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The Portfolio serves as the central hub for managing and tracking all positions across active strategies for the trading node or backtest. It consolidates position data from multiple instruments, providing a unified view of your holdings, risk exposure, and overall performance. Explore this section to understand how NautilusTrader aggregates and updates portfolio state to support effective trading and risk management.
Portfolio Statistics
There are a variety of built-in portfolio statistics which are used to analyse a trading portfolios performance for both backtests and live trading.
The statistics are generally categorized as follows.
- PnLs based statistics (per currency)
- Returns based statistics
- Positions based statistics
- Orders based statistics
It's also possible to call a traders PortfolioAnalyzer
and calculate statistics at any arbitrary
time, including during a backtest, or live trading session.
Custom Statistics
Custom portfolio statistics can be defined by inheriting from the PortfolioStatistic
base class, and implementing any of the calculate_
For example, the following is the implementation for the built-in WinRate
from nautilus_trader.analysis.statistic import PortfolioStatistic
class WinRate(PortfolioStatistic):
Calculates the win rate from a realized PnLs series.
def calculate_from_realized_pnls(self, realized_pnls: pd.Series) -> Any | None:
# Preconditions
if realized_pnls is None or realized_pnls.empty:
return 0.0
# Calculate statistic
winners = [x for x in realized_pnls if x > 0.0]
losers = [x for x in realized_pnls if x <= 0.0]
return len(winners) / float(max(1, (len(winners) + len(losers))))
These statistics can then be registered with a traders PortfolioAnalyzer
stat = WinRate()
Ensure your statistic is robust to degenerate inputs such as None
, empty series, or insufficient data.
The expectation is that you would then return None
, NaN or a reasonable default.
Backtest Analysis
Following a backtest run a performance analysis will be carried out by passing realized PnLs, returns, positions and orders data to each registered
statistic in turn, calculating their values (with a default configuration). Any output is then displayed in the tear sheet
under the Portfolio Performance
heading, grouped as.
- Realized PnL statistics (per currency)
- Returns statistics (for the entire portfolio)
- General statistics derived from position and order data (for the entire portfolio)