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Version: nightly


The Cache is a central in-memory database that automatically stores and manages all trading-related data. Think of it as your trading systems memory – storing everything from market data to order history to custom calculations.

The Cache serves multiple key purposes:

  1. Stores market data:

    • Stores recent market history (e.g., order books, quotes, trades, bars).
    • Gives you access to both current and historical market data for your strategy.
  2. Tracks trading data:

    • Maintains complete Order history and current execution state.
    • Tracks all Positions and Account information.
    • Stores Instrument definitions and Currency information.
  3. Store custom data:

    • Any user-defined objects or data can be stored in the Cache for later use.
    • Enables data sharing between different strategies.

How Cache works

Built-in types:

  • Data is automatically added to the Cache as it flows through the system.
  • In live contexts, updates happen asynchronously - which means there might be a small delay between an event occurring and it appearing in the Cache.
  • All data flows through the Cache before reaching your strategy’s callbacks – see the diagram below:
┌─────────────────┐     ┌─────────────────┐     ┌─────────────────┐     ┌───────────────────────┐
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ Strategy callback: │
│ Data ├─────► DataEngine ├─────► Cache ├─────► │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ on_data(...) │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
└─────────────────┘ └─────────────────┘ └─────────────────┘ └───────────────────────┘

Basic example

Within a strategy, you can access the Cache through self.cache. Here’s a typical example:


Anywhere you find self, it refers mostly to the Strategy itself.

def on_bar(self, bar: Bar) -> None:
# Current bar is provided in the parameter 'bar'

# Get historical bars from Cache
last_bar =, index=0) # Last bar (practically the same as the 'bar' parameter)
previous_bar =, index=1) # Previous bar
third_last_bar =, index=2) # Third last bar

# Get current position information
if self.last_position_opened_id is not None:
position = self.cache.position(self.last_position_opened_id)
if position.is_open:
# Check position details
current_pnl = position.unrealized_pnl

# Get all open orders for our instrument
open_orders = self.cache.orders_open(instrument_id=self.instrument_id)


The Cache’s behavior and capacity can be configured through the CacheConfig class. You can provide this configuration either to a BacktestEngine or a TradingNode, depending on your environment context.

Here's a basic example of configuring the Cache:

from nautilus_trader.config import CacheConfig, BacktestEngineConfig, TradingNodeConfig

# For backtesting
engine_config = BacktestEngineConfig(
tick_capacity=10_000, # Store last 10,000 ticks per instrument
bar_capacity=5_000, # Store last 5,000 bars per bar type

# For live trading
node_config = TradingNodeConfig(

By default, the Cache keeps the last 10,000 bars for each bar type and 10,000 trade ticks per instrument. These limits provide a good balance between memory usage and data availability. Increase them if your strategy needs more historical data.

Configuration Options

The CacheConfig class supports these parameters:

from nautilus_trader.config import CacheConfig

cache_config = CacheConfig(
database: DatabaseConfig | None = None, # Database configuration for persistence
encoding: str = "msgpack", # Data encoding format ('msgpack' or 'json')
timestamps_as_iso8601: bool = False, # Store timestamps as ISO8601 strings
buffer_interval_ms: int | None = None, # Buffer interval for batch operations
use_trader_prefix: bool = True, # Use trader prefix in keys
use_instance_id: bool = False, # Include instance ID in keys
flush_on_start: bool = False, # Clear database on startup
drop_instruments_on_reset: bool = True, # Clear instruments on reset
tick_capacity: int = 10_000, # Maximum ticks stored per instrument
bar_capacity: int = 10_000, # Maximum bars stored per each bar-type

Each bar type maintains its own separate capacity. For example, if you're using both 1-minute and 5-minute bars, each will store up to bar_capacity bars. When bar_capacity is reached, the oldest data is automatically removed from the Cache.

Database Configuration

For persistence between system restarts, you can configure a database backend.

When is it useful to use persistence?

  • Long-running systems: If you want your data to survive system restarts, upgrading, or unexpected failures, having a database configuration helps to pick up exactly where you left off.
  • Historical insights: When you need to preserve past trading data for detailed post-analysis or audits.
  • Multi-node or distributed setups: If multiple services or nodes need to access the same state, a persistent store helps ensure shared and consistent data.
from nautilus_trader.config import DatabaseConfig

config = CacheConfig(
type="redis", # Database type
host="localhost", # Database host
port=6379, # Database port
timeout=2, # Connection timeout (seconds)

Using the Cache

Accessing Market data

The Cache provides a comprehensive interface for accessing different types of market data, including order books, quotes, trades, bars. All market data in the cache are stored with reverse indexing — meaning the most recent data is at index 0.

Bar(s) access

# Get a list of all cached bars for a bar type
bars = self.cache.bars(bar_type) # Returns List[Bar] or an empty list if no bars found

# Get the most recent bar
latest_bar = # Returns Bar or None if no such object exists

# Get a specific historical bar by index (0 = most recent)
second_last_bar =, index=1) # Returns Bar or None if no such object exists

# Check if bars exist and get count
bar_count = self.cache.bar_count(bar_type) # Returns number of bars in cache for the specified bar type
has_bars = self.cache.has_bars(bar_type) # Returns bool indicating if any bars exist for the specified bar type

Quote ticks

# Get quotes
quotes = self.cache.quote_ticks(instrument_id) # Returns List[QuoteTick] or an empty list if no quotes found
latest_quote = self.cache.quote_tick(instrument_id) # Returns QuoteTick or None if no such object exists
second_last_quote = self.cache.quote_tick(instrument_id, index=1) # Returns QuoteTick or None if no such object exists

# Check quote availability
quote_count = self.cache.quote_tick_count(instrument_id) # Returns the number of quotes in cache for this instrument
has_quotes = self.cache.has_quote_ticks(instrument_id) # Returns bool indicating if any quotes exist for this instrument

Trade ticks

# Get trades
trades = self.cache.trade_ticks(instrument_id) # Returns List[TradeTick] or an empty list if no trades found
latest_trade = self.cache.trade_tick(instrument_id) # Returns TradeTick or None if no such object exists
second_last_trade = self.cache.trade_tick(instrument_id, index=1) # Returns TradeTick or None if no such object exists

# Check trade availability
trade_count = self.cache.trade_tick_count(instrument_id) # Returns the number of trades in cache for this instrument
has_trades = self.cache.has_trade_ticks(instrument_id) # Returns bool indicating if any trades exist

Order Book

# Get current order book
book = self.cache.order_book(instrument_id) # Returns OrderBook or None if no such object exists

# Check if order book exists
has_book = self.cache.has_order_book(instrument_id) # Returns bool indicating if an order book exists

# Get count of order book updates
update_count = self.cache.book_update_count(instrument_id) # Returns the number of updates received

Price access

from nautilus_trader.core.rust.model import PriceType

# Get current price by type; Returns Price or None.
price = self.cache.price(
price_type=PriceType.MID, # Options: BID, ASK, MID, LAST

Bar types

# Get all available bar types for an instrument; Returns List[BarType].
bar_types = self.cache.bar_types(
price_type=PriceType.LAST, # Options: BID, ASK, MID, LAST

Simple example

class MarketDataStrategy(Strategy):
def on_start(self):
# Subscribe to 1-minute bars
self.bar_type = BarType.from_str(f"{self.instrument_id}-1-MINUTE-LAST-EXTERNAL") # example of instrument_id = "EUR/USD.FXCM"

def on_bar(self, bar: Bar) -> None:
bars = self.cache.bars(self.bar_type)[:3]
if len(bars) < 3: # Wait until we have at least 3 bars

# Access last 3 bars for analysis
current_bar = bars[0] # Most recent bar
prev_bar = bars[1] # Second to last bar
prev_prev_bar = bars[2] # Third to last bar

# Get latest quote and trade
latest_quote = self.cache.quote_tick(self.instrument_id)
latest_trade = self.cache.trade_tick(self.instrument_id)

if latest_quote is not None:
current_spread = latest_quote.ask_price - latest_quote.bid_price"Current spread: {current_spread}")

Trading Objects

The Cache provides comprehensive access to all trading objects within the system, including:

  • Orders
  • Positions
  • Accounts
  • Instruments


Orders can be accessed and queried through multiple methods, with flexible filtering options by venue, strategy, instrument, and order side.

Basic Order Access
# Get a specific order by its client order ID
order = self.cache.order(ClientOrderId("O-123"))

# Get all orders in the system
orders = self.cache.orders()

# Get orders filtered by specific criteria
orders_for_venue = self.cache.orders(venue=venue) # All orders for a specific venue
orders_for_strategy = self.cache.orders(strategy_id=strategy_id) # All orders for a specific strategy
orders_for_instrument = self.cache.orders(instrument_id=instrument_id) # All orders for an instrument
Order State Queries
# Get orders by their current state
open_orders = self.cache.orders_open() # Orders currently active at the venue
closed_orders = self.cache.orders_closed() # Orders that have completed their lifecycle
emulated_orders = self.cache.orders_emulated() # Orders being simulated locally by the system
inflight_orders = self.cache.orders_inflight() # Orders submitted (or modified) to venue, but not yet confirmed

# Check specific order states
exists = self.cache.order_exists(client_order_id) # Checks if an order with the given ID exists in the cache
is_open = self.cache.is_order_open(client_order_id) # Checks if an order is currently open
is_closed = self.cache.is_order_closed(client_order_id) # Checks if an order is closed
is_emulated = self.cache.is_order_emulated(client_order_id) # Checks if an order is being simulated locally
is_inflight = self.cache.is_order_inflight(client_order_id) # Checks if an order is submitted or modified, but not yet confirmed
Order Statistics
# Get counts of orders in different states
open_count = self.cache.orders_open_count() # Number of open orders
closed_count = self.cache.orders_closed_count() # Number of closed orders
emulated_count = self.cache.orders_emulated_count() # Number of emulated orders
inflight_count = self.cache.orders_inflight_count() # Number of inflight orders
total_count = self.cache.orders_total_count() # Total number of orders in the system

# Get filtered order counts
buy_orders_count = self.cache.orders_open_count(side=OrderSide.BUY) # Number of currently open BUY orders
venue_orders_count = self.cache.orders_total_count(venue=venue) # Total number of orders for a given venue


The Cache maintains a record of all positions and offers several ways to query them.

Position Access
# Get a specific position by its ID
position = self.cache.position(PositionId("P-123"))

# Get positions by their state
all_positions = self.cache.positions() # All positions in the system
open_positions = self.cache.positions_open() # All currently open positions
closed_positions = self.cache.positions_closed() # All closed positions

# Get positions filtered by various criteria
venue_positions = self.cache.positions(venue=venue) # Positions for a specific venue
instrument_positions = self.cache.positions(instrument_id=instrument_id) # Positions for a specific instrument
strategy_positions = self.cache.positions(strategy_id=strategy_id) # Positions for a specific strategy
long_positions = self.cache.positions(side=PositionSide.LONG) # All long positions
Position State Queries
# Check position states
exists = self.cache.position_exists(position_id) # Checks if a position with the given ID exists
is_open = self.cache.is_position_open(position_id) # Checks if a position is open
is_closed = self.cache.is_position_closed(position_id) # Checks if a position is closed

# Get position and order relationships
orders = self.cache.orders_for_position(position_id) # All orders related to a specific position
position = self.cache.position_for_order(client_order_id) # Find the position associated with a specific order
Position Statistics
# Get position counts in different states
open_count = self.cache.positions_open_count() # Number of currently open positions
closed_count = self.cache.positions_closed_count() # Number of closed positions
total_count = self.cache.positions_total_count() # Total number of positions in the system

# Get filtered position counts
long_positions_count = self.cache.positions_open_count(side=PositionSide.LONG) # Number of open long positions
instrument_positions_count = self.cache.positions_total_count(instrument_id=instrument_id) # Number of positions for a given instrument


# Access account information
account = self.cache.account(account_id) # Retrieve account by ID
account = self.cache.account_for_venue(venue) # Retrieve account for a specific venue
account_id = self.cache.account_id(venue) # Retrieve account ID for a venue
accounts = self.cache.accounts() # Retrieve all accounts in the cache

Instruments and Currencies

# Get instrument information
instrument = self.cache.instrument(instrument_id) # Retrieve a specific instrument by its ID
all_instruments = self.cache.instruments() # Retrieve all instruments in the cache

# Get filtered instruments
venue_instruments = self.cache.instruments(venue=venue) # Instruments for a specific venue
instruments_by_underlying = self.cache.instruments(underlying="ES") # Instruments by underlying

# Get instrument identifiers
instrument_ids = self.cache.instrument_ids() # Get all instrument IDs
venue_instrument_ids = self.cache.instrument_ids(venue=venue) # Get instrument IDs for a specific venue
# Get currency information
currency = self.cache.load_currency("USD") # Loads currency data for USD

Custom Data

The Cache can also store and retrieve custom data types in addition to built-in market data and trading objects. You can keep any user-defined data you want to share between system components (mostly Actors / Strategies).

Basic Storage and Retrieval

# Call this code inside Strategy methods (`self` refers to Strategy)

# Store data
self.cache.add(key="my_key", value=b"some binary data")

# Retrieve data
stored_data = self.cache.get("my_key") # Returns bytes or None

For more complex use cases, the Cache can store custom data objects that inherit from the nautilus_trader.core.Data base class.


The Cache is not designed to be a full database replacement. For large datasets or complex querying needs, consider using a dedicated database system.

Best Practices and Common Questions

Cache vs. Portfolio Usage

The Cache and Portfolio components serve different but complementary purposes in NautilusTrader:


  • Maintains the historical knowledge and current state of the trading system.
  • Updates immediately for local state changes (initializing an order to be submitted)
  • Updates asynchronously as external events occur (order is filled).
  • Provides complete history of trading activity and market data.
  • All data a strategy has received (events/updates) is stored in Cache.


  • Aggregated position/exposure and account information.
  • Provides current state without history.


class MyStrategy(Strategy):
def on_position_changed(self, event: PositionEvent) -> None:
# Use Cache when you need historical perspective
position_history = self.cache.position_snapshots(event.position_id)

# Use Portfolio when you need current real-time state
current_exposure = self.portfolio.net_exposure(event.instrument_id)

Cache vs. Strategy variables

Choosing between storing data in the Cache versus strategy variables depends on your specific needs:

Cache Storage:

  • Use for data that needs to be shared between strategies.
  • Best for data that needs to persist between system restarts.
  • Acts as a central database accessible to all components.
  • Ideal for state that needs to survive strategy resets.

Strategy Variables:

  • Use for strategy-specific calculations.
  • Better for temporary values and intermediate results.
  • Provides faster access and better encapsulation.
  • Best for data that only your strategy needs.


Example that clarifies how you might store data in the Cache so multiple strategies can access the same information.

import pickle

class MyStrategy(Strategy):
def on_start(self):
# Prepare data you want to share with other strategies
shared_data = {
"last_reset": self.clock.timestamp_ns(),
"trading_enabled": True,
# Include any other fields that you want other strategies to read

# Store it in the cache with a descriptive key
# This way, multiple strategies can call self.cache.get("shared_strategy_info")
# to retrieve the same data
self.cache.add("shared_strategy_info", pickle.dumps(shared_data))

How another strategy (running in parallel) can retrieve cached data above:

import pickle

class AnotherStrategy(Strategy):
def on_start(self):
# Load the shared data from the same key
data_bytes = self.cache.get("shared_strategy_info")
if data_bytes is not None:
shared_data = pickle.loads(data_bytes)"Shared data retrieved: {shared_data}")