108




NO_DEPTH = -1112









BAD_SYMBOL = -1121





















































































































































SAME_ORDER = -5027



class BinanceEnumParser

Bases: object

Provides common parsing methods for enums used by the ‘Binance’ exchange.


This class should not be used directly, but through a concrete subclass.

parse_binance_order_side(order_side: BinanceOrderSide) → OrderSide

parse_internal_order_side(order_side: OrderSide) → BinanceOrderSide

parse_binance_time_in_force(time_in_force: BinanceTimeInForce) → TimeInForce

parse_internal_time_in_force(time_in_force: TimeInForce) → BinanceTimeInForce

parse_binance_order_status(order_status: BinanceOrderStatus) → OrderStatus

parse_binance_order_type(order_type: BinanceOrderType) → OrderType

parse_internal_order_type(order: Order) → BinanceOrderType

parse_binance_bar_agg(bar_agg: str) → BarAggregation

parse_nautilus_bar_aggregation(bar_agg: BarAggregation) → str

parse_binance_kline_interval_to_bar_spec(kline_interval: BinanceKlineInterval) → BarSpecification

parse_binance_trigger_type(trigger_type: str) → TriggerType

parse_position_id_to_binance_futures_position_side(position_id: PositionId) → BinanceFuturesPositionSide


class BinanceBar

Bases: Bar

Represents an aggregated Binance bar.

This data type includes the raw data provided by Binance.

  • Parameters:
    • bar_type (BarType) – The bar type for this bar.
    • open (Price) – The bars open price.
    • high (Price) – The bars high price.
    • low (Price) – The bars low price.
    • close (Price) – The bars close price.
    • volume (Quantity) – The bars volume.
    • quote_volume (Decimal) – The bars quote asset volume.
    • count (int) – The number of trades for the bar.
    • taker_buy_base_volume (Decimal) – The liquidity taker volume on the buy side for the base asset.
    • taker_buy_quote_volume (Decimal) – The liquidity taker volume on the buy side for the quote asset.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the data event occurred.
    • ts_init (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the data object was initialized.

static from_dict(values: dict[str, Any]) → BinanceBar

Return a Binance bar parsed from the given values.

  • Parameters: values (dict *[*str , Any ]) – The values for initialization.
  • Return type: BinanceBar

static to_dict(obj: BinanceBar) → dict[str, Any]

Return a dictionary representation of this object.

  • Return type: dict[str, Any]



Return the bar type of bar.

  • Return type: BarType
  • Type: Bar.bar_type



Return the close price of the bar.

  • Return type: Price
  • Type: Bar.close

static from_pyo3(pyo3_bar) → Bar

Return a legacy Cython bar converted from the given pyo3 Rust object.

  • Parameters: pyo3_bar (nautilus_pyo3.Bar) – The pyo3 Rust bar to convert from.
  • Return type: Bar

static from_pyo3_list(list pyo3_bars) → list[Bar]

Return legacy Cython bars converted from the given pyo3 Rust objects.

  • Parameters: pyo3_bars (list *[*nautilus_pyo3.Bar ]) – The pyo3 Rust bars to convert from.
  • Return type: list[Bar]

static from_raw(BarType bar_type, int64_t open, int64_t high, int64_t low, int64_t close, uint8_t price_prec, uint64_t volume, uint8_t size_prec, uint64_t ts_event, uint64_t ts_init) → Bar

static from_raw_arrays_to_list(BarType bar_type, uint8_t price_prec, uint8_t size_prec, int64_t[:] opens, int64_t[:] highs, int64_t[:] lows, int64_t[:] closes, uint64_t[:] volumes, uint64_t[:] ts_events, uint64_t[:] ts_inits) → list[Bar]

classmethod fully_qualified_name(cls) → str

Return the fully qualified name for the Data class.

  • Return type: str



Return the high price of the bar.

  • Return type: Price
  • Type: Bar.high


If this bar is a revision for a previous bar with the same ts_event.

  • Returns: bool

classmethod is_signal(cls, unicode name=u'') → bool

Determine if the current class is a signal type, optionally checking for a specific signal name.

  • Parameters: name (str , optional) – The specific signal name to check. If name not provided or if an empty string is passed, the method checks whether the class name indicates a general signal type. If name is provided, the method checks if the class name corresponds to that specific signal.
  • Returns: True if the class name matches the signal type or the specific signal name, otherwise False.
  • Return type: bool

is_single_price(self) → bool

If the OHLC are all equal to a single price.

  • Return type: bool



Return the low price of the bar.

  • Return type: Price
  • Type: Bar.low



Return the open price of the bar.

  • Return type: Price
  • Type:

to_pyo3(self) → nautilus_pyo3.Bar

Return a pyo3 object from this legacy Cython instance.

  • Return type: nautilus_pyo3.Bar

static to_pyo3_list(list bars) → list[nautilus_pyo3.Bar]

Return pyo3 Rust bars converted from the given legacy Cython objects.

  • Parameters: bars (list [Bar ]) – The legacy Cython bars to convert from.
  • Return type: list[nautilus_pyo3.Bar]



UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the data event occurred.

  • Return type: int
  • Type: Bar.ts_event



UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.

  • Return type: int
  • Type: Bar.ts_init



Return the volume of the bar.

  • Return type: Quantity
  • Type: Bar.volume

class BinanceTicker

Bases: Data

Represents a Binance 24hr statistics ticker.

This data type includes the raw data provided by Binance.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • price_change (Decimal) – The price change.
    • price_change_percent (Decimal) – The price change percent.
    • weighted_avg_price (Decimal) – The weighted average price.
    • prev_close_price (Decimal , optional) – The previous close price.
    • last_price (Decimal) – The last price.
    • last_qty (Decimal) – The last quantity.
    • bid_price (Decimal , optional) – The bid price.
    • bid_qty (Decimal , optional) – The bid quantity.
    • ask_price (Decimal , optional) – The ask price.
    • ask_qty (Decimal , optional) – The ask quantity.
    • open_price (Decimal) – The open price.
    • high_price (Decimal) – The high price.
    • low_price (Decimal) – The low price.
    • volume (Decimal) – The volume.
    • quote_volume (Decimal) – The quote volume.
    • open_time_ms (int) – UNIX timestamp (milliseconds) when the ticker opened.
    • close_time_ms (int) – UNIX timestamp (milliseconds) when the ticker closed.
    • first_id (int) – The first trade match ID (assigned by the venue) for the ticker.
    • last_id (int) – The last trade match ID (assigned by the venue) for the ticker.
    • count (int) – The count of trades over the tickers time range.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the ticker event occurred.
    • ts_init (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.

property ts_event : int

UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the data event occurred.

  • Return type: int

property ts_init : int

UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.

  • Return type: int

static from_dict(values: dict[str, Any]) → BinanceTicker

Return a Binance Spot/Margin ticker parsed from the given values.

  • Parameters: values (dict *[*str , Any ]) – The values for initialization.
  • Return type: BinanceTicker

static to_dict(obj: BinanceTicker) → dict[str, Any]

Return a dictionary representation of this object.

  • Return type: dict[str, Any]

classmethod fully_qualified_name(cls) → str

Return the fully qualified name for the Data class.

  • Return type: str

classmethod is_signal(cls, unicode name=u'') → bool

Determine if the current class is a signal type, optionally checking for a specific signal name.

  • Parameters: name (str , optional) – The specific signal name to check. If name not provided or if an empty string is passed, the method checks whether the class name indicates a general signal type. If name is provided, the method checks if the class name corresponds to that specific signal.
  • Returns: True if the class name matches the signal type or the specific signal name, otherwise False.
  • Return type: bool



class BinanceFuturesDataClient

Bases: BinanceCommonDataClient

Provides a data client for the Binance Futures exchange.

  • Parameters:
    • loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) – The event loop for the client.
    • client (BinanceHttpClient) – The Binance HTTP client.
    • msgbus (MessageBus) – The message bus for the client.
    • cache (Cache) – The cache for the client.
    • clock (LiveClock) – The clock for the client.
    • instrument_provider (InstrumentProvider) – The instrument provider.
    • base_url_ws (str) – The base URL for the WebSocket client.
    • config (BinanceDataClientConfig) – The configuration for the client.
    • account_type (BinanceAccountType , default 'USDT_FUTURE') – The account type for the client.
    • name (str , optional) – The custom client ID.

connect() → None

Connect the client.

create_task(coro:, log_msg: str | None = None, actions: | None = None, success_msg: str | None = None, success_color: ~nautilus_trader.core.rust.common.LogColor = <LogColor.NORMAL: 0>) → Task

Run the given coroutine with error handling and optional callback actions when done.

  • Parameters:
    • coro (Coroutine) – The coroutine to run.
    • log_msg (str , optional) – The log message for the task.
    • actions (Callable , optional) – The actions callback to run when the coroutine is done.
    • success_msg (str , optional) – The log message to write on actions success.
    • success_color (LogColor, default NORMAL) – The log message color for actions success.
  • Return type: asyncio.Task

degrade(self) → void

Degrade the component.

While executing on_degrade() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a DEGRADING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

disconnect() → None

Disconnect the client.

dispose(self) → void

Dispose of the component.

While executing on_dispose() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a DISPOSING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

fault(self) → void

Fault the component.

Calling this method multiple times has the same effect as calling it once (it is idempotent). Once called, it cannot be reversed, and no other methods should be called on this instance.

While executing on_fault() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a FAULTING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

classmethod fully_qualified_name(cls) → str

Return the fully qualified name for the components class.

  • Return type: str


The components ID.

  • Returns: ComponentId


If the client is connected.

  • Returns: bool



Return whether the current component state is DEGRADED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_degraded



Return whether the current component state is DISPOSED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_disposed



Return whether the current component state is FAULTED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_faulted



Return whether the component has been initialized (component.state >= INITIALIZED).

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_initialized



Return whether the current component state is RUNNING.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_running



Return whether the current component state is STOPPED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_stopped

request(self, DataType data_type, UUID4 correlation_id) → void

Request data for the given data type.

  • Parameters:
    • data_type (DataType) – The data type for the subscription.
    • correlation_id (UUID4) – The correlation ID for the response.

request_bars(self, BarType bar_type, int limit, UUID4 correlation_id, datetime start=None, datetime end=None) → void

Request historical Bar data.

  • Parameters:
    • bar_type (BarType) – The bar type for the request.
    • limit (int) – The limit for the number of returned bars.
    • correlation_id (UUID4) – The correlation ID for the request.
    • start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
    • end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.

request_instrument(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, UUID4 correlation_id, datetime start=None, datetime end=None) → void

Request Instrument data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the request.
    • correlation_id (UUID4) – The correlation ID for the request.
    • start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
    • end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.

request_instruments(self, Venue venue, UUID4 correlation_id, datetime start=None, datetime end=None) → void

Request all Instrument data for the given venue.

  • Parameters:
    • venue (Venue) – The venue for the request.
    • correlation_id (UUID4) – The correlation ID for the request.
    • start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
    • end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.

request_order_book_snapshot(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, int limit, UUID4 correlation_id) → void

Request order book snapshot data.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the order book snapshot request.
    • limit (int) – The limit on the depth of the order book snapshot.
    • correction_id (UUID4) – The correlation ID for the request.

request_quote_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, int limit, UUID4 correlation_id, datetime start=None, datetime end=None) → void

Request historical QuoteTick data.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument ID for the request.
    • limit (int) – The limit for the number of returned ticks.
    • correlation_id (UUID4) – The correlation ID for the request.
    • start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
    • end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.

request_trade_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, int limit, UUID4 correlation_id, datetime start=None, datetime end=None) → void

Request historical TradeTick data.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument ID for the request.
    • limit (int) – The limit for the number of returned ticks.
    • correlation_id (UUID4) – The correlation ID for the request.
    • start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
    • end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.

reset(self) → void

Reset the component.

All stateful fields are reset to their initial value.

While executing on_reset() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a RESETTING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

resume(self) → void

Resume the component.

While executing on_resume() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a RESUMING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

async run_after_delay(delay: float, coro: Coroutine) → None

Run the given coroutine after a delay.

  • Parameters:
    • delay (float) – The delay (seconds) before running the coroutine.
    • coro (Coroutine) – The coroutine to run after the initial delay.

start(self) → void

Start the component.

While executing on_start() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a STARTING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.



Return the components current state.

  • Return type: ComponentState
  • Type: Component.state

stop(self) → void

Stop the component.

While executing on_stop() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a STOPPING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

subscribe(self, DataType data_type) → void

Subscribe to data for the given data type.

  • Parameters: data_type (DataType) – The data type for the subscription.

subscribe_bars(self, BarType bar_type) → void

Subscribe to Bar data for the given bar type.

  • Parameters: bar_type (BarType) – The bar type to subscribe to.

subscribe_instrument(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Subscribe to the Instrument with the given instrument ID.

subscribe_instrument_close(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Subscribe to InstrumentClose updates for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to subscribe to.

subscribe_instrument_status(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Subscribe to InstrumentStatus data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to subscribe to.

subscribe_instruments(self) → void

Subscribe to all Instrument data.

subscribe_order_book_deltas(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, BookType book_type, int depth=0, dict kwargs=None) → void

Subscribe to OrderBookDeltas data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The order book instrument to subscribe to.
    • book_type (BookType {L1_MBP, L2_MBP, L3_MBO}) – The order book type.
    • depth (int , optional , default None) – The maximum depth for the subscription.
    • kwargs (dict , optional) – The keyword arguments for exchange specific parameters.

subscribe_order_book_snapshots(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, BookType book_type, int depth=0, dict kwargs=None) → void

Subscribe to OrderBook snapshots data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The order book instrument to subscribe to.
    • book_type (BookType {L1_MBP, L2_MBP, L3_MBO}) – The order book level.
    • depth (int , optional) – The maximum depth for the order book. A depth of 0 is maximum depth.
    • kwargs (dict , optional) – The keyword arguments for exchange specific parameters.

subscribe_quote_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Subscribe to QuoteTick data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to subscribe to.

subscribe_trade_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Subscribe to TradeTick data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to subscribe to.

subscribed_bars(self) → list

Return the bar types subscribed to.

subscribed_custom_data(self) → list

Return the custom data types subscribed to.

subscribed_instrument_close(self) → list

Return the instrument closes subscribed to.

subscribed_instrument_status(self) → list

Return the status update instruments subscribed to.

subscribed_instruments(self) → list

Return the instruments subscribed to.

subscribed_order_book_deltas(self) → list

Return the order book delta instruments subscribed to.

subscribed_order_book_snapshots(self) → list

Return the order book snapshot instruments subscribed to.

subscribed_quote_ticks(self) → list

Return the quote tick instruments subscribed to.

subscribed_trade_ticks(self) → list

Return the trade tick instruments subscribed to.


The trader ID associated with the component.

  • Returns: TraderId


The components type.

  • Returns: type

unsubscribe(self, DataType data_type) → void

Unsubscribe from data for the given data type.

  • Parameters: data_type (DataType) – The data type for the subscription.

unsubscribe_bars(self, BarType bar_type) → void

Unsubscribe from Bar data for the given bar type.

  • Parameters: bar_type (BarType) – The bar type to unsubscribe from.

unsubscribe_instrument(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Unsubscribe from Instrument data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument to unsubscribe from.

unsubscribe_instrument_close(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Unsubscribe from InstrumentClose data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to unsubscribe from.

unsubscribe_instrument_status(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Unsubscribe from InstrumentStatus data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument status updates to unsubscribe from.

unsubscribe_instruments(self) → void

Unsubscribe from all Instrument data.

unsubscribe_order_book_deltas(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Unsubscribe from OrderBookDeltas data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The order book instrument to unsubscribe from.

unsubscribe_order_book_snapshots(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Unsubscribe from OrderBook snapshots data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The order book instrument to unsubscribe from.

unsubscribe_quote_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Unsubscribe from QuoteTick data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to unsubscribe from.

unsubscribe_trade_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Unsubscribe from TradeTick data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to unsubscribe from.


The clients venue ID (if applicable).

  • Returns: Venue or None


Defines Binance Futures specific enums.

class BinanceFuturesContractType

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance Futures derivatives contract type.








class BinanceFuturesContractStatus

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance Futures contract status.









class BinanceFuturesWorkingType

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance Futures working type.



class BinanceFuturesMarginType

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance Futures margin type.

ISOLATED = 'isolated'

CROSS = 'cross'

class BinanceFuturesPositionUpdateReason

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance Futures position and balance update reason.


















class BinanceFuturesEventType

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance Futures event type.

LISTEN_KEY_EXPIRED = 'listenKeyExpired'






class BinanceFuturesEnumParser

Bases: BinanceEnumParser

Provides parsing methods for enums used by the ‘Binance Futures’ exchange.

parse_binance_order_type(order_type: BinanceOrderType) → OrderType

parse_internal_order_type(order: Order) → BinanceOrderType

parse_binance_trigger_type(trigger_type: str) → TriggerType

parse_futures_position_side(net_size: Decimal) → PositionSide

parse_binance_bar_agg(bar_agg: str) → BarAggregation

parse_binance_kline_interval_to_bar_spec(kline_interval: BinanceKlineInterval) → BarSpecification

parse_binance_order_side(order_side: BinanceOrderSide) → OrderSide

parse_binance_order_status(order_status: BinanceOrderStatus) → OrderStatus

parse_binance_time_in_force(time_in_force: BinanceTimeInForce) → TimeInForce

parse_internal_order_side(order_side: OrderSide) → BinanceOrderSide

parse_internal_time_in_force(time_in_force: TimeInForce) → BinanceTimeInForce

parse_nautilus_bar_aggregation(bar_agg: BarAggregation) → str

parse_position_id_to_binance_futures_position_side(position_id: PositionId) → BinanceFuturesPositionSide


class BinanceFuturesExecutionClient

Bases: BinanceCommonExecutionClient

Provides an execution client for the Binance Futures exchange.

  • Parameters:
    • loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) – The event loop for the client.
    • client (BinanceHttpClient) – The Binance HTTP client.
    • msgbus (MessageBus) – The message bus for the client.
    • cache (Cache) – The cache for the client.
    • clock (LiveClock) – The clock for the client.
    • instrument_provider (BinanceFuturesInstrumentProvider) – The instrument provider.
    • base_url_ws (str) – The base URL for the WebSocket client.
    • config (BinanceExecClientConfig) – The configuration for the client.
    • account_type (BinanceAccountType , default 'USDT_FUTURE') – The account type for the client.
    • name (str , optional) – The custom client ID.


The clients account ID.

  • Returns: AccountId or None


The clients account type.

  • Returns: AccountType


The clients account base currency (None for multi-currency accounts).

  • Returns: Currency or None

batch_cancel_orders(self, BatchCancelOrders command) → void

Batch cancel orders for the instrument ID contained in the given command.

cancel_all_orders(self, CancelAllOrders command) → void

Cancel all orders for the instrument ID contained in the given command.

cancel_order(self, CancelOrder command) → void

Cancel the order with the client order ID contained in the given command.

  • Parameters: command (CancelOrder) – The command to execute.

connect() → None

Connect the client.

create_task(coro:, log_msg: str | None = None, actions: | None = None, success_msg: str | None = None, success_color: ~nautilus_trader.core.rust.common.LogColor = <LogColor.NORMAL: 0>) → Task

Run the given coroutine with error handling and optional callback actions when done.

  • Parameters:
    • coro (Coroutine) – The coroutine to run.
    • log_msg (str , optional) – The log message for the task.
    • actions (Callable , optional) – The actions callback to run when the coroutine is done.
    • success_msg (str , optional) – The log message to write on actions success.
    • success_color (str, default NORMAL) – The log message color for actions success.
  • Return type: asyncio.Task

degrade(self) → void

Degrade the component.

While executing on_degrade() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a DEGRADING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

disconnect() → None

Disconnect the client.

dispose(self) → void

Dispose of the component.

While executing on_dispose() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a DISPOSING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

fault(self) → void

Fault the component.

Calling this method multiple times has the same effect as calling it once (it is idempotent). Once called, it cannot be reversed, and no other methods should be called on this instance.

While executing on_fault() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a FAULTING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

classmethod fully_qualified_name(cls) → str

Return the fully qualified name for the components class.

  • Return type: str

generate_account_state(self, list balances, list margins, bool reported, uint64_t ts_event, dict info=None) → void

Generate an AccountState event and publish on the message bus.

  • Parameters:
    • balances (list [AccountBalance ]) – The account balances.
    • margins (list [MarginBalance ]) – The margin balances.
    • reported (bool) – If the balances are reported directly from the exchange.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the account state event occurred.
    • info (dict *[*str , object ]) – The additional implementation specific account information.

async generate_fill_reports(instrument_id: InstrumentId | None = None, venue_order_id: VenueOrderId | None = None, start: Timestamp | None = None, end: Timestamp | None = None) → list[FillReport]

Generate a list of


FillReport`s with optional query filters.

The returned list may be empty if no trades match the given parameters.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId , optional) – The instrument ID query filter.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId , optional) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue) query filter.
    • start (pd.Timestamp , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) query filter.
    • end (pd.Timestamp , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) query filter.
  • Return type: list[FillReport]

async generate_mass_status(lookback_mins: int | None = None) → ExecutionMassStatus | None

Generate an ExecutionMassStatus report.

  • Parameters: lookback_mins (int , optional) – The maximum lookback for querying closed orders, trades and positions.
  • Return type: ExecutionMassStatus or None

generate_order_accepted(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, uint64_t ts_event) → void

Generate an OrderAccepted event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order accepted event occurred.

generate_order_cancel_rejected(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, unicode reason, uint64_t ts_event) → void

Generate an OrderCancelRejected event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
    • reason (str) – The order cancel rejected reason.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order cancel rejected event occurred.

generate_order_canceled(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, uint64_t ts_event) → void

Generate an OrderCanceled event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when order canceled event occurred.

generate_order_expired(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, uint64_t ts_event) → void

Generate an OrderExpired event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order expired event occurred.

generate_order_filled(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, PositionId venue_position_id: PositionId | None, TradeId trade_id, OrderSide order_side, OrderType order_type, Quantity last_qty, Price last_px, Currency quote_currency, Money commission, LiquiditySide liquidity_side, uint64_t ts_event, dict info=None) → void

Generate an OrderFilled event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
    • trade_id (TradeId) – The trade ID.
    • venue_position_id (PositionId, optional with no default so None must be passed explicitly) – The venue position ID associated with the order. If the trading venue has assigned a position ID / ticket then pass that here, otherwise pass None and the execution engine OMS will handle position ID resolution.
    • order_side (OrderSide {BUY, SELL}) – The execution order side.
    • order_type (OrderType) – The execution order type.
    • last_qty (Quantity) – The fill quantity for this execution.
    • last_px (Price) – The fill price for this execution (not average price).
    • quote_currency (Currency) – The currency of the price.
    • commission (Money) – The fill commission.
    • liquidity_side (LiquiditySide {NO_LIQUIDITY_SIDE, MAKER, TAKER}) – The execution liquidity side.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order filled event occurred.
    • info (dict *[*str , object ] , optional) – The additional fill information.

generate_order_modify_rejected(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, unicode reason, uint64_t ts_event) → void

Generate an OrderModifyRejected event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
    • reason (str) – The order update rejected reason.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order update rejection event occurred.

generate_order_rejected(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, unicode reason, uint64_t ts_event) → void

Generate an OrderRejected event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • reason (datetime) – The order rejected reason.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order rejected event occurred.

async generate_order_status_report(instrument_id: InstrumentId, client_order_id: ClientOrderId | None = None, venue_order_id: VenueOrderId | None = None) → OrderStatusReport | None

Generate an OrderStatusReport for the given order identifier parameter(s).

If the order is not found, or an error occurs, then logs and returns None.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the report.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId , optional) – The client order ID for the report.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId , optional) – The venue order ID for the report.
  • Return type: OrderStatusReport or None
  • Raises: ValueError – If both the client_order_id and venue_order_id are None.

async generate_order_status_reports(instrument_id: InstrumentId | None = None, start: Timestamp | None = None, end: Timestamp | None = None, open_only: bool = False) → list[OrderStatusReport]

Generate a list of


OrderStatusReport`s with optional query filters.

The returned list may be empty if no orders match the given parameters.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId , optional) – The instrument ID query filter.
    • start (pd.Timestamp , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) query filter.
    • end (pd.Timestamp , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) query filter.
    • open_only (bool , default False) – If the query is for open orders only.
  • Return type: list[OrderStatusReport]

generate_order_submitted(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, uint64_t ts_event) → void

Generate an OrderSubmitted event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order submitted event occurred.

generate_order_triggered(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, uint64_t ts_event) → void

Generate an OrderTriggered event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order triggered event occurred.

generate_order_updated(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, Quantity quantity, Price price, Price trigger_price, uint64_t ts_event, bool venue_order_id_modified=False) → void

Generate an OrderUpdated event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
    • quantity (Quantity) – The orders current quantity.
    • price (Price) – The orders current price.
    • trigger_price (Price, optional with no default so None must be passed explicitly) – The orders current trigger price.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order update event occurred.
    • venue_order_id_modified (bool) – If the ID was modified for this event.

async generate_position_status_reports(instrument_id: InstrumentId | None = None, start: Timestamp | None = None, end: Timestamp | None = None) → list[PositionStatusReport]

Generate a list of


PositionStatusReport`s with optional query filters.

The returned list may be empty if no positions match the given parameters.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId , optional) – The instrument ID query filter.
    • start (pd.Timestamp , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) query filter.
    • end (pd.Timestamp , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) query filter.
  • Return type: list[PositionStatusReport]

get_account(self) → Account

Return the account for the client (if registered).

  • Return type: Account or None


The components ID.

  • Returns: ComponentId


If the client is connected.

  • Returns: bool



Return whether the current component state is DEGRADED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_degraded



Return whether the current component state is DISPOSED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_disposed



Return whether the current component state is FAULTED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_faulted



Return whether the component has been initialized (component.state >= INITIALIZED).

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_initialized



Return whether the current component state is RUNNING.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_running



Return whether the current component state is STOPPED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_stopped

modify_order(self, ModifyOrder command) → void

Modify the order with parameters contained in the command.

  • Parameters: command (ModifyOrder) – The command to execute.


The venues order management system type.

  • Returns: OmsType

query_order(self, QueryOrder command) → void

Initiate a reconciliation for the queried order which will generate an OrderStatusReport.

  • Parameters: command (QueryOrder) – The command to execute.

reset(self) → void

Reset the component.

All stateful fields are reset to their initial value.

While executing on_reset() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a RESETTING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

resume(self) → void

Resume the component.

While executing on_resume() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a RESUMING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

async run_after_delay(delay: float, coro: Coroutine) → None

Run the given coroutine after a delay.

  • Parameters:
    • delay (float) – The delay (seconds) before running the coroutine.
    • coro (Coroutine) – The coroutine to run after the initial delay.

start(self) → void

Start the component.

While executing on_start() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a STARTING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.



Return the components current state.

  • Return type: ComponentState
  • Type: Component.state

stop(self) → void

Stop the component.

While executing on_stop() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a STOPPING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

submit_order(self, SubmitOrder command) → void

Submit the order contained in the given command for execution.

  • Parameters: command (SubmitOrder) – The command to execute.

submit_order_list(self, SubmitOrderList command) → void

Submit the order list contained in the given command for execution.


The trader ID associated with the component.

  • Returns: TraderId

property treat_expired_as_canceled : bool

Whether the EXPIRED execution type is treated as a CANCEL.

  • Return type: bool


The components type.

  • Returns: type

property use_position_ids : bool

Whether a position_id will be assigned to order events generated by the client.

  • Return type: bool


The clients venue ID (if not a routing client).

  • Returns: Venue or None


class BinanceFuturesInstrumentProvider

Bases: InstrumentProvider

Provides a means of loading instruments from the Binance Futures exchange.

  • Parameters:
    • client (APIClient) – The client for the provider.
    • config (InstrumentProviderConfig , optional) – The configuration for the provider.

async load_all_async(filters: dict | None = None) → None

Load the latest instruments into the provider asynchronously, optionally applying the given filters.

async load_ids_async(instrument_ids: list[InstrumentId], filters: dict | None = None) → None

Load the instruments for the given IDs into the provider, optionally applying the given filters.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_ids (list [InstrumentId ]) – The instrument IDs to load.
    • filters (frozendict *[*str , Any ] or dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – The venue specific instrument loading filters to apply.
  • Raises: ValueError – If any instrument_id.venue is not equal to self.venue.

async load_async(instrument_id: InstrumentId, filters: dict | None = None) → None

Load the instrument for the given ID into the provider asynchronously, optionally applying the given filters.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID to load.
    • filters (frozendict *[*str , Any ] or dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – The venue specific instrument loading filters to apply.
  • Raises: ValueError – If instrument_id.venue is not equal to self.venue.

add(instrument: Instrument) → None

Add the given instrument to the provider.

  • Parameters: instrument (Instrument) – The instrument to add.

add_bulk(instruments: list[Instrument]) → None

Add the given instruments bulk to the provider.

  • Parameters: instruments (list [Instrument ]) – The instruments to add.

add_currency(currency: Currency) → None

Add the given currency to the provider.

  • Parameters: currency (Currency) – The currency to add.

property count : int

Return the count of instruments held by the provider.

  • Return type: int

currencies() → dict[str, Currency]

Return all currencies held by the instrument provider.

currency(code: str) → Currency | None

Return the currency with the given code (if found).

  • Parameters: code (str) – The currency code.
  • Return type: Currency or None
  • Raises: ValueError – If code is not a valid string.

find(instrument_id: InstrumentId) → Instrument | None

Return the instrument for the given instrument ID (if found).

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The ID for the instrument
  • Return type: Instrument or None

get_all() → dict[InstrumentId, Instrument]

Return all loaded instruments as a map keyed by instrument ID.

If no instruments loaded, will return an empty dict.

async initialize() → None

Initialize the instrument provider.

If initialize() then will immediately return.

list_all() → list[Instrument]

Return all loaded instruments.

load(instrument_id: InstrumentId, filters: dict | None = None) → None

Load the instrument for the given ID into the provider, optionally applying the given filters.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID to load.
    • filters (frozendict *[*str , Any ] or dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – The venue specific instrument loading filters to apply.

load_all(filters: dict | None = None) → None

Load the latest instruments into the provider, optionally applying the given filters.

  • Parameters: filters (frozendict *[*str , Any ] or dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – The venue specific instrument loading filters to apply.

load_ids(instrument_ids: list[InstrumentId], filters: dict | None = None) → None

Load the instruments for the given IDs into the provider, optionally applying the given filters.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_ids (list [InstrumentId ]) – The instrument IDs to load.
    • filters (frozendict *[*str , Any ] or dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – The venue specific instrument loading filters to apply.


class BinanceFuturesMarkPriceUpdate

Bases: Data

Represents a Binance Futures mark price and funding rate update.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the update.
    • mark (Price) – The mark price for the instrument.
    • index (Price) – The index price for the instrument.
    • estimated_settle (Price) – The estimated settle price for the instrument (only useful in the last hour before the settlement starts).
    • funding_rate (Decimal) – The current funding rate for the instrument.
    • ts_next_funding (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when next funding will occur.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the data event occurred.
    • ts_init (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the data object was initialized.

property ts_event : int

UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the data event occurred.

  • Return type: int

property ts_init : int

UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the object was initialized.

  • Return type: int

static from_dict(values: dict[str, Any]) → BinanceFuturesMarkPriceUpdate

Return a Binance Futures mark price update parsed from the given values.

static to_dict(obj: BinanceFuturesMarkPriceUpdate) → dict[str, Any]

Return a dictionary representation of this object.

  • Return type: dict[str, Any]

classmethod fully_qualified_name(cls) → str

Return the fully qualified name for the Data class.

  • Return type: str

classmethod is_signal(cls, unicode name=u'') → bool

Determine if the current class is a signal type, optionally checking for a specific signal name.

  • Parameters: name (str , optional) – The specific signal name to check. If name not provided or if an empty string is passed, the method checks whether the class name indicates a general signal type. If name is provided, the method checks if the class name corresponds to that specific signal.
  • Returns: True if the class name matches the signal type or the specific signal name, otherwise False.
  • Return type: bool



class BinanceSpotDataClient

Bases: BinanceCommonDataClient

Provides a data client for the Binance Spot/Margin exchange.

  • Parameters:
    • loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) – The event loop for the client.
    • client (BinanceHttpClient) – The binance HTTP client.
    • msgbus (MessageBus) – The message bus for the client.
    • cache (Cache) – The cache for the client.
    • clock (LiveClock) – The clock for the client.
    • instrument_provider (InstrumentProvider) – The instrument provider.
    • base_url_ws (str) – The base URL for the WebSocket client.
    • config (BinanceDataClientConfig) – The configuration for the client.
    • account_type (BinanceAccountType , default 'SPOT') – The account type for the client.
    • name (str , optional) – The custom client ID.

connect() → None

Connect the client.

create_task(coro:, log_msg: str | None = None, actions: | None = None, success_msg: str | None = None, success_color: ~nautilus_trader.core.rust.common.LogColor = <LogColor.NORMAL: 0>) → Task

Run the given coroutine with error handling and optional callback actions when done.

  • Parameters:
    • coro (Coroutine) – The coroutine to run.
    • log_msg (str , optional) – The log message for the task.
    • actions (Callable , optional) – The actions callback to run when the coroutine is done.
    • success_msg (str , optional) – The log message to write on actions success.
    • success_color (LogColor, default NORMAL) – The log message color for actions success.
  • Return type: asyncio.Task

degrade(self) → void

Degrade the component.

While executing on_degrade() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a DEGRADING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

disconnect() → None

Disconnect the client.

dispose(self) → void

Dispose of the component.

While executing on_dispose() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a DISPOSING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

fault(self) → void

Fault the component.

Calling this method multiple times has the same effect as calling it once (it is idempotent). Once called, it cannot be reversed, and no other methods should be called on this instance.

While executing on_fault() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a FAULTING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

classmethod fully_qualified_name(cls) → str

Return the fully qualified name for the components class.

  • Return type: str


The components ID.

  • Returns: ComponentId


If the client is connected.

  • Returns: bool



Return whether the current component state is DEGRADED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_degraded



Return whether the current component state is DISPOSED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_disposed



Return whether the current component state is FAULTED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_faulted



Return whether the component has been initialized (component.state >= INITIALIZED).

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_initialized



Return whether the current component state is RUNNING.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_running



Return whether the current component state is STOPPED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_stopped

request(self, DataType data_type, UUID4 correlation_id) → void

Request data for the given data type.

  • Parameters:
    • data_type (DataType) – The data type for the subscription.
    • correlation_id (UUID4) – The correlation ID for the response.

request_bars(self, BarType bar_type, int limit, UUID4 correlation_id, datetime start=None, datetime end=None) → void

Request historical Bar data.

  • Parameters:
    • bar_type (BarType) – The bar type for the request.
    • limit (int) – The limit for the number of returned bars.
    • correlation_id (UUID4) – The correlation ID for the request.
    • start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
    • end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.

request_instrument(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, UUID4 correlation_id, datetime start=None, datetime end=None) → void

Request Instrument data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the request.
    • correlation_id (UUID4) – The correlation ID for the request.
    • start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
    • end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.

request_instruments(self, Venue venue, UUID4 correlation_id, datetime start=None, datetime end=None) → void

Request all Instrument data for the given venue.

  • Parameters:
    • venue (Venue) – The venue for the request.
    • correlation_id (UUID4) – The correlation ID for the request.
    • start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
    • end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.

request_order_book_snapshot(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, int limit, UUID4 correlation_id) → void

Request order book snapshot data.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the order book snapshot request.
    • limit (int) – The limit on the depth of the order book snapshot.
    • correction_id (UUID4) – The correlation ID for the request.

request_quote_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, int limit, UUID4 correlation_id, datetime start=None, datetime end=None) → void

Request historical QuoteTick data.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument ID for the request.
    • limit (int) – The limit for the number of returned ticks.
    • correlation_id (UUID4) – The correlation ID for the request.
    • start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
    • end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.

request_trade_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, int limit, UUID4 correlation_id, datetime start=None, datetime end=None) → void

Request historical TradeTick data.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument ID for the request.
    • limit (int) – The limit for the number of returned ticks.
    • correlation_id (UUID4) – The correlation ID for the request.
    • start (datetime , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) of request time range (inclusive).
    • end (datetime , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) of request time range. The inclusiveness depends on individual data client implementation.

reset(self) → void

Reset the component.

All stateful fields are reset to their initial value.

While executing on_reset() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a RESETTING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

resume(self) → void

Resume the component.

While executing on_resume() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a RESUMING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

async run_after_delay(delay: float, coro: Coroutine) → None

Run the given coroutine after a delay.

  • Parameters:
    • delay (float) – The delay (seconds) before running the coroutine.
    • coro (Coroutine) – The coroutine to run after the initial delay.

start(self) → void

Start the component.

While executing on_start() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a STARTING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.



Return the components current state.

  • Return type: ComponentState
  • Type: Component.state

stop(self) → void

Stop the component.

While executing on_stop() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a STOPPING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

subscribe(self, DataType data_type) → void

Subscribe to data for the given data type.

  • Parameters: data_type (DataType) – The data type for the subscription.

subscribe_bars(self, BarType bar_type) → void

Subscribe to Bar data for the given bar type.

  • Parameters: bar_type (BarType) – The bar type to subscribe to.

subscribe_instrument(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Subscribe to the Instrument with the given instrument ID.

subscribe_instrument_close(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Subscribe to InstrumentClose updates for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to subscribe to.

subscribe_instrument_status(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Subscribe to InstrumentStatus data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to subscribe to.

subscribe_instruments(self) → void

Subscribe to all Instrument data.

subscribe_order_book_deltas(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, BookType book_type, int depth=0, dict kwargs=None) → void

Subscribe to OrderBookDeltas data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The order book instrument to subscribe to.
    • book_type (BookType {L1_MBP, L2_MBP, L3_MBO}) – The order book type.
    • depth (int , optional , default None) – The maximum depth for the subscription.
    • kwargs (dict , optional) – The keyword arguments for exchange specific parameters.

subscribe_order_book_snapshots(self, InstrumentId instrument_id, BookType book_type, int depth=0, dict kwargs=None) → void

Subscribe to OrderBook snapshots data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The order book instrument to subscribe to.
    • book_type (BookType {L1_MBP, L2_MBP, L3_MBO}) – The order book level.
    • depth (int , optional) – The maximum depth for the order book. A depth of 0 is maximum depth.
    • kwargs (dict , optional) – The keyword arguments for exchange specific parameters.

subscribe_quote_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Subscribe to QuoteTick data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to subscribe to.

subscribe_trade_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Subscribe to TradeTick data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to subscribe to.

subscribed_bars(self) → list

Return the bar types subscribed to.

subscribed_custom_data(self) → list

Return the custom data types subscribed to.

subscribed_instrument_close(self) → list

Return the instrument closes subscribed to.

subscribed_instrument_status(self) → list

Return the status update instruments subscribed to.

subscribed_instruments(self) → list

Return the instruments subscribed to.

subscribed_order_book_deltas(self) → list

Return the order book delta instruments subscribed to.

subscribed_order_book_snapshots(self) → list

Return the order book snapshot instruments subscribed to.

subscribed_quote_ticks(self) → list

Return the quote tick instruments subscribed to.

subscribed_trade_ticks(self) → list

Return the trade tick instruments subscribed to.


The trader ID associated with the component.

  • Returns: TraderId


The components type.

  • Returns: type

unsubscribe(self, DataType data_type) → void

Unsubscribe from data for the given data type.

  • Parameters: data_type (DataType) – The data type for the subscription.

unsubscribe_bars(self, BarType bar_type) → void

Unsubscribe from Bar data for the given bar type.

  • Parameters: bar_type (BarType) – The bar type to unsubscribe from.

unsubscribe_instrument(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Unsubscribe from Instrument data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument to unsubscribe from.

unsubscribe_instrument_close(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Unsubscribe from InstrumentClose data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to unsubscribe from.

unsubscribe_instrument_status(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Unsubscribe from InstrumentStatus data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument status updates to unsubscribe from.

unsubscribe_instruments(self) → void

Unsubscribe from all Instrument data.

unsubscribe_order_book_deltas(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Unsubscribe from OrderBookDeltas data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The order book instrument to unsubscribe from.

unsubscribe_order_book_snapshots(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Unsubscribe from OrderBook snapshots data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The order book instrument to unsubscribe from.

unsubscribe_quote_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Unsubscribe from QuoteTick data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to unsubscribe from.

unsubscribe_trade_ticks(self, InstrumentId instrument_id) → void

Unsubscribe from TradeTick data for the given instrument ID.

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The tick instrument to unsubscribe from.


The clients venue ID (if applicable).

  • Returns: Venue or None


Defines Binance Spot/Margin specific enums.

class BinanceSpotPermissions

Bases: Enum

Represents Binance Spot/Margin trading permissions.




TRD_GRP_002 = 'TRD_GRP_002'

TRD_GRP_003 = 'TRD_GRP_003'

TRD_GRP_004 = 'TRD_GRP_004'

TRD_GRP_005 = 'TRD_GRP_005'

TRD_GRP_006 = 'TRD_GRP_006'

TRD_GRP_007 = 'TRD_GRP_007'

TRD_GRP_008 = 'TRD_GRP_008'

TRD_GRP_009 = 'TRD_GRP_009'

TRD_GRP_010 = 'TRD_GRP_010'

TRD_GRP_011 = 'TRD_GRP_011'

TRD_GRP_012 = 'TRD_GRP_012'

TRD_GRP_013 = 'TRD_GRP_013'

TRD_GRP_014 = 'TRD_GRP_014'

TRD_GRP_015 = 'TRD_GRP_015'

TRD_GRP_016 = 'TRD_GRP_016'

TRD_GRP_017 = 'TRD_GRP_017'

TRD_GRP_018 = 'TRD_GRP_018'

TRD_GRP_019 = 'TRD_GRP_019'

TRD_GRP_020 = 'TRD_GRP_020'

TRD_GRP_021 = 'TRD_GRP_021'

TRD_GRP_022 = 'TRD_GRP_022'

TRD_GRP_023 = 'TRD_GRP_023'

TRD_GRP_024 = 'TRD_GRP_024'

TRD_GRP_025 = 'TRD_GRP_025'

TRD_GRP_026 = 'TRD_GRP_026'

TRD_GRP_027 = 'TRD_GRP_027'

TRD_GRP_028 = 'TRD_GRP_028'

TRD_GRP_029 = 'TRD_GRP_029'

TRD_GRP_030 = 'TRD_GRP_030'

TRD_GRP_031 = 'TRD_GRP_031'

TRD_GRP_032 = 'TRD_GRP_032'

class BinanceSpotSymbolStatus

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance Spot/Margin symbol status.








class BinanceSpotEventType

Bases: Enum

Represents a Binance Spot/Margin event type.

outboundAccountPosition = 'outboundAccountPosition'

balanceUpdate = 'balanceUpdate'

executionReport = 'executionReport'

listStatus = 'listStatus'

class BinanceSpotEnumParser

Bases: BinanceEnumParser

Provides parsing methods for enums used by the ‘Binance Spot/Margin’ exchange.

parse_binance_order_type(order_type: BinanceOrderType) → OrderType

parse_internal_order_type(order: Order) → BinanceOrderType

parse_binance_bar_agg(bar_agg: str) → BarAggregation

parse_binance_kline_interval_to_bar_spec(kline_interval: BinanceKlineInterval) → BarSpecification

parse_binance_order_side(order_side: BinanceOrderSide) → OrderSide

parse_binance_order_status(order_status: BinanceOrderStatus) → OrderStatus

parse_binance_time_in_force(time_in_force: BinanceTimeInForce) → TimeInForce

parse_binance_trigger_type(trigger_type: str) → TriggerType

parse_internal_order_side(order_side: OrderSide) → BinanceOrderSide

parse_internal_time_in_force(time_in_force: TimeInForce) → BinanceTimeInForce

parse_nautilus_bar_aggregation(bar_agg: BarAggregation) → str

parse_position_id_to_binance_futures_position_side(position_id: PositionId) → BinanceFuturesPositionSide


class BinanceSpotExecutionClient

Bases: BinanceCommonExecutionClient

Provides an execution client for the Binance Spot/Margin exchange.

  • Parameters:
    • loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) – The event loop for the client.
    • client (BinanceHttpClient) – The binance HTTP client.
    • msgbus (MessageBus) – The message bus for the client.
    • cache (Cache) – The cache for the client.
    • clock (LiveClock) – The clock for the client.
    • instrument_provider (BinanceSpotInstrumentProvider) – The instrument provider.
    • base_url_ws (str) – The base URL for the WebSocket client.
    • config (BinanceExecClientConfig) – The configuration for the client.
    • account_type (BinanceAccountType , default 'SPOT') – The account type for the client.
    • name (str , optional) – The custom client ID.


The clients account ID.

  • Returns: AccountId or None


The clients account type.

  • Returns: AccountType


The clients account base currency (None for multi-currency accounts).

  • Returns: Currency or None

batch_cancel_orders(self, BatchCancelOrders command) → void

Batch cancel orders for the instrument ID contained in the given command.

cancel_all_orders(self, CancelAllOrders command) → void

Cancel all orders for the instrument ID contained in the given command.

cancel_order(self, CancelOrder command) → void

Cancel the order with the client order ID contained in the given command.

  • Parameters: command (CancelOrder) – The command to execute.

connect() → None

Connect the client.

create_task(coro:, log_msg: str | None = None, actions: | None = None, success_msg: str | None = None, success_color: ~nautilus_trader.core.rust.common.LogColor = <LogColor.NORMAL: 0>) → Task

Run the given coroutine with error handling and optional callback actions when done.

  • Parameters:
    • coro (Coroutine) – The coroutine to run.
    • log_msg (str , optional) – The log message for the task.
    • actions (Callable , optional) – The actions callback to run when the coroutine is done.
    • success_msg (str , optional) – The log message to write on actions success.
    • success_color (str, default NORMAL) – The log message color for actions success.
  • Return type: asyncio.Task

degrade(self) → void

Degrade the component.

While executing on_degrade() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a DEGRADING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

disconnect() → None

Disconnect the client.

dispose(self) → void

Dispose of the component.

While executing on_dispose() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a DISPOSING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

fault(self) → void

Fault the component.

Calling this method multiple times has the same effect as calling it once (it is idempotent). Once called, it cannot be reversed, and no other methods should be called on this instance.

While executing on_fault() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a FAULTING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

classmethod fully_qualified_name(cls) → str

Return the fully qualified name for the components class.

  • Return type: str

generate_account_state(self, list balances, list margins, bool reported, uint64_t ts_event, dict info=None) → void

Generate an AccountState event and publish on the message bus.

  • Parameters:
    • balances (list [AccountBalance ]) – The account balances.
    • margins (list [MarginBalance ]) – The margin balances.
    • reported (bool) – If the balances are reported directly from the exchange.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the account state event occurred.
    • info (dict *[*str , object ]) – The additional implementation specific account information.

async generate_fill_reports(instrument_id: InstrumentId | None = None, venue_order_id: VenueOrderId | None = None, start: Timestamp | None = None, end: Timestamp | None = None) → list[FillReport]

Generate a list of


FillReport`s with optional query filters.

The returned list may be empty if no trades match the given parameters.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId , optional) – The instrument ID query filter.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId , optional) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue) query filter.
    • start (pd.Timestamp , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) query filter.
    • end (pd.Timestamp , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) query filter.
  • Return type: list[FillReport]

async generate_mass_status(lookback_mins: int | None = None) → ExecutionMassStatus | None

Generate an ExecutionMassStatus report.

  • Parameters: lookback_mins (int , optional) – The maximum lookback for querying closed orders, trades and positions.
  • Return type: ExecutionMassStatus or None

generate_order_accepted(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, uint64_t ts_event) → void

Generate an OrderAccepted event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order accepted event occurred.

generate_order_cancel_rejected(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, unicode reason, uint64_t ts_event) → void

Generate an OrderCancelRejected event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
    • reason (str) – The order cancel rejected reason.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order cancel rejected event occurred.

generate_order_canceled(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, uint64_t ts_event) → void

Generate an OrderCanceled event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when order canceled event occurred.

generate_order_expired(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, uint64_t ts_event) → void

Generate an OrderExpired event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order expired event occurred.

generate_order_filled(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, PositionId venue_position_id: PositionId | None, TradeId trade_id, OrderSide order_side, OrderType order_type, Quantity last_qty, Price last_px, Currency quote_currency, Money commission, LiquiditySide liquidity_side, uint64_t ts_event, dict info=None) → void

Generate an OrderFilled event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
    • trade_id (TradeId) – The trade ID.
    • venue_position_id (PositionId, optional with no default so None must be passed explicitly) – The venue position ID associated with the order. If the trading venue has assigned a position ID / ticket then pass that here, otherwise pass None and the execution engine OMS will handle position ID resolution.
    • order_side (OrderSide {BUY, SELL}) – The execution order side.
    • order_type (OrderType) – The execution order type.
    • last_qty (Quantity) – The fill quantity for this execution.
    • last_px (Price) – The fill price for this execution (not average price).
    • quote_currency (Currency) – The currency of the price.
    • commission (Money) – The fill commission.
    • liquidity_side (LiquiditySide {NO_LIQUIDITY_SIDE, MAKER, TAKER}) – The execution liquidity side.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order filled event occurred.
    • info (dict *[*str , object ] , optional) – The additional fill information.

generate_order_modify_rejected(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, unicode reason, uint64_t ts_event) → void

Generate an OrderModifyRejected event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
    • reason (str) – The order update rejected reason.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order update rejection event occurred.

generate_order_rejected(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, unicode reason, uint64_t ts_event) → void

Generate an OrderRejected event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • reason (datetime) – The order rejected reason.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order rejected event occurred.

async generate_order_status_report(instrument_id: InstrumentId, client_order_id: ClientOrderId | None = None, venue_order_id: VenueOrderId | None = None) → OrderStatusReport | None

Generate an OrderStatusReport for the given order identifier parameter(s).

If the order is not found, or an error occurs, then logs and returns None.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID for the report.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId , optional) – The client order ID for the report.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId , optional) – The venue order ID for the report.
  • Return type: OrderStatusReport or None
  • Raises: ValueError – If both the client_order_id and venue_order_id are None.

async generate_order_status_reports(instrument_id: InstrumentId | None = None, start: Timestamp | None = None, end: Timestamp | None = None, open_only: bool = False) → list[OrderStatusReport]

Generate a list of


OrderStatusReport`s with optional query filters.

The returned list may be empty if no orders match the given parameters.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId , optional) – The instrument ID query filter.
    • start (pd.Timestamp , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) query filter.
    • end (pd.Timestamp , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) query filter.
    • open_only (bool , default False) – If the query is for open orders only.
  • Return type: list[OrderStatusReport]

generate_order_submitted(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, uint64_t ts_event) → void

Generate an OrderSubmitted event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order submitted event occurred.

generate_order_triggered(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, uint64_t ts_event) → void

Generate an OrderTriggered event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order triggered event occurred.

generate_order_updated(self, StrategyId strategy_id, InstrumentId instrument_id, ClientOrderId client_order_id, VenueOrderId venue_order_id, Quantity quantity, Price price, Price trigger_price, uint64_t ts_event, bool venue_order_id_modified=False) → void

Generate an OrderUpdated event and send it to the ExecutionEngine.

  • Parameters:
    • strategy_id (StrategyId) – The strategy ID associated with the event.
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID.
    • client_order_id (ClientOrderId) – The client order ID.
    • venue_order_id (VenueOrderId) – The venue order ID (assigned by the venue).
    • quantity (Quantity) – The orders current quantity.
    • price (Price) – The orders current price.
    • trigger_price (Price, optional with no default so None must be passed explicitly) – The orders current trigger price.
    • ts_event (uint64_t) – UNIX timestamp (nanoseconds) when the order update event occurred.
    • venue_order_id_modified (bool) – If the ID was modified for this event.

async generate_position_status_reports(instrument_id: InstrumentId | None = None, start: Timestamp | None = None, end: Timestamp | None = None) → list[PositionStatusReport]

Generate a list of


PositionStatusReport`s with optional query filters.

The returned list may be empty if no positions match the given parameters.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId , optional) – The instrument ID query filter.
    • start (pd.Timestamp , optional) – The start datetime (UTC) query filter.
    • end (pd.Timestamp , optional) – The end datetime (UTC) query filter.
  • Return type: list[PositionStatusReport]

get_account(self) → Account

Return the account for the client (if registered).

  • Return type: Account or None


The components ID.

  • Returns: ComponentId


If the client is connected.

  • Returns: bool



Return whether the current component state is DEGRADED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_degraded



Return whether the current component state is DISPOSED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_disposed



Return whether the current component state is FAULTED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_faulted



Return whether the component has been initialized (component.state >= INITIALIZED).

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_initialized



Return whether the current component state is RUNNING.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_running



Return whether the current component state is STOPPED.

  • Return type: bool
  • Type: Component.is_stopped

modify_order(self, ModifyOrder command) → void

Modify the order with parameters contained in the command.

  • Parameters: command (ModifyOrder) – The command to execute.


The venues order management system type.

  • Returns: OmsType

query_order(self, QueryOrder command) → void

Initiate a reconciliation for the queried order which will generate an OrderStatusReport.

  • Parameters: command (QueryOrder) – The command to execute.

reset(self) → void

Reset the component.

All stateful fields are reset to their initial value.

While executing on_reset() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a RESETTING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

resume(self) → void

Resume the component.

While executing on_resume() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a RESUMING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

async run_after_delay(delay: float, coro: Coroutine) → None

Run the given coroutine after a delay.

  • Parameters:
    • delay (float) – The delay (seconds) before running the coroutine.
    • coro (Coroutine) – The coroutine to run after the initial delay.

start(self) → void

Start the component.

While executing on_start() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a STARTING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.



Return the components current state.

  • Return type: ComponentState
  • Type: Component.state

stop(self) → void

Stop the component.

While executing on_stop() any exception will be logged and reraised, then the component will remain in a STOPPING state.


Do not override.

If the component is not in a valid state from which to execute this method, then the component state will not change, and an error will be logged.

submit_order(self, SubmitOrder command) → void

Submit the order contained in the given command for execution.

  • Parameters: command (SubmitOrder) – The command to execute.

submit_order_list(self, SubmitOrderList command) → void

Submit the order list contained in the given command for execution.


The trader ID associated with the component.

  • Returns: TraderId

property treat_expired_as_canceled : bool

Whether the EXPIRED execution type is treated as a CANCEL.

  • Return type: bool


The components type.

  • Returns: type

property use_position_ids : bool

Whether a position_id will be assigned to order events generated by the client.

  • Return type: bool


The clients venue ID (if not a routing client).

  • Returns: Venue or None


class BinanceSpotInstrumentProvider

Bases: InstrumentProvider

Provides a means of loading instruments from the Binance Spot/Margin exchange.

  • Parameters:
    • client (APIClient) – The client for the provider.
    • clock (LiveClock) – The clock for the provider.
    • account_type (BinanceAccountType , default SPOT) – The Binance account type for the provider.
    • is_testnet (bool , default False) – If the provider is for the Spot testnet.
    • config (InstrumentProviderConfig , optional) – The configuration for the provider.

async load_all_async(filters: dict | None = None) → None

Load the latest instruments into the provider asynchronously, optionally applying the given filters.

async load_ids_async(instrument_ids: list[InstrumentId], filters: dict | None = None) → None

Load the instruments for the given IDs into the provider, optionally applying the given filters.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_ids (list [InstrumentId ]) – The instrument IDs to load.
    • filters (frozendict *[*str , Any ] or dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – The venue specific instrument loading filters to apply.
  • Raises: ValueError – If any instrument_id.venue is not equal to self.venue.

async load_async(instrument_id: InstrumentId, filters: dict | None = None) → None

Load the instrument for the given ID into the provider asynchronously, optionally applying the given filters.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID to load.
    • filters (frozendict *[*str , Any ] or dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – The venue specific instrument loading filters to apply.
  • Raises: ValueError – If instrument_id.venue is not equal to self.venue.

add(instrument: Instrument) → None

Add the given instrument to the provider.

  • Parameters: instrument (Instrument) – The instrument to add.

add_bulk(instruments: list[Instrument]) → None

Add the given instruments bulk to the provider.

  • Parameters: instruments (list [Instrument ]) – The instruments to add.

add_currency(currency: Currency) → None

Add the given currency to the provider.

  • Parameters: currency (Currency) – The currency to add.

property count : int

Return the count of instruments held by the provider.

  • Return type: int

currencies() → dict[str, Currency]

Return all currencies held by the instrument provider.

currency(code: str) → Currency | None

Return the currency with the given code (if found).

  • Parameters: code (str) – The currency code.
  • Return type: Currency or None
  • Raises: ValueError – If code is not a valid string.

find(instrument_id: InstrumentId) → Instrument | None

Return the instrument for the given instrument ID (if found).

  • Parameters: instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The ID for the instrument
  • Return type: Instrument or None

get_all() → dict[InstrumentId, Instrument]

Return all loaded instruments as a map keyed by instrument ID.

If no instruments loaded, will return an empty dict.

async initialize() → None

Initialize the instrument provider.

If initialize() then will immediately return.

list_all() → list[Instrument]

Return all loaded instruments.

load(instrument_id: InstrumentId, filters: dict | None = None) → None

Load the instrument for the given ID into the provider, optionally applying the given filters.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_id (InstrumentId) – The instrument ID to load.
    • filters (frozendict *[*str , Any ] or dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – The venue specific instrument loading filters to apply.

load_all(filters: dict | None = None) → None

Load the latest instruments into the provider, optionally applying the given filters.

  • Parameters: filters (frozendict *[*str , Any ] or dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – The venue specific instrument loading filters to apply.

load_ids(instrument_ids: list[InstrumentId], filters: dict | None = None) → None

Load the instruments for the given IDs into the provider, optionally applying the given filters.

  • Parameters:
    • instrument_ids (list [InstrumentId ]) – The instrument IDs to load.
    • filters (frozendict *[*str , Any ] or dict *[*str , Any ] , optional) – The venue specific instrument loading filters to apply.