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Version: nightly


The heart of the NautilusTrader user experience is in writing and working with trading strategies. Defining a trading strategy is achieved by inheriting the Strategy class, and implementing the methods required by the users trading strategy logic.

Strategies can be added to Nautilus systems with any environment context and will start sending commands and receiving events based on their logic as soon as the system starts.

Using the basic building blocks of data ingest, event handling, and order management (which we will discuss below), it's possible to implement any type of trading strategy including directional, momentum, re-balancing, pairs, market making etc.


See the Strategy API Reference for a complete description of all available methods.

There are two main parts of a Nautilus trading strategy:

  • The strategy implementation itself, defined by inheriting the Strategy class
  • The optional strategy configuration, defined by inheriting the StrategyConfig class

Once a strategy is defined, the same source can be used for backtesting and live trading.

The main capabilities of a strategy include:

  • Historical data requests
  • Live data feed subscriptions
  • Setting time alerts or timers
  • Cache access
  • Portfolio access
  • Creating and managing orders and positions

Strategy implementation

Since a trading strategy is a class which inherits from Strategy, you must define a constructor where you can handle initialization. Minimally the base/super class needs to be initialized:

from import Strategy

class MyStrategy(Strategy):
def __init__(self) -> None:
super().__init__() # <-- the super class must be called to initialize the strategy

From here, you can implement handlers as necessary to perform actions based on state transitions and events.


Do not call components such as clock and logger in the __init__ constructor (which is prior to registration). This is because the systems clock and logging system have not yet been initialized.


Handlers are methods within the Strategy class which may perform actions based on different types of events or on state changes. These methods are named with the prefix on_*. You can choose to implement any or all of these handler methods depending on the specific goals and needs of your strategy.

The purpose of having multiple handlers for similar types of events is to provide flexibility in handling granularity. This means that you can choose to respond to specific events with a dedicated handler, or use a more generic handler to react to a range of related events (using typical switch statement logic). The handlers are called in sequence from the most specific to the most general.

Stateful actions

These handlers are triggered by lifecycle state changes of the Strategy. It's recommended to:

  • Use the on_start method to initialize your strategy (e.g., fetch instruments, subscribe to data)
  • Use the on_stop method for cleanup tasks (e.g., cancel open orders, close open positions, unsubscribe from data)
def on_start(self) -> None:
def on_stop(self) -> None:
def on_resume(self) -> None:
def on_reset(self) -> None:
def on_dispose(self) -> None:
def on_degrade(self) -> None:
def on_fault(self) -> None:
def on_save(self) -> dict[str, bytes]: # Returns user-defined dictionary of state to be saved
def on_load(self, state: dict[str, bytes]) -> None:

Data handling

These handlers receive data updates, including built-in market data and custom user-defined data. You can use these handlers to define actions upon receiving data object instances.

from import Data
from import OrderBook
from import Bar
from import QuoteTick
from import TradeTick
from import OrderBookDeltas
from import InstrumentClose
from import InstrumentStatus
from nautilus_trader.model.instruments import Instrument

def on_order_book_deltas(self, deltas: OrderBookDeltas) -> None:
def on_order_book(self, order_book: OrderBook) -> None:
def on_quote_tick(self, tick: QuoteTick) -> None:
def on_trade_tick(self, tick: TradeTick) -> None:
def on_bar(self, bar: Bar) -> None:
def on_instrument(self, instrument: Instrument) -> None:
def on_instrument_status(self, data: InstrumentStatus) -> None:
def on_instrument_close(self, data: InstrumentClose) -> None:
def on_historical_data(self, data: Data) -> None:
def on_data(self, data: Data) -> None: # Custom data passed to this handler

Order management

These handlers receive events related to orders. OrderEvent type messages are passed to handlers in the following sequence:

  1. Specific handler (e.g., on_order_accepted, on_order_rejected, etc.)
  2. on_order_event(...)
  3. on_event(...)
from import OrderAccepted
from import OrderCanceled
from import OrderCancelRejected
from import OrderDenied
from import OrderEmulated
from import OrderEvent
from import OrderExpired
from import OrderFilled
from import OrderInitialized
from import OrderModifyRejected
from import OrderPendingCancel
from import OrderPendingUpdate
from import OrderRejected
from import OrderReleased
from import OrderSubmitted
from import OrderTriggered
from import OrderUpdated

def on_order_initialized(self, event: OrderInitialized) -> None:
def on_order_denied(self, event: OrderDenied) -> None:
def on_order_emulated(self, event: OrderEmulated) -> None:
def on_order_released(self, event: OrderReleased) -> None:
def on_order_submitted(self, event: OrderSubmitted) -> None:
def on_order_rejected(self, event: OrderRejected) -> None:
def on_order_accepted(self, event: OrderAccepted) -> None:
def on_order_canceled(self, event: OrderCanceled) -> None:
def on_order_expired(self, event: OrderExpired) -> None:
def on_order_triggered(self, event: OrderTriggered) -> None:
def on_order_pending_update(self, event: OrderPendingUpdate) -> None:
def on_order_pending_cancel(self, event: OrderPendingCancel) -> None:
def on_order_modify_rejected(self, event: OrderModifyRejected) -> None:
def on_order_cancel_rejected(self, event: OrderCancelRejected) -> None:
def on_order_updated(self, event: OrderUpdated) -> None:
def on_order_filled(self, event: OrderFilled) -> None:
def on_order_event(self, event: OrderEvent) -> None: # All order event messages are eventually passed to this handler

Position management

These handlers receive events related to positions. PositionEvent type messages are passed to handlers in the following sequence:

  1. Specific handler (e.g., on_position_opened, on_position_changed, etc.)
  2. on_position_event(...)
  3. on_event(...)
from import PositionChanged
from import PositionClosed
from import PositionEvent
from import PositionOpened

def on_position_opened(self, event: PositionOpened) -> None:
def on_position_changed(self, event: PositionChanged) -> None:
def on_position_closed(self, event: PositionClosed) -> None:
def on_position_event(self, event: PositionEvent) -> None: # All position event messages are eventually passed to this handler

Generic event handling

This handler will eventually receive all event messages which arrive at the strategy, including those for which no other specific handler exists.

from nautilus_trader.core.message import Event

def on_event(self, event: Event) -> None:

Handler example

The following example shows a typical on_start handler method implementation (taken from the example EMA cross strategy). Here we can see the following:

  • Indicators being registered to receive bar updates
  • Historical data being requested (to hydrate the indicators)
  • Live data being subscribed to
def on_start(self) -> None:
Actions to be performed on strategy start.
self.instrument = self.cache.instrument(self.instrument_id)
if self.instrument is None:
self.log.error(f"Could not find instrument for {self.instrument_id}")

# Register the indicators for updating
self.register_indicator_for_bars(self.bar_type, self.fast_ema)
self.register_indicator_for_bars(self.bar_type, self.slow_ema)

# Get historical data

# Subscribe to live data

Clock and timers

Strategies have access to a Clock which provides a number of methods for creating different timestamps, as well as setting time alerts or timers to trigger TimeEvents.


See the Clock API reference for a complete list of available methods.

Current timestamps

While there are multiple ways to obtain current timestamps, here are two commonly used methods as examples:

To get the current UTC timestamp as a tz-aware pd.Timestamp:

import pandas as pd

now: pd.Timestamp = self.clock.utc_now()

To get the current UTC timestamp as nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch:

unix_nanos: int = self.clock.timestamp_ns()

Time alerts

Time alerts can be set which will result in a TimeEvent being dispatched to the on_event handler at the specified alert time. In a live context, this might be slightly delayed by a few microseconds.

This example sets a time alert to trigger one minute from the current time:

alert_time=self.clock.utc_now() + pd.Timedelta(minutes=1),


Continuous timers can be set up which will generate a TimeEvent at regular intervals until the timer expires or is canceled.

This example sets a timer to fire once per minute, starting immediately:


Cache access

The trader instances central Cache can be accessed to fetch data and execution objects (orders, positions etc). There are many methods available often with filtering functionality, here we go through some basic use cases.

Fetching data

The following example shows how data can be fetched from the cache (assuming some instrument ID attribute is assigned):

last_quote = self.cache.quote_tick(self.instrument_id)
last_trade = self.cache.trade_tick(self.instrument_id)
last_bar =

Fetching execution objects

The following example shows how individual order and position objects can be fetched from the cache:

order = self.cache.order(client_order_id)
position = self.cache.position(position_id)


See the Cache API Reference for a complete description of all available methods.

Portfolio access

The traders central Portfolio can be accessed to fetch account and positional information. The following shows a general outline of available methods.

Account and positional information

import decimal

from nautilus_trader.model.identifiers import Venue
from nautilus_trader.accounting.accounts.base import Account
from nautilus_trader.model.objects import Currency
from nautilus_trader.model.objects import Money
from nautilus_trader.model.identifiers import InstrumentId

def account(self, venue: Venue) -> Account

def balances_locked(self, venue: Venue) -> dict[Currency, Money]
def margins_init(self, venue: Venue) -> dict[Currency, Money]
def margins_maint(self, venue: Venue) -> dict[Currency, Money]
def unrealized_pnls(self, venue: Venue) -> dict[Currency, Money]
def net_exposures(self, venue: Venue) -> dict[Currency, Money]

def unrealized_pnl(self, instrument_id: InstrumentId) -> Money
def net_exposure(self, instrument_id: InstrumentId) -> Money
def net_position(self, instrument_id: InstrumentId) -> decimal.Decimal

def is_net_long(self, instrument_id: InstrumentId) -> bool
def is_net_short(self, instrument_id: InstrumentId) -> bool
def is_flat(self, instrument_id: InstrumentId) -> bool
def is_completely_flat(self) -> bool

See the Portfolio API Reference for a complete description of all available methods.

Reports and analysis

The Portfolio also makes a PortfolioAnalyzer available, which can be fed with a flexible amount of data (to accommodate different lookback windows). The analyzer can provide tracking for and generating of performance metrics and statistics.


See the PortfolioAnalyzer API Reference for a complete description of all available methods.


See the Porfolio statistics guide.

Trading commands

NautilusTrader offers a comprehensive suite of trading commands, enabling granular order management tailored for algorithmic trading. These commands are essential for executing strategies, managing risk, and ensuring seamless interaction with various trading venues. In the following sections, we will delve into the specifics of each command and its use cases.


The Execution guide explains the flow through the system, and can be helpful to read in conjunction with the below.

Submitting orders

An OrderFactory is provided on the base class for every Strategy as a convenience, reducing the amount of boilerplate required to create different Order objects (although these objects can still be initialized directly with the Order.__init__(...) constructor if the trader prefers).

The component a SubmitOrder or SubmitOrderList command will flow to for execution depends on the following:

  • If an emulation_trigger is specified, the command will firstly be sent to the OrderEmulator
  • If an exec_algorithm_id is specified (with no emulation_trigger), the command will firstly be sent to the relevant ExecAlgorithm
  • Otherwise, the command will firstly be sent to the RiskEngine

This example submits a LIMIT BUY order for emulation (see OrderEmulator):

from nautilus_trader.model.enums import OrderSide
from nautilus_trader.model.enums import TriggerType
from nautilus_trader.model.orders import LimitOrder

def buy(self) -> None:
Users simple buy method (example).
order: LimitOrder = self.order_factory.limit(


You can specify both order emulation and an execution algorithm.

This example submits a MARKET BUY order to a TWAP execution algorithm:

from nautilus_trader.model.enums import OrderSide
from nautilus_trader.model.enums import TimeInForce
from nautilus_trader.model.identifiers import ExecAlgorithmId

def buy(self) -> None:
Users simple buy method (example).
order: MarketOrder =
exec_algorithm_params={"horizon_secs": 20, "interval_secs": 2.5},


Canceling orders

Orders can be canceled individually, as a batch, or all orders for an instrument (with an optional side filter).

If the order is already closed or already pending cancel, then a warning will be logged.

If the order is currently open then the status will become PENDING_CANCEL.

The component a CancelOrder, CancelAllOrders or BatchCancelOrders command will flow to for execution depends on the following:

  • If the order is currently emulated, the command will firstly be sent to the OrderEmulator
  • If an exec_algorithm_id is specified (with no emulation_trigger), and the order is still active within the local system, the command will firstly be sent to the relevant ExecAlgorithm
  • Otherwise, the order will firstly be sent to the ExecutionEngine

Any managed GTD timer will also be canceled after the command has left the strategy.

The following shows how to cancel an individual order:


The following shows how to cancel a batch of orders:

from nautilus_trader.model import Order

my_order_list: list[Order] = [order1, order2, order3]

The following shows how to cancel all orders:


Modifying orders

Orders can be modified individually when emulated, or open on a venue (if supported).

If the order is already closed or already pending cancel, then a warning will be logged. If the order is currently open then the status will become PENDING_UPDATE.


At least one value must differ from the original order for the command to be valid.

The component a ModifyOrder command will flow to for execution depends on the following:

  • If the order is currently emulated, the command will firstly be sent to the OrderEmulator
  • Otherwise, the order will firstly be sent to the RiskEngine

Once an order is under the control of an execution algorithm, it cannot be directly modified by a strategy (only canceled).

The following shows how to modify the size of LIMIT BUY order currently open on a venue:

from nautilus_trader.model import Quantity

new_quantity: Quantity = Quantity.from_int(5)
self.modify_order(order, new_quantity)


The price and trigger price can also be modified (when emulated or supported by a venue).

Strategy configuration

The main purpose of a separate configuration class is to provide total flexibility over where and how a trading strategy can be instantiated. This includes being able to serialize strategies and their configurations over the wire, making distributed backtesting and firing up remote live trading possible.

This configuration flexibility is actually opt-in, in that you can actually choose not to have any strategy configuration beyond the parameters you choose to pass into your strategies' constructor. If you would like to run distributed backtests or launch live trading servers remotely, then you will need to define a configuration.

Here is an example configuration:

from decimal import Decimal
from nautilus_trader.config import StrategyConfig
from import BarType
from nautilus_trader.model.identifiers import InstrumentId
from import Strategy

class MyStrategyConfig(StrategyConfig):
instrument_id: InstrumentId
bar_type: BarType
fast_ema_period: int = 10
slow_ema_period: int = 20
trade_size: Decimal
order_id_tag: str

# Here we simply add an instrument ID as a string, to
# parameterize the instrument the strategy will trade.

class MyStrategy(Strategy):
def __init__(self, config: MyStrategyConfig) -> None:

# Configuration
self.instrument_id = InstrumentId.from_str(config.instrument_id)

# Once a configuration is defined and instantiated, we can pass this to our
# trading strategy to initialize.

config = MyStrategyConfig(

strategy = MyStrategy(config=config)


Even though it often makes sense to define a strategy which will trade a single instrument. The number of instruments a single strategy can work with is only limited by machine resources.

Managed GTD expiry

It's possible for the strategy to manage expiry for orders with a time in force of GTD (Good 'till Date). This may be desirable if the exchange/broker does not support this time in force option, or for any reason you prefer the strategy to manage this.

To use this option, pass manage_gtd_expiry=True to your StrategyConfig. When an order is submitted with a time in force of GTD, the strategy will automatically start an internal time alert. Once the internal GTD time alert is reached, the order will be canceled (if not already closed).

Some venues (such as Binance Futures) support the GTD time in force, so to avoid conflicts when using managed_gtd_expiry you should set use_gtd=False for your execution client config.

Multiple strategies

If you intend running multiple instances of the same strategy, with different configurations (such as trading different instruments), then you will need to define a unique order_id_tag for each of these strategies (as shown above).


The platform has built-in safety measures in the event that two strategies share a duplicated strategy ID, then an exception will be raised that the strategy ID has already been registered.

The reason for this is that the system must be able to identify which strategy various commands and events belong to. A strategy ID is made up of the strategy class name, and the strategies order_id_tag separated by a hyphen. For example the above config would result in a strategy ID of MyStrategy-001.


See the StrategyId API Reference for further details.